4.Love at Night

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(Your POV)

I woke up in the middle of the night with the strange feeling of being watched. I looked around my room, but didn't see anyone. I guess it's just my imagination. I sat up in bed and yawned before getting up and going downstairs to get something to eat. I decided to make some popcorn and watch a scary movie. I got out a bag of popcorn and put it in the microwave, putting it on for two minutes. Once two minutes was over I got it out and went back upstairs to my room to choose a movie to watch. I chose to watch a scary movie. I always loved them, me and my father would sometimes watch them when my mom wasn't around. It was fun. Now he's always too busy with the church since it's gotten so popular. Now you were usually home alone with your little brother, which you didn't really mind. At least your parents were happy and that's all that counts.

I turned on Nightmare on Elme Street and began to watch it. I stuffed my face with popcorn as I did so, that was until I heard someone downstairs. I paused the movie and listened for a second to make sure I was correct and someone did break in. After a few moments of silence I heard footsteps and I stood up. I grabbed the stick I keep in my room just in case my brother tries to beat me with his and hesitantly walk out of my room. I could feel my hands shake as my palms sweat profusely. This has never happened before and I didn't know what to do. I tried my hardest to stay calm and think that my brother needs me to protect him. He's only ten years old he can't defend himself. I take in a deep breath and sigh it out before continuing my journey to the stairs.

I walked onto one step and stop as I tried my hardest not to make it creak. I step down onto the next, and the next, until I was at the bottom of the stairs. I didn't see anything suspicious, but I kept my stick raised, ready to strike just in case. I slowly walked to the living room, but saw nothing there. I turned on the lights to make sure, and that's when I saw it.... That toy clown my brother loved so much sitting in a chair. He must have forgot to get it. I scoffed and rolled my eyes as I gently picked it up and went upstairs, my stick now lowered.

I walked into his bedroom to see him fast asleep on the floor by his trucks. I smiled when I saw him and placed the clown on his bed before picking him up and placing him beside the clown. He snuggled up to it and I pulled the covers over him with a soft smile spreading across my face. Even though he was a pain in my ass, I still loved him. He was my brother after all.

I sigh and walk to my room and turned on the light and almost screamed when I Saw Yedda sitting on my bed eating my popcorn. "What are you doing here?!" I asked her in shock. She looked over at my with an innocent smile. "I couldn't sleep, so I came here." she said as she jumped off the bed and to me. She hugged me and looked at her weirdly. "Why did you decide to come here?" I asked her and she tilted her head before smiling. "I wanted to see my lovely (y/n)~." She purred into my ear. I shivered at the feeling of her breath against my ear, but strangely I wanted more. I tried to ignore it and push her away, but she only held me tighter. "Shh, calm down, I won't hurt you... I just want to pleasure you." She said as she kissed me. At first I struggled against the kiss, but soon leaned into it, wanting more.

Her lips were so soft and delicate that I just wanted to kiss them all day. I don't understand why I love this so much, but I do. I want us to stay like this forever. I know I didn't love her, is this lust? I wrapped my arms around her and most into the kiss as our tongues fought for dominance, I let her win though. We found our way to my bed and rolled around in it, our lips only parting for a few moments for breaths of air every once in a while. I loved this so much and I wanted more, but before we could go further I heard the front door open and my father call out that he's home with mom. I pushed her away to which she looked at me with saddened eyes, but I smiled softly at her. "I'll see you tomorrow, ok?" I said to her. She nodded and stood up. She walked to the window and opened it before jumping out. That was amazing...


I hoped you liked this chapter it took a while to make. Anyways I hope your day was good! See ya!

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