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The next morning I woke up and got out of bed hesitantly. It was so warm I didn't want to leave it, but of course I had to. I dragged my feet to the closet and got out my school uniform and put it on. Why did I even have to go to school? I walk into the bathroom where my brother ran in and smacked me with the stick he kept. "Ow! Dammit Kevin!" I growled at him and with anger fuming in my eyes. He screamed as I changed him downstairs, screaming at him. "Kevin get back here!!" I yelled as I pounced on him and held him to the floor. "(y/n)! What's going on!" Our mom yelled as she came in the room. "He smacked me with the stick!" I yelled as I pointed at him.

"Dammit Kevin! Not the stick!" Mom yelled as she went over and grabbed the stick from him. I smirked at this and got off as he whined and cried for his stick. "You shouldn't have don't that." I said and he glared at me. I smiled and walked back up the stairs and finish what I was doing in the bathroom before going downstairs and eating. I just cooked up some waffles and ate them with syrup. Now it was time for mom yo take us to school! My brother instantly jumped into the truck in the front seat, but I yelled at him and told him to get in the back which he argues against until he gave up and got in the back after mom yelled at him to. I sat in the front and waited for mom to get in, once she was in we drove off, first dropping off my brother and then me.

I walked through the school gates and into the school courtyard where I searched around for Yedda. I didn't see her though which saddened me. Soon I felt someone hug me from behind and I turned around to see Yedda. I hugged her back with a smile plastered on my face. "Good morning my sunshine." She said as she kissed my cheek. I blushed slightly and kissed her cheek in return. "Good morning!" I say and let go of her to which she hesitantly let go of me. Everyone stared at us which made me uncomfortable, but Yedda held my hand and showed me off to everyone with a smile. "Mine!" she said as she held onto me. I couldn't help but giggle at this. She was so cute I love her so much.

(3rd person)

Before y'all  could do anything else a girl walked up to y'all. "You guys seem too happy, do you even know?" She said and I looked at her, perplexed. "What are you talking about?" You asked. Yedda knew exactly what she was talking about and it only made her happy. She was hoping you would be just as happy as her over the news since they have hurt you. You should be mad over them.

"Cecilia, Emily, and Lola all were murdered last night." The girl said. You were shocked by this. You couldn't believe it, they were actually murdered? What monster could have done this! Even though they hurt you they didn't deserve this. They were just misguided is all. There is always a reason for why a person acted the way they do. You began to cry and let go of Yedda's hand as you covered your face to hide the tears. Yedda looked st You puzzled and uncovered your face, putting your hand by her side. "No please don't cry!" she said as she hugged you, trying her best to comfort you by rubbing your back. "It's going to be ok." she said in a soft voice.

This did calm you down a bit ad your cried soon turned to sniffles. You tried to pull away, but Yedda only held you tighter. "Yedda please let go." You murmured and she hesitantly let you go. "Are you going to be ok?" She asked you with a worried tone. You nodded to comfort her and she smiled at you. "You should go home." she said and you agreed with her as you went to the office to call your mom and pick you up. You hated when young people died, or anyone died for that matter, no matter who they are everyone deserves a chance at life.

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