8. Cat Cafe

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You had been talking To Caroline for a week now and apperently y'all have a lot in common. You both loved anime and liked to read. You both also had a passion for dinosaurs and Paleontology. You were pulled out of your thoughts when a hand was waved in front of you. "(y/n), you ok?" Yedda asked as she looked at you worriedly. "oh, yeah, I'm fine." You said with a reassuring smile. She nodded, but didn't seem convinced. She knew how much you were hanging out with Caroline, and to be honest, she didn't like it. She planned on killing Caroline soon so she could have you all to herself again, but something told her it won't be that easy. The school bell rang, signaling for the end of class and the school day. You stood up and packed your things before walking out the door, holding hands with Yedda. "Hey!" You heard a voice say from behind you. You looked over to see Caroline following close behind. You smiled at her and let go of Yedda's hand to hug Caroline which made her smile widely. She had grew feelings over you for the past week, almost to an obsession. She has never loved anyone before, until she met you. You were just so kind and sweet to her that she wanted to keep you forever.

Caroline didn't want to let go of You, but she had to when you pushed against her, signaling for her to let go of you. Yedda glared at Caroline and pulled you close to her. She didn't like her at all. She wanted her dead and gone. You spoke up as you looked at them both. "Why don't we go out to eat?" You said. They nodded and y'all began to walk to go and get something. Y'all decided on a cafe not far from here. It was a cat cafe and it was your favorite spot to sit and have coffee. Y'all sat at a booth, yedda sitting beside you and Caroline sitting in front of you. "So, what do you plan on doing this weekend?" Caroline asked you as she sipped her coffee. You let a cat when it jumped on the table for attention as you answered her. "Nothing much." You said and she nodded. "Why don't we go see that new dinosaur movie?" Caroline asked with a sweet smile. "That does seem fun." You said.

Yedda bumped into the conversation. "Why not instead you spend the night at my house?" She said as she held you close. You giggled at their little rivalry and looked at Yedda before kissing her. "How about I spend the night at your house on Sunday and go to the movies with Caroline on Sunday?" You said. "Don't you have to go to church on Sunday?" Caroline asked you. You nodded. "After church is what I mean." You said. "Sounds good to me." Caroline said as Yedda glared at her. This wasn't fine with her. She needs to kill Caroline. She needs to get alone with her and murder her somehow.

"Of course it's fine with me." Yedda said with a sweet smile. This made you grin and hug her. "I knew you would come around to it." You said with a slight blush. You went back to letting the cat as you talked to it in a baby voice while Caroline and Yedda were having a glaring contest.

After an hour of talking and playing with cats it was getting dark and time for you to go home. You yawned and looked at them. "I better be heading home, my mom with be worried." You said. Caroline frowned at this. "Why don't I walk you home?" she asked. Yedda jumped up. "I'll take you home." she said. You laughed at them. "You both cab take me home." You said. They hesitantly agreed and took you home where you walked inside and said goodnight to them before going to your room and falling asleep.

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