Part 1: Here We Go

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Part 1: Here We Go

"The start of a journey makes the beginning of what could be the greatest adventure of your life."

  Reagan sat on her duffel that was perched by the curb, the video player she packed under her arm as she shuffled through the movies she chose. She looked up when she heard the door swing open. Her boyfriend came stumbling out, his pack over one shoulder and their passports, health cards, and drivers licenses in his other hand.

  "When are they coming, again?" Reagan questioned the blonde boy, brown eyes flicking up as he set down his bag.

  He raised his head, his brilliant green eyes meeting hers, twinkling with amusement. "Relax, Rea." He chuckled. "You'll fit in just fine."

  Reagan scowled and shot a sharp look at him. "I'm not nervous!" She said sharply. 

  Lloyd raised an unconvinced eyebrow but dropped the subject, leaning against the lamp post as he watched his 'not nervous girlfriend' anxiously check the games she packed, tugging at her auburn hair, and sawing on her nailswith her teeth like a frantic beaver with anxiety. The organized, control-obsessive girl was not liking this surprise trip.  Lloyd silently took her hand and moved it down from her mouth before she could damage her manicure any more.  

  Reagan gave a tense smile, glad to have such a great person in her life and moved the hand so it held his. She gave it a tight squeeze before turning back this stare at the road.

🏠 🚍 🏠

  "That's too much food, babe." Siena's phone fell from her hand as she stared at the bags of snacks and coolers that lined their front entrance.

  Cole bit his lip, running a hand through his raven hair but he knew she was right. Siena gave a half-exasperated, half-amused sigh before grabbing a few of the bags and a cooler and setting it aside.

  "This will be good." Siena told him. Cole pouted but took one last container of cake and plopping it in the bags they were taking. Siena rolled her blue eyes and picked her phone back up so she could return to making a playlist for the road.

  "Did you pack my headphones?" Cole yelled from where he randomly stuffed clothes and items into his bag.

  "They're in your pack." Siena called back, moving to look at the front door. Though she had grown more self-confident, flickers of doubt settled in her mind. Trying to shake off the feeling that haunted her wherever she went.

  But as she pressed the home button on her phone an image of her and Cole appeared. Her lips curved into a smile as she looked at it. They had gone for a cliché picnic at the beach together, Cole's arm was wrapped over her shoulders, his face half concealable from his long dark hair as he kissed her head. Siena's blonde hair was wild from the wind coming in from the waves but she smiled blissfully at the camera. Siena shut off the device, confidence spreading in her chest as she went to help her boyfriend pack.

  Cole watched her carefully refold a sweater and place it into the bag. He slid as subtly as he could to his side table and carefully opened the drawer. Slipping a tiny silver box into his pocket.

  🏢 🚍  🏢

  "Gwendolyn, are you packed?" The girl roused from where she fell asleep while eating her breakfast. She couldn't quite remember why her robot boyfriend decided that it was a good idea to wake her up early.

  "Packedforwhat?" She slurred, rubbing oatmeal from the corner of her mouth and placing the bowl in the dishwasher.

  "For....the road trip." Zane gave her a curious look.

  Gwen's green eyes widened as she suddenly remembered. Zane had brought up the idea more than once. At first she thought it was one of those things you just said but didn't actually end up doing like buying a cottage or going off of sugar. Apparently it was a reality as Zane started talking about it more, wanting a break from work and ninja stuff as well as getting to know his brothers's girlfriends.

  "Eh heh." Gwen pulled a fake smile. "Right, that road trip." She quickly shut the dishwasher and backed out of the room.

  "You know there's just so many road trips I can never remember them anymore." She laughed unconvincingly before scrambling to change out of her pyjamas and brush her knotty brown hair.

🚦 🚍  🚦

"Care to remind me why you thought this was a good idea, again?" Isla said dryly as she leaned back and perched her feet on the dashboard. The light of the sun making dots over her dark skin.

  Kai rolled his eyes, slowing to a stop as the light turned red. "I thought it would be good for you. You could take a break from the world and enjoy my lovely company!"

  Isla snorted, turning off Kai's phone so he wouldn't be tempted to send Nya a million texts about safety and not to do anything stupid. (Even though that was his thing.) Nya and Jay had stayed back to look after the city and Brother Bear couldn't hate it more.

  Isla also knew this trip was another one of Kai's guilty apologies from their last breakup. The previous one had gone better than their usual breakups instead being time from each other because Kai was being a jerk (surprise, surprise) which ended in a fight. Isla had then said she needed some time away from him, he spent the two months wallowing while she spent it being productive. Eventually he said sorry and they got back together again. Isla didn't hold a grudge to him, they've broken up so much that the anger was easy to wash away and start over but Kai had a thing for showering her with guilt gifts. Once it got so out of hand that it became the reason of the next breakup.

  "As long as none of them snore, I'm good." Isla sighed, tapping Kai to remind him of the light turning green.

  Kai smirked. "Just so you know it's too late to go back, but Cole snores like a bear."


Authors note****

What do you think? I know the girls would most likely meet each other before this as well as the possibility of them staying with their high school loves for so long is pretty slim and there's a thousand other inaccuracies but work with me here.

Anyway, I hope you liked it! If so please, please smash the little star! It would mean so much to me!

LuckyBugBooks 🐞

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