Chapter 1: Welcome Aboard

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Today was Blake's first day on the job as Ghostbuster. Is he up to the challenge? Find out now.

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Moments earlier, over at the Firehouse, a young man was seen entering the HQ. He was wearing simple clothes, like a jacket, shirt, jeans, and shoes. He was also wearing headphones, which were just resting around his neck. As he entered the Firehouse, he was in awe. He couldn't believe that he was here. He is the newest recruit for the team and it was his first day on the job.

He walks by the Ecto-1B, which he was awestruck by, as he only ever saw this vehicle on the TV. He continued walking, as he also spotted Slimer, in containment. Slimer picked up a card, which had three wavy lines, and closed his eyes. It looked like he was trying to guess what it was on the card, and when he turned it around, he didn't guess right.

The young man looked in front to see Janine Melnitz, the receptionist for the Ghostbusters. She was on a call with someone, a customer.

Janine: "Ghostbusters. Is your haunting an apparition, poltergeist, phantasm, wraith, banshee, demon, specter, tortured soul or...?" She pauses as the caller talks. "What? No. We do not summon dead family members and catch them so you can ask them for the combination of your safe. Yeah, well, same to you, pal." She then hung up.

The recruit walked up to her desk, as Janine looked up and saw him.

Blake: "Uh, hello there. I'm Blake Riley, the new recruit for the Ghostbusters." He introduced himself.

Janine: "Hi, welcome. They told me you were coming. They're waiting for you upstairs, and here, this for you. Your official Ghostbusters uniform."

She then hands a box, which had his uniform inside. He went over to the back, and opened the box. Blake changed into his uniform, as he looked in the mirror and saw his last name, Riley, on his name tag.

Blake went upstairs to see Ray Stantz and Egon Spengler. Ray was wearing a proton pack on his back, and Egon appeared to be adjusting some things to it. Ray then notices Blake standing there.

Ray: "Hey! It's the new cadet. Welcome aboard!"

Blake: "Thank you." He responded as he walked over to them.

Egon: "This might be a little dangerous." He informs Ray.

Ray: "Great. Danger is our life."

Egon: "We'll start at fifty-percent capacity. That should keep any burning or tissue damage to a minimum."

Then, Peter Venkman walks in the room.

Peter: "Hey. If you're gonna burn any tissue, do it to the new kid. You can't use Ray. Our mortgage in his name." He said as Blake nervously looked at him and at Ray.

Ray: "I guess he's right. What's your name again, kid?" He asked.

Blake: "Blake. Riley. Blake Riley, sir."

Peter: "No names, Ray. I don't want to get too attached to this kid. You know, just in case. You remember what happened to the last guy?"

Egon: "Little late for that Peter, as Blake already introduced himself. And I guess for introductions, I am Dr. Egon Spengler."

Ray: "He's the brains and he's the one who made our equipment. And I'm Dr. Raymond Stantz, but you can call me Ray." He then shook hands with the cadet.

Peter: "And I'm Dr. Peter Venkman, the face of the Ghostbusters and I do consider myself as the leader of the group." He said as both Ray and Egon shook their heads.

After the introductions, Blake puts on a proton pack and straps himself in.

Ray: "He's tuned and ready to go."

Egon: "You may feel a little tingle. Good. We've perfected an extensive and rigorous training regimen that will teach you all your equipment's basic functions."

Ray: "It takes some time to achieve Master Throw Skill, but it's definitely worth the effort."

Suddenly, a blue shockwave hits the Firehouse and passes through. The entire building shook, as the Ghostbusters tried to balance themselves. After the shockwave, they all looked at each other.

Blake: "Uh...what was that?" He asked.

Egon: "Was that us?"

Ray: "I don't think so." He replied.

Peter: "Ray?"

Ray: "Had to be some sort of Psi energy pulse. Substantial! A significantly collected and centralized necromantic convulsion level seven or more."

Egon: "Agreed. We need EMF measurement checks now." He said as he had his PKE Meter out and started looking around.

Downstairs, Slimer layed one finger on the glass, as it suddenly broke.

Janine: "I know the answer, but I'm gonna ask anyway... is a level seven, uh, whatever ...bad? Or very bad?"

Egon: "On a scale of one to ten, I would say..."

Peter: "Let me guess, it's seven." He cuts in.

Ray: "Let's just say we're about to get real busy." He said.

Peter: "And that is not the fun kind of getting it, Ray?"

Laughing was then heard, as Ray rushed near the pole and looked downstairs. There, he sees Slimer breaking out of his containment and flies down to the basement.

Ray: "Look out! Slimer's escaped again!" He informed everyone as he took the pole down.

Peter: "No, wait. Come back." He said, unconcerned.

Egon quickly followed after Ray, as Peter just simply went over to the arcade and played some games. Blake just couldn't believe that Venkman wasn't taking the matter seriously. He decided to ignore that, and followed the others. He took the fire pole down and went downstairs to the basement. Slimer was looking at the containment unit.

Egon: "There it is. It seems oddly drawn to the containment grid."

Ray: "He's been fascinated with it ever since you added the viewer to the unit." He said as he then turned his attention to Blake. "Okay. Easy now, cadet. I'll talk you through this. Use the proton stream to get his attention."

Blake takes out the neutrona wand and turns on the pack. As soon as the pack turned on and a humming noise was heard, he couldn't help but feel a bit worried. He puts those thoughts to the side and aimed the neutrona wand at Slimer. Then, he opened fire, as the proton stream missed Slimer and hit the containment unit. Slimer freaked out and left the room.

Ray: "No! Not the Containment Unit! That's some highly sensitive equipment you're disintegrating there, kid!"

Blake: "Oh my god, I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" He apologized.

Then, another ghost appeared and escaped from the containment. It flew over to the same direction Slimer went.

Ray: "Oops! You let one out!"

Egon: "That's my fault. I was fine-tuning the interspatial gasket this afternoon. I'll fix it. You two get those ghosts back." He said as he began working on the containment unit repairs.

Ray: "Hey, this will work out great! Since you're already strapped into a pack, it's a perfect opportunity for some training! Taking the right precautions, Slimer's harmless. Uh, more or less. Not sure about the other guy, though... Okay, let's go get'em, then."

Ray then takes out his neutrona wand and activates his proton pack. He then opened the door which leads to another room in the basement.

Blake: "Uh, Ray, look what happened back there..."

Ray: "Oh, don't sweat about the containment unit. It's easy to get excited your first time out with the proton stream. Egon will fix it in no time." He reassured the recruit.

Ray and Blake go down a hall through another door into a dark room. There, Slimer was just simply floating in the air.

Ray: "Now, first and foremost, before things get out of hand. You want to get to know your proton pack. It can be your best friend out there in the field. Everything you need to know is displayed on the pack itself! Here's where you keep an eye on your current physical condition."

He then turns to the side and showcases the proton pack.

Ray: "The more green that's on the bar, the more damage you can sustain and still stay on your feet. This bar indicates your pack's heat level. When it gets to the top, you'll want to vent the pack and keep it from shorting out and resetting."

He then stands right back up.

Ray: "For the most part, capturing a ghost is pretty straightforward. We break it into three basic steps: Sap 'em, Cap 'em, and Trap 'em. The first step is blasting a ghost to sap its energy."

Ray then proceeded to shoot a proton stream at Slimer. The ghost began moving around, as the recruit also opened fire.

Ray: "You're a wicked shot, Noobie! See that overlay on the ghost? It indicates the current accumulation of a ghost's PKE. The more you disperse, the weaker it becomes." He informed him.

As Blake continued firing, he then hears a little alarm from his proton pack.

Ray: "Pack's moving into the red, cadet! Vent it!"

He quickly vented the pack, before it began to overheat. As soon as it was done, Slimer slipped away as he was getting weaker.

Ray: "Ooh! We lost Slimer!"

Then, the Sloth Ghost appeared when Slimer escaped through a wall.

Ray: "Ugh! And I thought Slimer was disgusting." He commented.

They both threw their proton stream at the Sloth Ghost. The two Ghostbusters also dodged its projectile vomit attack, while it moved around.

Blake: "Hey, Ray, looks like this guy isn't looking too good!"

Ray: "All right, you've got it good and winded. Next state. Cap 'em! Get in there and throw a capture stream on that tub of goo!"

Blake then quickly used the capture stream, as he had the ghost. The Sloth Ghost was desperately trying to wrangle his way out of the stream. The cadet then began to slam the ghost around, trying to get him to sit still.

Ray: "Ouch! That's brutal! We did run a background check on you, right?"

Blake: "This is just like back home before I moved into the city!"

Ray: "Now we can move on to stage three: trap 'em! You're gonna need some place to put that. Throw in your trap, kid!"

Blake then throws in the trap, and a beacon lights up.

Ray: "See that beacon signal coming from the closed trap? That helps you find it when things get crazy." He informed him.

Ray helps Blake bring the ghost over the trap. The trap then opens up, as a cone appears and brings the ghost inside. The Sloth Ghost desperately tries to fight it, but the two Ghostbusters keep him in the center and...the trap slams shut. Trapping the ghost inside.

Ray: "And...there! Oh, yes! One escapee accounted for. Oh, and always remember to retrieve your trap." He said as Blake went over and picked up the trap.

Egon (Radio): "Did you get them?" He asked Ray.

Ray: "Ah, we're batting .500. Slimer slipped out. Our cadet bagged his first one though! A very nasty customer. Oh, and you've got to be very careful about crossing the streams.
In a word: don't do it." He warned him.

Egon (Radio): "Seriously." He tells Blake through the radio.

Blake: "Oh, okay. Got it. No crossing the streams." He noted.

Ray: "Stings like the dickens, too."

Back upstairs, Blake was with the other Ghostbusters nearby the car.

Peter: "Hey, how come this mump gets all the new stuff?" He asked Egon.

Egon: "He's our new "Experimental Equipment Technician"."

Peter: "He gets a cool title, too?"

Ray: "It means he gets to carry around a bunch of untested, extremely dangerous hardware that if not handled correctly could blow him somewhere into New Jersey." He explained.

Blake: "Wait, what?"

Peter: "Oh, this knucklehead lugs around our very dangerous prototype hardware that could potentially blow us into New Jersey? Thanks! Keep the title, kid. It'll work hard for you." He said as he patted Blake's shoulder.

Blake simply frowned and narrowed his eyes at Venkman. Peter ignored the glare and walked over to the Ecto-1B. As he walked away, the new recruit was thinking about what Egon and Ray mentioned about him testing new equipment. What sort of crazy gadgets they will have tested for them. Then, his thoughts were interrupted when Venkman calls out to him.

Peter: "Scooter? We need to go, let's roll."

Blake: "Let's roll? Wait, hold on, where exactly are we going?" He asked as he put his proton pack on the back of the Ecto-1B.

Egon: "Where to, Ray?"

Ray: "The Sedgewick Hotel. It's the first place that little spud will go." He answered.

Egon: "Right. Back to its initial manifestation point."

Egon sait in the middle in the front seat, as Ray went in the back.

Ray: "They've got a real good buffet." He commented.

Peter: "It is a great one. When Winston returns from the opera, extend an invitation to join us at our table at the Sedgewick."

Blake looks over at the receptionist's desk and sees Janine waving at him. He smiled and waved back at her.

Peter: "Hey you! You're up, buddy! Training will be on the job tonight. Try not to destroy too many Manhattan landmarks...that's our job."

Blake rolled his eyes and entered the vehicle. He sat next to Egon. Peter starts up the engine, as the Ecto-1B quickly exits the firehouse. Sirens go off, as the team makes their way towards the Sedgewick Hotel.

The Ghostbusters pulled up at the entrance of the hotel, and exited their vehicle to get started.

To be continued...

So far, not too shabby. The cadet knows the basics on being a Ghostbuster and caught his first ghost. Now, it's time for him and the others to catch Slimer again at the Sedgewick Hotel, which is where the Ghostbusters started their first day and captured Slimer.

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