Chapter 2: He Slimed Me...Again

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Slimer has escaped and returned to the Sedgewick Hotel. Luckily, the Ghostbusters has just arrived and things will go smoother than last time...right?

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Sedgewick Hotel

Blake rolled up his sleeves as he walked to the back of the Ecto-1B with the others. The whole team put on their proton packs and strapped themselves. After putting on the proton pack, Blake puts on his gloves and the goggles, which rested on his head. He was also given a radio and flashlight.

As the team had their equipment ready, they all entered the hotel together. Many people stepped aside and watched them.

Peter: "Nothing to worry about, folks. There's absolutely no reason to panic. We are highly paid, trained professionals. [He then whispers to the group] Alright, stand behind me. Try to look highly trained."

The manager of the Sedgewick Hotel sees the Ghostbusters and approaches Venkman. He didn't look happy, as what the cadet sees.

Manager: "That disgusting green blob is up on
the 12th floor again, wreaking havoc! I demand a refund right now!"

Peter: "Sir, if you check the fine print on our invoice-."

Ray: "Invoices." He corrected Peter.

Peter: "Right,'ll see that your warranty on re-haunting expired some time ago. You should've taken the extended service agreement."

The manager simply grumbled and walked away. Egon took out his PKE Meter and was picking up a signal.

Egon: "I'm getting some interesting PKE spikes here. Disturbances don't seem to be exclusive to the 12th floor. I'd like the chance to look around the building a little more." He informs the group.

Ray: "Good. Dig up what you can. That little greenie shouldn't cause us too much trouble."

Peter, Ray, and Blake walked over to the elevators, while Egon remained in the main area to investigate these readings. Blake looked around the hotel, as it was really nice, and heard whispers from the people inside. Mainly, they were all surprised to see the Ghostbusters. Once the trio made it to the elevators, Blake pressed a button and waited.

When he hears a ding on the elevator and the doors open, he then sees a woman standing there. She looked up and when she saw Blake, the two gazed into each other's eyes. Then, the moment was interrupted when Venkman cuts in.

Peter: "Well, hello. You're perfectly safe now, Miss. The Ghostbusters are here."

Woman: "Back off, loser. Never gonna happen." She tells Venkman as she leaves the elevator.

Peter: "Haha. That approach rarely works with me. I'll show you why later." He declared.

Peter and Ray went in the elevator, while Blake simply watched the woman leave. She then looked back and gave a small wave, and smiled before she left. He smiled at the gesture and waved bye back.

Blake entered the elevator with the others and prepared themselves.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Ray: "Alright ace, get ready." He looked back at Blake.

Peter: "Dr. Stantz, if you'd do the honors?"

Ray: "Proud to, Dr. Venkman." He responded as he activated his proton pack.

Peter: "Part of our settlement with the city: proton packs must remain off in heavily populated public areas." He informed the recruit.

Ray: "And in close quarters. It minimizes the city's liabilities and satisfies the restraining order the maid here had put on us." He added as the trio left the elevator.

Blake: "A restraining order?" He questioned.

Peter: "World we live in today. You shoot a proton stream of highly charged particles at someone...they get all sue-happy! We didn't even burn her! I mean, there was redness! There was some redness!"

Blake: "I don't think I would blame the maid. If someone shot a proton stream at me, I would definitely be suing that person and putting a restraining order." He said.

Then, something comes rolling around the corner...

Peter: "It's him!" He shouted.

He then shot a proton stream towards it. It was actually a hotel porter that was carrying luggage. As the proton stream hit the luggage, the porter screamed and ran away. Ray and Blake looked at Peter, as he stopped firing.

Peter: "Nice. Now we got another plaintiff." He commented.

Peter then turned around and looked at Ray and Blake staring at him. Ray looked exasperated while Blake shook his head.

Peter: "Aw, come on, Ray! I'm the one that gets a face full of slime every time the little green buddy escapes! He doesn't even know me well enough to hate me." He said.

Blake then walked by the luggage, and was about to check a hallway, until the doors slammed shut on him. He stumbled back, surprised by what just happened.

Blake: "What the...!" He exclaimed.

Ray: "That looked painful. Are you okay?" He asked.

Blake: "Don't worry, I'm fine. My face didn't get smashed or anything." He replied.

Slimer's laugh was then heard. Blake grumbled as the trio went down a hallway that wasn't closed off by the ghost. As they continued down their path, floating objects suddenly appeared and tried to hit the team, but they dodged the attack.

Blake: "Okay, now this ghost is really starting to piss me off!"

Peter: "Welcome to the club, junior."

Ray then stopped at a corner, and gestured to Blake to come closer. The recruit slowly moved and peeked around the corner to see Slimer drinking a wine bottle and eating food.

Blake: "Ugh, disgusting blob." He commented, while whispering.

Ray: " We wear him out,
Then we capture him. That's what your proton stream is for."

Blake nodded as he aimed the Neutrona Wand at Simer and opened fire. Slimer freaked out and quickly went through a wall.

Ray: "You've got him on the run! C'mon, let's go! Peter!"

Peter: "Nah, I've seen this one already. Know how it ends. You two have fun though. I'll cover the elevators and escort any ladies safely to their rooms." He said.

Ray: "Yeah, ok."

As Venkman was leaving, Blake stared at him, with a raised eyebrow.

Peter: "Stop staring at me! You're creepier than that ghost. Go down with Ray."

Blake: [sighs] "Seriously, how do these guys deal with someone like him?" He asked himself.

Ray: "I've got a solid signal! Get over here and look at your PKE Meter!"

Blake: "The PKE Meter?" He asked.

Ray: "Alright. Dig it. Your PKE Meter is the cornerstone of any supernatural investigation. Works like a divining rod, point it at psychokinetic energy, it measures electromagnetic fluctuations and heats up. Point it away, it goes cold. Hot is better. Just follow the signal to your target." He informed him.

Blake: [Takes out the PKE Meter] "Oh, it's like a ghost detector! Got it." He said as Ray chuckled.

Ray: "And this signal looks just like your elusive little targeted entity." He said as he was looking over the trail Slimer left.

Blake stood behind him, while aiming the PKE Meter at the slime. Then, Ray also remembered one more thing.

Ray: "Your meter will flash and buzz when it detects a potential signal. The Paragoggles are linked directly to your active PKE Meter. This lets you see otherwise undetectable phenomena, while you track it. Ghost trails, object auras, all kinds of cool events!"

Hearing that, Blake then pulled down the goggles as he continued using the PKE Meter to look for Slimer. They moved to the next area, picking up the trail and leading them to a vandalized set of vending machines.

Ray: "Phew! Whoa! He's definitely been here. Looks like he cleaned out all the snacks."

Blake: "Man, the smell!" He said as he covered his nose.

Peter (Radio): "Ray! I don't feel good!" He shouted on the radio.

Ray: "Peter, come in! You okay? Uh-oh. Man down! We've got a man down! Go, go, go!" He shouted.

Ray kicked down the doors, as they two began to move through the halls.

Ray: "C'mon! Shake a leg! You can move faster than that, can't you? Double-time, cadet!" He yelled as the two began to run.

Blake: "Venkman! Venkman!" He called out as he continued running.

They made it back to the elevators, where they stopped to see Peter on the floor, covered in slime.

Ray: "He's been slimed! Again! Hustle over here and help him up, will ya?" He asked as Blake nodded.

Peter: "How did this even happen? I was covering the elevators!" He complained.

Blake: "Uh-huh. And then, what happened?" He asked as he helped Venkman get back up on his feet.

Peter: "That mutant stromboli snuck up on me. Gah...functified again." He said as he wiped the slime off his face.

Ray: "When one of us goes down, we always help each other out. It's all about teamwork." He said.

Peter: "Oh, no, my friend. That was back in the pre-sliming era. Right now, it's all about payback!" He declared.

Then, Egon radios in with the others.

Egon (Radio): "You guys need to get down here immediately. Our live-in science experiment is tearing apart the lobby, and he's not alone." He informed them.

Ray: "More ghosts? But we gave this hotel a clean bill of health five years ago."

Egon (Radio): "New people die everyday." He said.

Blake: "I mean, he isn't wrong." He commented.

Ray: "Call the elevator, junior."

Peter: "I'm not taking the stairs. Today's not my cardio."

Blake nodded in acknowledgement as he pressed the button for the elevator. The doors opened up as the three went inside and made their way to the bottom floor.

Inside the elevator, loud noises were heard as the three Ghostbusters jumped a bit from it.

Ray: "Alright, Slimer! You've had your fun! The elevator's off-limits!" He yelled out to Slimer. [Uses walkie-talkie] "Egon, come in. I think we're stuck in the elevator. We need some HELP!"

Peter: "Think we're stuck? Well, let's see..." He then bends down and looks at the buttons. [Begins pressing every button] "Think we're stuck, think we're stuck, think we're stuck..." He repeated.[Stands back up and looks at the others] "Ray, Blake, you guys uh...good with officially stuck in the elevators? Show of hands..."

Blake raised his hand and Ray nodded. Then, another loud noise, as they gripped on their Neutrona Wands and looked towards the elevator doors.

Ray: "Here it comes..."

Peter: "Kill it, Ray!" He yelled.

Then, the elevator doors were opened manually, as Egon then showed his face from the other side.

Egon: "Need a hand?" He asked, smiling at the group.

Peter: "You always fail me, Ray. Don't you?" He asked as Ray simply shrugged.

To be continued...

Really been having fun writing the story! Hope you guys are enjoying it too! Anyways, catch y'all in the next chapter or story!

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