Chapter 3: The Alhambra Ballroom

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Dr. Peter Venkman and Blake Riley both work together to take down Slimer in the Alhambra Ballroom.

After Egon helps his fellow Ghostbusters out with the elevator, they all gather in the lobby. There, Slimer was there, only this time, he wasn't alone. Two Bellhop ghosts float around, glowing red.

Blake: "Guys, we got company!" He called out.

Ray: "Nevermind the Onionhead for now. The ghost with the red cap is fighting hard to hold stasis!"

Peter: "Come on! He's a New York bellhop! Just tip him, will ya?" He commented.

Blake: "Now's not really the time to joke around, Venkman!" He then fired a proton stream at the ghosts.

The others began firing at the ghosts. One of the Bellhop ghosts summoned a suitcase and tried to hit Ray, but he quickly evaded the attack and fired the ghost. Blake and Egon used their capture stream on the second bellhop and brought over a trap. At the same time, Ray and Peter caught the ghost and were sucked into the ghost trap. The lobby was a mess, broken glass and furniture was tossed everywhere.

Ray: "The convulsive PK shockwave really stirred the nest. Man, this lobby is so wrecked!"

Peter: "Can we please call Winston and tell him his night off has officially ended?" He asked.

Laughter was then heard, as Slimer flew into the lobby. Then, two more bellhop ghosts appeared. The four fired their proton streams, but the ghosts then split up, going in different directions.

Blake: "They've split up!"

Egon: "Ray, follow me! The others are floating back upstairs. Blake, you go with Venkman and pull our friend Slimer into a trap as fast as you can. There's a massive bulge in these spikes indicating this isn't just some routine clearing job." He said.

Blake: "Got it, Dr. Spengler."

Egon nodded as he and Ray went off to find the bellhop ghosts, leaving Blake and Peter by themselves.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Peter: "He gets so bossy when he hasn't had his nap." He tells Blake as they both followed in the direction where Slimer flew off. "Hey now... is that honey glazed ham... and prime rib?"

Blake sniffed the air, and it did smell like food. He isn't sure if it's the food Venkman listed, but whatever it is, it smells good. And it could grab the attention of a certain green blob.

They both walked through the corridors, till they stopped at the doors to the Alhambra Ballroom. The manager was listening in through the door, and Blake noticed a bit of slime above the doors.

Peter: "There. The Alhambra Ballroom. No way he could pass that up."

Manager: "Absolutely not! You can't go in, the Rodriquez Bar Mitzvah is set to start in half an hour!"

Peter: "I'll bet the beef brisket is today's special."

Manager: "...and you've done quite enough already. I'm sure the... thing ...will just go away..."

Then, laughter and a bunch of objects breaking were heard on the other side. The two Ghostbusters looked at the manager.

Manager: "I...I'm... willing to risk it. You're not going in there!"

Peter: "That's all we needed to hear. Alright, we're out! Coffee time, everyone! Service has been declined beyond this point."

Peter motioned to Blake to leave the area, to which he decided to go through it. But he has a feeling Venkman isn't leaving without settling a score with Slimer. Then, Egon contacted them through the radio.

Egon (Radio): "Sounds like the Alhambra's off-limits."

Peter: "The shnutz you say. Nobody slimes Pete Venkman twice and gets away with it." He said.

Egon (Radio): "Be careful, Peter. Remember the Ellis Island incident?"

Peter ignored that, as he and Blake walked across the lobby. They both stopped at the door to the kitchen.

Peter: "You bring your apron? We're gonna take a little shortcut through the kitchen." [He then opens the door]. "The Alhambra should be right Hello? Chef?"

They entered the kitchen, to see a bit of a mess on the floor. And there seemed to be no one here. Probably all caused Slimer scaring them off.

Peter: "Okay, champion. You lead for a while." He said.

Blake: "Uh, okay?"

Blake went forward until he saw a bunch of kitchen utensils suddenly floating in the air. Then, they were slammed to the floor. Blake decided to take out his PKE Meter and pulled down his goggles to investigate things further. The cadet stops in his tracks, as he sees black slime on the wall. Venkman quickly called out to him.

Peter: "Alright, don't touch the slime. It's slimy...and it's extremely dangerous." He warned him.

Blake then moved out of the way of the slime, as it did appear to be dangerous and he swears he could hear voices coming from it. He and Venkman continued through the kitchen, as they entered through another area and more kitchen utensils dropped to the floor.

Peter: "Yaaghhh! You'd think I'd be used to that stuff by now!"

Blake: "Are you alright?"

Peter: "I'll be fine. Let's just keep going."

Blake continued on walking until the stoves suddenly went off. The cadet ducked, surprised at what just happened.

Peter: "Nothing to worry about. Most kitchens have self-starting pilot lights." He commented.

Blake: "Hm, good to know." He replied as he moved to the other side.

Peter: "Heads up!"

Blake looked to then see a ghost appear out of the black slime and flew towards the next area. Both Ghostbusters followed after it, until their path was blocked by a steel refrigerator. Blake quickly took out his PKE Meter and pulled down his goggles to look around until he saw the ghost from the other side. He was able to identify the ghost as Pappy Sargassi, a sea captain. The ghost sends Dead Fish Fliers after Blake and Venkman.

Blake: "Oh hell..."

Peter: "Okay, I dare ya! Everything but the kitchen sink."

Blake and Venkman began to fire their proton stream at the fish, trying to attack them. They were easily taken down, and Sargassi disappeared.

Peter: "This is why I eat out of a can." He commented.

Blake: "Fair enough, now, how are we going to move this refrigerator out of the way? There's knives sticking out from both sides."

Peter: "Alright, check this out. To trap him, you've gotta grab him and to grab him, you use the other half of the Proton Wand, the Capture Stream." He replied.

The cadet was confused for a moment, as he was aware of the Capture Stream. He has trapped a few ghosts. But then, it clicked. He then used the Capture Stream on the fridge, and surprise, he was able to move it out of the way. Another note to add, in case he and the others would have to deal with obstacles.

Peter: "That's all there is to it. You just throw this junk anywhere. We don't stick around and clean up." He commented.

Venkman took the lead and went left, with Blake following behind him. They made it to the exit, where they are now in the Ballroom. Everything did look very nice and organized, it's no wonder the manager wanted to keep them out.

Peter: "You know, I thought that guy said "Rodriguez Bar Mitzvah"."

Blake: "Honestly, this is gonna sting, blasting that green blob and possibly destroy this Ballroom." He commented as Peter nodded in agreement.

Then, Slimer appeared from behind the bar and flew towards the buffet table, as he began to eat the cake.

Peter: "Would it kill him to mix in a green salad once in a while? I'm gonna take backup. Blast him until he's dazed and then throw your Capture Stream on him."

Blake: "Got it."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

He then walked towards Slimer as he then fired the Proton Stream. Slimer growled as he flew around the room, with Riley and Venkman almost destroying half the room. The green spud disappeared as he hid in one of the tables. Blake took notice and quickly destroyed it, to get Slimer out of hiding.

Peter: "Good, good. That's it, buddy. You've got the little monster breathing hard."

As they kept firing, Slimer grabbed a bottle and threw it at the Ghostbusters, but they evaded quickly. Slimer was getting weak, as Blake quickly switched to the Capture Stream.

Peter: "Got him! Now try to hold him still - you gotta wear him down. When he's tired, you'll be able to put his sorry crater of a butt into the trap."

Blake then proceeds to slam Slimer to wear him down, destroying various chairs and tables. As he is now weak, the cadet throws in his trap as the cone appears, bringing the ghost in. Slimer tries to escape, but both Riley and Venkman keep him in place, as he is now inside the trap. The trap closed, as the red light blinked.

Peter: "Yeah! Perfect! See? That's a big wow. That'll teach that pitiful goop sack to slime Pete Venkman. And, by"

Blake went to retrieve his trap and walked over to Venkman.

Peter: "Perhaps a place setting disturbed. Still pretty much ready. Full go for the Rodriguez blowout."

Manager: "The Alhambra Ballroom! The Bar Mitzvah! What have you done? The guests are arriving in fifteen minutes!"

The Manager ran in the ballroom, in shock. He looked around to see everything ruined. The chairs and tables were destroyed, the marks of the proton stream all over the walls. Blake hissed, feeling sorry for what happened.

Peter: "What seems to be your problem? Thanks to me and my new exclusively assigned recruit here, the festivities can now proceed in an entirely ghost free environment, so you're welcome. Huh? And to the Rodriguez: L'chaim from the Ghostbusters!"

Blake: "Well, hey on the plus side, the buffet table is still intact."

Right on cue, the buffet table collapsed, destroying all of the food and drinks. The manager's mouth dropped, Blake glanced at the now destroyed table and the manager, while Venkman simply whistled.

Blake: "Okay, that's our cue to leave. Bye!"

The two Ghostbusters exit the ballroom, leaving the manager there, looking at the mess. Blake and Venkman then bump into Ray outside the Ballroom.

Ray: "Nice of you guys to join us. You grab the little spud?" He asked.

Blake: "Yep!"

Peter: "Ray, we need to have a heart-yo-blob talk with this one or we are gonna have discipline issues when he's a teenager." He said.

Then, a Proton Stream was heard going off as they see Egon dealing with some bellhop ghosts.

Ray: "Uh-oh! Heads up! Your initiation is over! Now give us a hand! We've got a couple of really persistent, troublesome spirits here!" He tells Blake.

He nodded as the three went to help Egon deal with Bellhop Ghosts in the lobby. They opened fire, much to the Bellhops' dislike. They began to throw projectiles at the team, to which they did hit both Blake and Ray.

Blake: "Ow, that hurt! You're gonna regret that!" He yelled as he fired his Proton Stream again.

He managed to weaken one of the Bellhops as he got him with the Capture Stream and began slamming him. He threw down the trap, and trapped him inside.

Ray: "Nice streaming!"

There was now only one left, as they all used the Capture Stream and slammed him to the ground. Ray threw down his trap, as he and the others kept him in the cone. The last Bellhop Ghost was now in the trap.

Egon: "Yes!"

Ray: "See? That wasn't such a chore now was it?"

Ray retrieved his trap and regrouped with the rest of the team. Then, the manager ran into the lobby, seeing the destruction.

Manager: "Who's going to pay for all this?!"

Ray: "No need to worry, sir. As you know, the Mayor rode to office on a strictly pro-Ghostbusters platform, and we now invoice the city directly for all captures and eliminations.
An unhaunted New York is a tourist friendly New York." He said.

Manager: "No...the damage!" He clarified.

Egon: "The Mayor and city have taken out an extensive insurance policy as well so you're covered."

Blake: "Honestly, I'm sensing some hostility here. Perhaps we should just leave the ghosts here if that's what you would prefer, sir."

Peter: "What he said."

Manager: "No... no. But please, be discreet."

Ray: "Discretion is our professional watch word."

Peter: "Heads up!"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Suddenly, Sargassi flew over them, laughing, and quickly left.

Ray: "Whoa! Where did HE come from?!"

Blake: "It's him! The ghost that Venkman and I saw in the kitchen!"

Egon: "I suppose we should go after him. Unless you want to discuss it first?"

Ray: "Blake. Go with Dr. Spengler. Check out the angry fisherman." He told the cadet.

Blake nodded, as he followed Egon to the direction where Sargassi went. They ran through the lobby, till they reached the stairwell.

Egon: "This way. Looks like he's drifting upstairs."

He opened the doors, as he had his PKE Meter out. It then began to go off, as Egon stopped Blake and glanced upwards. Noises were heard upstairs. Egon gestured to him to remain silent and take point. The rookie nodded and slowly moved upstairs.

Sargassi was simply fishing, until he spotted something, to which he saw a golden fish engraved on the side of the stairs. He throws out a fishing line, collapsing part of the stairs.

Egon: "Look out!" He yelled.

Blake looked up and quickly moved out of the way, as the stairs collapsed behind him.

Blake: "Dr. Spengler! Are you okay?" He called out.

Egon: "Don't worry, I'm fine! Can't get across there! Move! Take the lead! Take this trap!"

He then takes out one of his traps and throws over to Blake, which he manages to catch. Egon walked downstairs, hoping to find an alternative path. Meanwhile, Blake was alone and it's up to him to track down the ghost.

To be continued...

Hey guys, wanted to say thank you guys for the comments on the last chapter! Really happy you guys are enjoying this story and I'm having a blast writing it! See you guys on the next chapter or story!

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