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Norman: I've been waiting a long time.

Dipper: Has been a while, hasn't it?

Norman: Hope you brought me more than one wonton.

(The delivery boy enters behind him)

Dipper: Excuse me? (Sees the delivery boy) Oh.

Norman: (steps out from behind the curtain wearing some sort of helmet) Huh. Well, well, well. Dipper.

(Norman's appearance has also changed, well his hair stayed the same. He has a bit more muscle, he wears a red shirt with a black jacket, dark jeans, and black boots)

Dipper: Norman.

Mabel: (from behind the curtain) Dipper?! (She runs out to hug her brother) I missed you!

(Mabel's hair is shorter, and she has dyed the tips many colors. She transitioned from sweaters to graphic tees, this one has a ghost, she's wearing jean shorts, and she has pink sneakers)

Dipper: Hey Mabel. (He hugs her)

Bennie: I'm Bennie.

Norman: Yes, I know who you are, Bennie. Can I just... Can I have my lunch that I've been waiting an hour for?

Bennie: (hands him the food) You know they make smaller headphones now, right?

Norman: It's an advance in science. Thank you for asking. Probably the future you're looking at. Here you go. (He hands Bennie the cash) Why don't you show Mr. Pines to the door.

Bennie: Oh, it's just the same door we came in from.

Dipper: Yeah, I know how to get out. It's figurative.

Bennie: This seems like a thing I shouldn't get involved with, so I'm gonna bounce. (He leaves)

Dipper: You guys put our book online without my permission!

Norman: I don't need your permission.

Dipper: Of course you need my permission. I wrote that book with you, Mabel, Coraline, Wybie, Neil, Lili, and Raz. My name is on it.

Norman: No. Absolutely not. That book is a whole new revenue stream for me. And I'm, like, one-tenth away from getting a new mini fridge in here.

Dipper: Look, I am up for tenure right now.

Norman: Ooh, "I'm up for tenure."

Dipper: And if my colleagues at the University Google my name, that is the first thing that comes up. Along with a ghost emoji now, thank you very much...that does a little dance.

Mabel: You know what? That book was our baby. And you abandoned that baby before it even learned to fly!

Dipper: Okay, well, books can't fly. And neither can babies, so...

Mabel: You don't know.

Dipper: There is no experimental backing for anything in that book. And it makes me look like a crazy person.

Mabel: (looks in the takeout bag) God! Are you kidding me?

Norman: What?

Mabel: I got one wonton! I got a tub of soup, and I got one split wonton. Look at that, just floating there.

Dipper: I'm sorry you're having a soup crisis right now.

Mabel: There's not even any meat in there. That's just a carrot.

Dipper: Guys, please

Mabel: (dials the restaurant phone number) You're killing me. I got one wonton again. You got to send Bennie back. And tell him no tip. I should charge him. And it was split up the middle!

Norman: Anyway, we're working on a reverse tractor beam.

Dipper: You're working on a reverse tractor beam?

Raz: Yeah we are!

(Lili and Raz enter the room with bags full of wires, computer chips, and a bunch of other stuff. Their appearances have also changed over the years)

(Lili now has a ponytail, a cyan shirt with dark pink pants, a black studded belt, black fishnet gloves, and brown boots. Raz isn't wearing his helmet, but he is wearing goggles, he has on a green v-neck shirt with dark brown pants, he has black fingerless gloves, and black boots)

Lili: What's Dipper doing here?

Norman: He came here complaining about the book.

Lili: I told you not to put it on Amazon.

Dipper-Lili? Raz? Who else is here? Wait, lemme guess. Wybie is behind that curtain, working on some sort of plasma cannon, and Coraline's probably saying, "Don't kill yourself". Come on out guys!

Mabel: Actually, we haven't heard much from Coraline or Wybie.

Raz: Neil is actually out getting lunch.

Norman: We already got lunch.

Raz: ... Oh.

Dipper-So five out of eight of us know about the book being on Amazon, and all these crazy ghost hunting gadgets?

Lili: No, Coraline and Wybie know. But they're off doing their own thing.  Hey, Norman, why don't you let him listen to the EVP?

Dipper: What EVP?

Norman: No. Not... There's no EVP.

Lili: EVP is electro...

Dipper: Electro voice phenomenon. I'm familiar. I know what it means. And there's never been one substantiated.

Norman: Oh, there hasn't? There hasn't been one... You know what? You come with me. With a suit on and you get so cocky.

Raz: A few months ago, we spent eight nights at the Chelsea Hotel. We didn't get anything. Well, we didn't think so. And then later, in the lab, when we were reviewing these tapes...

(He starts the tape. Dipper approaches it... and a fart noise plays. Mabel does a spooky "ooo" noise while Raz laughs)

Lili: Ghost fart.

Dipper: Wow, you really got me.

Norman: You know what? Usually we can't even get people over here. But we have never...

Lili: Came right over to it.

Norman: Never had anybody actually put their face down close to the machine.

Dipper: It's a cool joke. That was funny. It's disgusting.

Lili: Is it more or less disgusting if I tell you it came from the front?

Dipoer: What's next? You gonna give me a wedgie?

Norman: No. I think all of us pretty much feel you have enough stuck up your butt.

Mabel: Burn!

Dioper: Okay, you know what, I thought we could have an adult conversation, but apparently we can't.

Norman: Dipper, if you don't believe in this stuff anymore, then why were you looking for the book?

Dipper: A man came to see me at my work saying his building was haunted.

Raz: What building?

Dipper: The Northwest Mansion. It's obviously a joke. (They start grabbing weapons) What are you doing? Uh! See, this is, this is exactly...

Norman: You guys want to go find some ghosts?!

Mabel: Yes!

(They put their hands in)

Raz: Break!

(Neil walks in the room with food. He lost weight, and has more muscle, he's wearing a blue leatherman's jakcet over a white shirt, dark blue jeans, and brown boots)

Neil: Hey, what'd I miss? (Sees Dipper) Oh, hey Dipper.

Dipper: Wait, you're all going?

Lili: I got the pack. (She puts on a proton pack)

Neil: We're ghost hunting? Wait for me! (He puts the food on a table, then grabs a proton gun)

Dipper: Guys! Please, guys. The book.

Norman: Come on. Let's go!

Dipper: I'm not going with you guys.

Norman: Oh, no. Are you kidding- You were never invited! We need you out of the lab, so I can lock the door.

Dipper: Oh. Well, you said "let's," so...

Lili: Oh, my God. Just pull the...

Mabel: We're wasting time!

Norma: Just close the door behind you, it'll lock!


Dipper: Guys, wait!

Lili: HEY! Taxi!

Neil: Hey! Hey!

Dipper: Norman, come on. Please, just take the book down. Please.

Norman-All right, all right, but you have to introduce us to this guy at the Northwest Mansion.

Dipper: Yes, he would love to meet you.

Norman: Then I will consider, maybe, taking the book down until you get your stupid tenure at your even stupider college.

Dipper: Absolutely. Yes, I will. Yes, of course!

(The taxi pulls up to Northwest Mansion, they get out and start walking up to the mansion until someone stops them)

Garrett: (calls them from across the road) Excuse me! Excuse me!

How is he alive?!

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