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WARNING: There will be mature content in this chapter, you have been warned!

Raquel POV:

"I've got you now, what are you going to do?"

"Um, run?"

"Nope, you already ran."


"Try again."

"Give up?"

"Yep, you got it." He was close to my face; I wasn't sure what he was going to do now. Just as I was about to ask him he kissed me. It was soft and slow at first and then became hard and possessive, like he was claiming me as his, little did he know that I already was. I kissed him back just as needy; needing to feel his body closer to mine I pulled him to me by grabbing a hold of his shirt. I felt him press me against the door with his whole body, when he did I could feel his length on my stomach and boy did it feel big to me. I was so caught up in the kiss and the feeling of him that I didn't even hear anyone come up the stairs until I heard someone clearing there throat.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but Alison is here to talk about what she found in Raquel's room." Alec said and then walked away. Sergio had kept his forehead on mine, while we both struggled to catch our breaths.

"I have been waiting to do that since the first time I saw you." He said kissing me chastely before releasing me, "Why don't you get changed, I'll wait here for you and then we can go talk to Alison about what she found."

"Ok, I'll be back in just a few, why don't you change too? I would say that I'm sorry about pulling you in, but it was just too tempting." I stretched up on my toes and kissed his lips again and darted into the room before he could say anything.

"I will get you back for that just so you know," he shouted threw the door before walking away.

Once I was changed I opened the door but Sergio wasn't out yet so I waited by his door for him. I heard the shower running so I knew that he would still be a few minutes, what I wasn't expecting to hear was him calling my name. Thinking that something was wrong I rushed into his bathroom but what I found was the hottest thing ever, Sergio was stroking himself while thinking about me. I was getting wet watching him; I didn't think that he heard me come in because he didn't stop. I just watched mesmerized in his movements, I'm not normally one to do things like this but it was just so hot to watch.

"Oh god Raquel you feel so good." I whimpered at the sound of his voice, it was dripping with lust. "That's it baby just like that," he said.

I hadn't even realized that I had been moving my hand down to my pussy and rubbing myself until Sergio turned around and saw me, but he didn't stop what he was doing. He opened up the shower door so that I could see him better.

"Why don't you come in here and join me let me help you get cleaned up." I knew there was double meaning to his words but I didn't really care. I stripped off my clothes as fast as I could and joined him in the shower. "Do you enjoy watching me stroke myself while thinking about you?"

"God yes," I said as I was rubbing my clit and watching him continue stroking himself.

"I love watching you play with that delectable pussy you have. I want to taste it myself," he stopped stroking himself and got down on his knees putting him right in front of my pussy and started to assault it with his tongue.

"Oh god, that feels so fucking good," I moaned out while grabbing his hair. I could feel myself getting closer to my orgasm when he suddenly pushed his fingers into me and started to rub that magic spot, instantly I saw stars. "OH GOD YES! I'm coming, I'm coming. Please for the love of god don't stop." And he didn't until I was coming down from my high; he had managed to clean me up, every last drop that expelled my body. When I looked down to see his face he wore a smug grin.

"I'm not god baby, but to watch you coming undone like that it the most wonderful sight to see." I grabbed his hand and tried to pull him up to me, because he is so much stronger then me I knew he was helping me.

"Now it's my turn," I didn't give him a chance to respond before I had his hard cock in my mouth. I swirled my tongue around the head which caused him to hiss. I ran my hand up his leg and gently grabbed his balls massaging them while I was sucking on his cock, I had taken him in as far as I could what wouldn't fit I used my other hand to pump him up and down in time with my mouth. He had been running his hands threw my hair when he suddenly grew larger and gripped my hair tightly, it didn't hurt, quite the opposite it was a pleasurable pain.

"OH SHIT! RAQUEL! I'm going to cum, move." He started to pull my hair so that I would release him but that only spurred me on, I hollowed my cheeks and sucked him hard causing him to cum while he was yelling my name. I swallowed everything that he gave me, when he was done his body sagged against the wall. I had just noticed that the shower water was cold and started to shiver. "Damn baby, that was so," he was breathing hard not able to finish what he was going to say.

"I'm glad that you enjoyed it."

"I more than enjoyed that; I can't believe you did that for me, thank you." He said sweetly and kissed my lips, I thought that he would be grossed out but he wasn't in fact he licked my bottom lip so that I would open my mouth for him and when I did it turned into a heated kiss, I could feel him getting hard again. Just when I thought we were going to have some fun there was a knock at the door.

"Boss! Alison said to hurry the fuck up she don't have all fucking day!" I could easily hit Alec upside the head for cock blocking us.

"Cock blocker," Sergio muttered and I laughed lightly. We finished up the shower as fast as we could because of the cold water once we were done we got dressed and headed to the living room to where Alison was along with the rest of Sergio's crew. I noticed that Iris was also here, when I looked at the clock it was almost 7pm instantly I felt bad that I didn't pick him up like I wanted to. I went to sit next to him but he just looked at me like I was beneath his shoe and that really hurt, instead I sat next to Sergio on the love seat.

"Ok Alison what have you found out?"

"I'm afraid it's not good news, the only prints that I found were of Jessica the housekeeper, yours, Raquel's, and Iris's no one else's. I did find some hairs on the carpet but those belonged to the girls, I also tested the "paint" on the comforter."

"Ok why?"

"It wasn't paint, it was pig's blood." I thought I was going to be sick; I started to get up so that I could run for the bathroom but everything started to get dizzy and then went black.

Sergio POV:

I caught her just before she hit the ground, I knew that she was going to be sick but once she got up and started to sway I was right there so she would fall. I was shocked to hear that it was pig's blood that was on her blankets it made me want to be sick, now I really wanted whoever it was to rot in hell. I picked her up and laid her down on the loveseat that we were on and placed a blanket around her to keep her warm, I knew that her body was in shock.

"Andres call Dr. Monica I want her to come and check on Raquel, I know that her body is in shock right now but I want someone to look her over." He nodded and did as I told him too.

"Anibal, I want more security around Raquel let's see about getting another guard with her, it's nothing against you Liam so please don't take offense, something tells me you are going to need the help soon."

"Not a problem boss I understand completely, I want her to be safe as possible also."

"Alison do you have anything else that you need to add to what you found out or was that everything?"

"No there's more, I looked into how someone would have obtained pigs blood and how it would have to be stored so that it wouldn't smell and how long it would take to dry. Whoever did this would have to have done it as soon as you got here or before, it takes almost 6 hours for the blood to dry. It also has to be in a tightly sealed container so that the smell isn't noticed. As far as obtaining it well that's the tricky part, they don't just sell it you would have to know someone who worked at a slaughter house or kill the pig yourself but with the amount of blood there was, there is no way that one person would be able to get that amount of blood by themselves."

"So whoever did this knows someone who works at a slaughter house right?"

"I would guess so, I'm no expert at this but it's my belief that they would have yes. If someone did this themselves then they knew what they were doing or used many pigs to get that amount. When I checked the bed it went all the way threw the mattress and was dripping on to the floor. You are going to have to replace the carpet, bed and everything else in the room I'm sorry."

"FUCK!" I screamed I was frustrated that this person had gotten in here without us noticing. "I want this place on lockdown nobody enters without my knowledge; I want security upped outside also. I want to be notified of any and all activity when I'm not here are we clear on that?"

"Yes sir!" They all said in unison. Anibal had just come back from his security detail that I requested at the same time Dr. Monica showed up.

"What happened here Sergio?" Monica asked me as she knelt next to me and Raquel.

"This is Raquel; she received some rather harsh news a few minutes ago. She turned ghost white and then stood up like she was going to leave the room, when she stood she started to sway and then passed out. I just wanted you to check her over and make sure that everything was ok with her, she's important to me and I want her well taken care of."

"Ok why don't we put her up in her bedroom and then I can check her over without doing this in front of everyone." I nodded and pulled her into my arms carrying her upstairs and into my bedroom; I didn't want to put her in hers yet because I wanted to be the one to watch over her.

"I'm going to put her in my room so that I can watch over her, her room is just that hers and I don't want to invade that, I've already invaded her life enough as it is."

"I understand Sergio your life isn't easy and now that she's here you're going to have to watch over her as well."

"And her brother, he's only 17 but she has custody of him because there parents have passed away."

"Wow, how long ago was that?"

"Her father passed away about 4 years ago and her mother and step-father passed away a couple of years ago."

"Wow that must have been tuff for her and now she is being thrown into this life?"

"Not my life per say but someone is after her or using her to get to someone else. She's a waitress at Good Eat Diner that's where I met her at, I've known of her for about 3 months but I haven't really gotten to know her yet. She just had to move in with me two days ago, we've talked while she was at work but that was it. One day a couple of weeks ago I got a call from Alison that someone had broken into her apartment and then later which was two days ago it happened again. I showed up at her apartment because I was called by Alison, I was worried about Raquel because she is such a lovely woman so full of life and vibrant and then one day coming into the Diner she was just so out of it. I don't know if she knew it or not but I could tell there was a difference so I had Liam watch her and then Alison called the first time. So now she's here, it happened again yesterday was the third time, someone got into the house and put pigs blood on her bed. Alison was just telling us what it was when she passed out." I had to explain some of what was going on so that Monica would know what to do to help her out if she could.

"I see, well I hate to say this but we are just going to have to let her wake up on her own. I know that you don't want to hear it but it's her body's way of dealing with the stress of everything. Once she is awake I'll be able to look at her better but I don't think there is anything wrong just based on what you are telling me."

"Ok I'll call you then when she wakes, is there any idea when that might be? Should I expect her to wake up tonight or will it be days?"

"It won't be days Sergio don't worry so much, she will wake up either tonight or tomorrow depending on how fast her mind heals but it won't be days."

"Thank you for coming out Monica, I'll call you when she wakes up. Are you going to be around or do you have to work at the hospital tonight?"

"I'm on call so if you call and I don't answer right away then I'm at the E.R just leave me a message and I'll call you back when I can ok?"

"Yeah, thanks again," I knew that she worked at the hospital so I didn't want to keep her longer then needed. Monica showed herself out while I stayed by Raquel, I wasn't ready to leave her yet. I stayed by her side the entire night and at some point Carmen came in and asked if I wanted anything to be delivered up to my room and if there was anything she could do for Raquel or me. I had her bring dinner up and some bottles of water with a small cooler to store them in, I figured if Raquel woke up she might be thirsty and would like to have something cold for her.

I must have fallen asleep at some point during the night because when I woke up I felt someone running there hand threw my hair; I turned my face toward the person and was rewarded by the fantastic smell of Raquel. When I opened my eyes she was watching me, I slowly sat up in the bed so that I didn't startle her.

"Hey baby, how are you feeling?" She just shrugged her shoulders not really telling me anything, I moved so that I was laying down more and pulled her to me so that she was cradled into my side. "How long have you been awake and why didn't you wake me up? I didn't mean to fall asleep; I was waiting for you to wake up."

"It's ok, it was nice to wake up wrapped up in your arms I actually felt safe for a change. I haven't been awake that long maybe about 30 minutes or so, I just liked to watch you sleep you looked so peaceful."

"I know the feeling, I liked having you in my arms when I went to sleep and waking up to your beautiful face." I tiled her head up so that I could kiss her but she turned her face just at the last minute so I kissed her cheek, that wasn't going to work so I shifted us so that she was lying underneath me and kissed her lips.

"What do you feel like doing today?"

"What time is it? I have to be to work at 10am and I can't be late again." I rolled over to look at the clock when I looked I couldn't believe how early it was.

"It's only 5am, why don't you get some more sleep and I'll set the alarm for you so you have plenty of time to get ready and won't be late."

"Can you set it for 8am that will give me plenty of time to wake up and get ready." I nodded rolled back over to set the alarm and rolled back to her pulling her to my side and quickly falling back to sleep.

Raquel's POV:

When I first woke up I could feel something heavy around my waist, at first I thought it was the person who was after me but then my other senses started to come around and I could smell Sergio's sent. It took me a couple minutes to figure out how I ended up in here again but then everything came rushing back to me.

After he set the alarm we both went back to sleep, that was the first time in a long time that I felt safe enough. When the alarm went off, I went to roll over but was stopped again by strong arms holding me still. I felt him reach behind and literally smack his alarm clock; I'm guessing he wasn't ready to get up yet.

"Call in sick today baby, I don't want to let you go just yet. Or better yet just quit and let me take care of you and your brother," he whispered to me.

"I quite like this too but I need to get to work I'm sorry." I didn't answer him on the quitting my job, it would be nice but I was too used to taking care of myself that I couldn't let him do it. I felt him hold me tighter before reluctantly letting me go, I slowly got off the bed and headed to my room.

Once I was showered, alone unfortunately, dressed and ready for work I still had 30 minutes left before I had to leave so I went to the kitchen to get something to eat. Carmen was in there getting things ready for dinner that night and asked me if I wanted anything to eat before work.

"Could I just get some toast, I'm not really hungry right now."

"Sure dear, how are you feeling."

"I'm ok I guess, my stomach is still upset but I'll be fine." She handed me the toast with butter, I thanked her for it and started eating while I was walking to my truck.

I got to work with Liam following me, he sat in the Diner again just like yesterday only this time Lauren didn't say anything to him. He had brought something to work on while he was here, I wasn't sure what but I didn't ask either. Lunch came and went like every other day but Sergio and his men didn't show up, I guess he had something he needed to do today, it was disappointing but there wasn't anything that I could do about it. Once my shift was finished Liam and I headed home, on the way there I noticed another car following us, and I wasn't sure what to do about it so I called Liam.

"Hello Raquel, to what are you calling me for?"

"Did you notice that you have another car behind you? It's been there since we left the Diner and I wasn't sure if I should just go home or not."

"Yeah I noticed that too, why don't you turn here at the next light and we'll see if they really are following us ok? Stay on the phone with me but put it on speaker so that it's not so obvious to them that we're talking ok? I'm going to leave it so they see me on the phone."

"Ok, I'm switching to speaker now." When the next light came up I turned like he had said to but the car was still behind us. "They're still there now what?" I was getting nervous about them something didn't feel right about the whole thing.

"Keep driving, do you know the way to the police station?"

"Not really, I haven't been in this area before, I knew how from my apartment but not from here."

"Ok then I'll tell you which ways to go, at the stop sign take a left, I'm going to pull into a driveway and then pull out behind them so don't freak out on me ok?"

"Too late for that I'm already freaked out." I said laughing nervously.

"There's no reason to be, I'm pulling in now keep driving until you get to the stop sign then turn left ok?"

"Yeah ok," I responded to him, I watched as he pulled into some random driveway acting like he was going to park and then pulled out behind the car that was now behind me. The front window was tinted so dark that you couldn't see inside to know who the driver was. "The front window is tinted; I can't see who the driver is."

"All the windows are tinted that dark, it's ok though. I'm going to call in the plate number but I don't want you to hang up the phone ok? I have another cell with me; I'm going to put you on speaker so you can still talk to me ok?"

"Ok," I said. I could hear him getting the other phone out and dialing numbers, I didn't know who he was calling.

"Hey it's me I have a plate number I need you to look up for me, Raquel's being followed right now. I have her on speaker with the other phone so that we can still talk." He rattled off the number on the plate and waited until they told him who it was. "Shit, not good Char. Call boss and tell him the situation, I don't want to be in on that info at all." He said laughing to the person; I'm guessing it was Charlotte the computer guru. "Thanks, I owe you one." He ended the call and started to talk to me again. "Ok here's the situation, the person behind you it one of Vicunas' men, he doesn't know that we know it's him so I want you to keep driving but we are going to lead him to a warehouse. Don't freak out yet, this is one of Sergio's places, Char is calling him now to tell him what's going on and he will be meeting us there. At this next intersection I want you to go right ok, take that all the way until I tell you to turn again, straight threw the stop signs and lights got it?"

"Yeah I got it, I'm turning now then." I followed his directions all the while the car following me, until we came to the warehouse. That's what it really looked like to; on of those old abandoned factories that everyone had forgotten was still there.

"What now? Do I just wait or go into the warehouse and were would I go?"

"Boss was reluctant but you are going to walk into the warehouse like you were supposed to be there, remember Boss has eyes on you so don't worry ok. I turned off just down the street so it didn't look like it was a trap and set him running before we got him. I want you to walk into the warehouse and you will see a set of stairs to your right go up there and then lock the door no matter what you see or hear DO NOT open that door ok?"

"Got it, I'm going to hang up the phone now, thanks for everything Liam." I was acting like I was getting things ready to take out of the truck, I didn't know what this place had inside but I wasn't sure I really wanted to walk around and find out either. I got out of the truck with my phone in hand; I tried not to look around to see if I could see anyone, and walked into the building. Just like Liam had told me there were stairs to my right so I started walking up them, when I got there I found the office easily and went inside locking the door. I leaned against it and breathed out in relief, I had made it this far now, Sergio and his men would take care of the rest. I looked around the office and found that it was really nice in here, there was one window I'm guessing went to see the warehouse activity but there was a blind on it and I wasn't about to open it to find out. The desk was clean, looked to be made of a dark wood of some kind with a glass top to it, on there was a computer, phone, pens, and paper the normal things for a desk. But what caught my eye was a picture frame, when I picked it up I was shocked to see it was a picture of me. I was working at the Diner waiting on tables when it was taken, I thought it to be odd that he would have a picture of me while I was working, but when I looked at the date it was just before he started to come in everyday, it was taken the second time that he had come in. I didn't want to go threw his desk even though I was curious, I knew there were things that I didn't need or want to know about. I settled into the chair and grabbed the notepad that he had sitting there but something was written on it.


I know that you don't want to use anything in the office but you can, I have nothing to hide from you. The computer is yours to use there are some games and wi-fi. The password is your full first name and the year you were born. The office is sound proof so you won't be able to hear anything that is going on down below, I hope that will ease your fears some. I do have to say that I am so very proud of you, first for noticing that car behind you and calling Liam right away about it and second because of how strong you were while we tried to get you here safely. I watched you while you were in the truck even though you couldn't see me, the way it looked like you were bent over trying to get things together before you came in while you were really talking to Liam was very smart of you. I'm not sure how long this will take but when it's over I will come and get you, I am the only person who has a key to the office and once you locked the door nobody will be able to get in, even if they tried to shoot at the door, you are safe in there. I must go for now but please use the computer while you are here and if you want snoop threw everything like I said I have nothing to hide from you, you have my permission.



I couldn't believe that he would let me snoop threw his stuff, yes the idea was appealing but I still wanted to give him some privacy. He has told me about his conversation with Dr. Monica this morning and why he had put me in his room and not mine so the least I could do was respect his as well. I turned to the computer and put the password in and got another shock, his background was a picture of me sleeping. I just shook my head, how was he getting these pictures without me knowing? It didn't really matter to me much it's not like I was naked in any of them so it was fine. I pulled up my fan fiction account and started going threw some new stories to pass the time.

Until next time
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