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Sergio POV:

When Char called and told me that Liam and Raquel were being followed by one of vicuna's men I was pissed. When Liam told me that he was behind the car I was a little relaxed, then he told me what Raquel had done about seeing the car and calling him right away and that she was doing good under the pressure she was in. I was so damn proud of her, I knew that I was falling for her but to know that she could handle herself in a situation like this made me fall for her even more. I didn't want to have her here in the warehouse but I wanted to take care of this guy so I told Liam to bring her here and to wait in the office, I quickly ran up there to make sure it was clean. Everything looked fine so I wrote her a note telling her that she was safe and that if she looked threw anything I didn't really care it was the truth too. I wasn't going to hide anything from her, I also gave her the password she would need after I changed it the other one would be too hard to write and I didn't want to write the actual words incase someone found it. Liam had text me that they were here so I went to the roof and stood there watching her, I knew they couldn't see me even if they looked but I could see everything they did. She was smart to be off the phone before getting out or else the man may have suspected that she was on it the whole time. Once she was in the building I went down and waited to see if this guy was going to come in or not, we didn't have to wait long before he showed up. I had told all of my men to stay out of sight I wanted to watch this guy and see what his plans were.

"Where the hell did she go?" The man said to himself, he pulled out his phone and started to dial. "Hey boss, I followed her like you said...yeah...I'm at some warehouse right now...why? I don't know...ok, ok...I can't find her anywhere it's like she vanished...I'll see if I can find one, I'll call you when I find her." He hung up the phone, the person on the other end's voice was too low for me to hear what was being said but I knew that his only reason for following her was to kidnap her and I wasn't going to allow that. I watched him walk around looking behind pallets and boxes that were stacked up, then he started walking towards the stairs that's when I let myself be known to him.

"Is there a reason that you are snooping threw my building?"

"There was a women here have you seen her?" I just raised my eyebrow at him saying 'are you serious' but he didn't seem to catch on, moron. "I was following her here, she said she would be just a minute but I was getting worried about her so I came in looking for her." What a bunch of shit, I knew that he wasn't worried about her and that he never talked to her but I stayed silent waiting to see what else he might say.

"I haven't seen a woman here, are you sure she's still here? There was only one car out front that I saw when I came in." If he were to check now Raquel's truck had been towed down the road and covered with a tarp so that it wouldn't be found.

"Shit, I hope she didn't leave." He started walking back towards the door when two of my bodyguards blocked his exit by standing in the door with there arms crossed over there chests. "What the hell?" Did this guy really not know who he was messing with? Brady and Anibal grabbed his arms and brought him to a chair that we had sitting in the middle of the place. Once he was seated Andres tied him up expertly, if he moved then the ropes would tighten, if he stayed still then he would be fine.

"What the hell is going on? I haven't done anything!" If he really thought that I was buying his shit he was sorely mistaken.

"What is your name and who do you work for?"

"Fuck you why should I give you my name? I don't work for anyone asshole!"

"It's not very smart to be yelling at the person who is having you tied to a chair now is it? I want to know who you work for so that way when I kill you I know where to send the body. I would like to attach a note with your name on it so that they will know who it is I sent them." I told him in my most demanding voice, I could visibly see the man shudder.

"Listen I don't know who it is ok? I was just told to pick her up and call when I was done then they would tell me where to drop her off at."

"Is there a reason why you did this? Money, drugs, someone after your family perhaps?"

"I don't do drugs."

"Then it must be money, my guess is that you owe someone big and they are going after your family to collect. In turn by going after MY family they will leave you and your family alone am I correct?" He didn't say anything just nodded his head.

"This is what you are going to do then; I want you to call your boss and tell them you found her and are bringing her in. You will do this on speakerphone, I don't want any funny business either."

"Why so that you can kill me after you get the information? I'm going to die either way so what difference does it make to me?"

"If you do this I might just let you live. IF I let you live then you will be working for me, I won't go after your family either and I will make sure that they are safe. I'm giving you a second chance at life it's in your hands now."

"What would I have to do for you?"

"I'll let you know when the time comes only if this works out. If it doesn't then well there is nothing I can do for you. Take it or leave it it's your choice."

"Personally man if I were you I would take the deal, I can guarantee that you won't get this opportunity again. I've known him since I was 3 years old and he has never and I mean never given anyone a second chance that has crossed him." Andres told him, he wasn't lying either I don't give second chances. I could see this guy really considering taking this offer, I just hoped it didn't back fire on me.

"Ok I'll do just as long as my family is safe I don't care what happens to me."

"What's your name?"

"Adam Davies sir."

"I want you to call your boss, once that is done then we can go from there." I nodded to Andres to untie him but only one hand; I didn't want to take any chances that he ran. Once Jazz untied his hand he got his phone out and put it on speaker right away then dialed the number.

"Did you find her?" The voice asked I didn't recognize who it was.

"Yeah I got her, man that bitch can fight too. I got her tied up and taped her mouth shut she's in the back of the car now, what's next boss?" Adam asked, he sounded like he was cool not in any trouble at all, I was hoping that I could trust this guy not to fuck me over.

"Do you know where the old watermill is?" Adam looked up at me to see if I knew and I nodded, he told the guy he knew where it was. "Good bring her there, I'll be waiting for you there." He hung up the phone without saying anything else; once the dial tone sounded I knew that it was safe to talk again. Andres tied up his hand again but used a different knot so that it wouldn't tighten when he moved but he wouldn't be able to get lose either.

"Ok we are going to that watermill, Liam I want you to take Raquel home and don't let her leave either I know that she was going to get Iris from school but I'll have Sam pick him up. Anibal, Andres, and Brady you all will be coming with me while Alec I want you to stay here with Adam. IF everything goes well then I will release Adam myself. Adam sit tight and for your sake hope for the best, if you some how tipped them off that we are coming then it's your life on the line along with everyone else got it?"

"Yes sir got it. I will swear on my daughter's life that I didn't tip them off."

"What are your daughters' name, and any other family members that you have."

"My wife is Vanessa, my 6 year old is Elizabeth but we call her Liz for short, and my 8 year old is Vera. My children mean the world to me and I would do anything for them, don't get me wrong I love my wife too but my girls are my pride and joy."

"I can understand that, I don't have any children myself right now but I hope to one day." I can't wait to watch Raquel's stomach swell knowing that my child is in there, I just hope that it's a girl who looks just as beautiful as her mother. Once everyone was ready we headed out to the watermill, I made sure that we had plenty of ammo, guns, knives, and anything else that we would need even C4. I have every intension of blowing this place up, but first I needed to get Raquel home. I walked up the stairs and unlocked the door to find that she was on the computer so engrossed in her reading she didn't hear me come in.

I cleared my throat to get her attention, "I'm glad to see that you didn't sit up here bored."

"No, I didn't know what else to do so I started catching up on some of my stories that I read online, are you done already?"

"Not quite baby, Liam is going to take you home, Sam is going to pick up Iris, and the rest of us are heading to the old watermill. Right now I don't want you to leave the house ok; they think that the person who was going to kidnap you is bringing you to them so I don't want to tip them off by someone seeing you around town ok."

"Ok, I'm not going to fight you on my safety anymore. I just want to go home, shower and go to bed; this has been a long and tiring day."

"Fine with me and do try to get some sleep then. Liam is downstairs waiting to take you home, I'll be home as soon as I can." I pulled her into my arms and placed a gentle kiss on her lips, keeping my arm around her I walked her to Liam. Once she was gone I turned to the rest of the guys left telling them to follow me. The watermill was about an hour away from us so on the drive we did some planning, thinking of the best way to get in and take them off guard. Brady and Andres went in threw the back while Anibal and I went in threw the front; I wanted them to see me coming but not until it was too late for them to do anything. Once in the watermill there were two guards sitting around doing nothing, I quietly snapped there neck and laid them down on the ground. When that was done we moved further into the building, peeking around corners to see if there was anyone in the way. I could see Andres and Brady on the other side, in the middle of the watermill there was two men sitting down. I quietly stepped around the box that was hiding me, when I did both men jumped to there feet drawing there guns from there holders.

"What are you doing here? Where is Adam?" The one man said, he looked familiar but I couldn't think of his name.

"I have come to collect you, Adam is at the warehouse detained for a moment, and he asked me to let you know there was a change of plans."

"I know who you are Marquina and I know that Adam didn't send you. He's on his way here now with your girlfriend." The second one said smugly, if he only knew. I laughed lightly while raising one eyebrow at him questioning his thoughts.

"What makes you think that? How did I know where you were, I mean someone would have had to tell me right?"

"Then we can wait until he gets here with your girl and see what happens," the first guy said.

"What are your names, I mean you know who I am so it's only fair that I know who you are."

"My name is not important to you; you're going to kill me regardless of what it is anyway."

"I'm curious, you look familiar to me and I can't place where I know you from."

"Yeah right," the first guy scuffed, I turned to the second one maybe he would be more helpful he hasn't said anything so far.

"What's your name since your friend won't tell me his." The guy just shrugged his shoulder at me, not very nice if you ask me. "Ok well since neither of you really want to cooperate then there is nothing left for me to do. Guys lets torch the place, I don't want anything left of this when it's gone." The two goons looked at each other and started to run, not knowing there was no place for them to go. Andres and Brady caught them both easily and strapped them down to the chairs they were sitting on when we first came in. I was done fucking around with these people and tapped there mouth shut so I wouldn't have to listen to anything they had to say, I was tired, cranky, and just wanted to go home and cuddle with Raquel for the night.

"Berlin and Denver I want them tied up and making sure there is no chance for escape. Check for id as well make sure that there is nothing on them linking them to us either." When in a situations like this we didn't like to use real names on the off chance that something went wrong and they did get out. "Rio hand me the gas and then you can go I'm going to get the pleasure of watching these fuckers burn. Let this be a lesson learned to late for you, don't mess with me or my famiglia."(family) I started pouring the gas around them, not too close but close enough that they were going to feel the heat first; I started the fire and watched as they both started to squirm in the chairs trying to find a way out but I knew that Berlin has them tied so there is no way out for them. As I walked away satisfied they were going nowhere and they knew it, I trailed the gas behind me making sure to get other areas of the watermill, it's a good thing they don't use this place anymore. Once out of the building I walked to the car leaving the gas can behind at the door waiting for the fire to catch up to it and watched as it exploded. When you could hear the sirens in the distance it was time to go home, we all climbed back in the car and headed to the warehouse where Adam and Alec where at. When we got there Adam was telling Alec about his kids and wife, it was nice to hear that he loved them so much, he was also telling about how he got into this mess to begin with.

"I had a gambling problem up till about 6 months ago, but it was too late by then I guess. I had a bookie come after me but I didn't know that he was part of the Vicuna family, when he caught up to me I was almost 100 grand in debt, I know that doesn't seem like much but when you're unemployed it was. I had lost my job do to the addiction and my wife was on the verge of leaving me for it. When the guy said that he would take the money from my family I didn't know what he meant at first, then he told me in detail what he would do to them, needless to say I said I would do anything they wanted me too. What I didn't know at the time was that it was going to be kidnapping another mafia leader's wife, if I would have known that I think I would have just killed myself instead. I really am sorry about all of that I had no idea at the time that she was with you." I could tell that he was real with me; he really had no idea what he was to do. I really like the thought of Raquel as my wife, someday soon I hope that she would be but for now I wasn't going to correct him on it.

"You're luck that I'm giving you another chance, as Jazz told you before I have never done that before and I won't be doing it again. But you did right by me this time, most people in your shoes would do the same thing but then turn at the last second and stab me in the back by somehow alerting them to the fact that I was coming. I'm going to let you go, I want you to call your wife and have her and the kids pack bags for them and you. I'll have Alec take you home to pick them up and the bags and will bring you back to my house, from there we can decide where you are going to be the most help to me."

"I understand sir; I really do appreciate you not killing me right now." I nodded and untied him letting him call his wife and children. Once that was done Alec and he took off in the car to his house and I headed home to mine where I could finally see Raquel and make sure that she was indeed ok.

Raquel POV:

When Liam and I got back to Sergio's the first thing I did was take a nice long hot bubble bath to relax. I understood that I was in danger but I guess I never thought that someone would try to kidnap me. Liam told me that they had the person who was following me at the warehouse and that he told them what was going to happen to me next, but Sergio was going to give him another chance, I'm not sure if it was because he had a wife and kids or if there was some other reason. I didn't think that mafia bosses ever gave second chances and Liam said that Sergio has never given anyone a second chance but he must have seen something in this guy that made him do it. When I was done with my bath I put on some sleep pants and a tank top and walked downstairs to the kitchen, after everything that has happened today I was finally starting to get hungry. Carmen wasn't there, I looked at the clock in the kitchen and noticed that it was 11pm no wonder she wasn't here; she did leave a note for us that said how to re-heat the dinner she prepared for when we were hungry. That was one nice thing about living here, I didn't have to cook, I can but I'm not that great at it I usually eat take out or something from a box or can.

I noticed that Sergio still wasn't home yet and was starting to get worried about him; Iris was home already along with Sam and Liam so I wasn't totally alone but it felt that way. After I finished eating I rinsed my plate off and put it in the dishwasher and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. I was just heading upstairs when I heard the front door open and the sound of voices. It sounded like two little girls and I wondered who they were, I walked over to the front door and stopped dead. There was Sergio, Andres, Anibal, Brady, Alec and a family I didn't know, one of the girls that I heard had to have been around 7 or 8 at the oldest and the other one looked to be around 4 or 5.

"I need you girls to be quiet for me please, there maybe some people sleeping and I don't want to disturb them yet ok?" He wasn't trying to control them just asking nicely to be quiet.

"Ok mister Sergio, where is your wife you said that we would get to meet her, is she sleeping too?" The youngest one asked him, it was cute how she thought he was married and honestly it warmed my heart that he didn't correct her either.

"She might be, she's had a hard day today and I don't want to wake her up ok? But you will get to meet her in the morning before she goes to work I'm sure and her name is Raquel." I walked around the corner so that I was visible to everyone but Sergio didn't notice me right away he was too busy with the girls. "She works at the Diner so she has to be up really early in the morning to be at work and make sure that her brother gets to school too."

"I don't really have to be in that early," I said quietly so that I didn't startle anyone. Sergio looked up from the girls and gave me a big smile which I returned I was glad to see that he was home and safe.

"Hey love, we didn't wake you did we?" He asked coming over to me and wrapping me in his strong arms, I wrapped my arms around his waste hugging him back just as tightly.

"No, I was just heading back upstairs when I heard the door open and the sound of two little girls talking so I though I would come and see who it was."

"I'll introduce you in a minute, please don't be alarmed ok. I know that I didn't tell you before but it was kind of a last minute thing, I'll explain everything later ok?"

"I'm not worried baby I trust you to know what you are doing and you must have had a good reason why." I stretched up on my toes and kissed his jaw lightly, he tightened his hold on me briefly before letting me go and turning us around to meet the others.

"Raquel this is Adam, his wife Vanessa, there 8 year old Vera, and there 6 year old Elizabeth but they call her Liz for short. Ladies this is Raquel, her brother's name is Iris and he is 17 but I think he's asleep right now."

"Hi, nice to meet you."

"You too, um I just wanted to say sorry about earlier today." Adam said, he at least sounded sincere about it.

"I would say that I understand but right now I don't, if Sergio is willing to give you another chance then I will try as well." I wasn't going to say that it was ok and I forgive him because honestly I didn't and wasn't sure that I ever could.

"That's all that I ask I can understand if you never forgive me for what I have done." I nodded my head in understanding at least he wasn't expecting me to ever forgive him. I wasn't sure how much his wife knew and didn't want to say much in front of the kids either they didn't need to know what was going on in this world.

"I'm going to head up to bed, it was nice meeting you all I'll see you in the morning for breakfast. Carmen can cook a great breakfast too." I turned to Sergio then, "don't forget to leave her a note about the additions also she left your dinner in the fridge with how to reheat it."

"I'll go with you," he turned to the other then. "I'll be right back, why don't you wait in the living room and then we can go over where everyone is going to sleep when I get back." Anibal and Andres lead the way to the living room while Sergio and I went up to my room. Just as I was going to walk into my room Sergio grabbed a hold of my hand dragging me into his room. I wasn't sure what he wanted to I just stayed by the door waiting for him to tell me what to do.

"I want you in my bed tonight, I mean if that's ok with you. I just want to hold you after everything that happened today." He was standing in front of me looking me in the eyes letting me see that vulnerability in him. I nodded my head yes, truthfully I didn't want to sleep alone either I wanted to feel his body next to mine and know that he was safe for another night. He walked me over to the bed and pulled down the comforter for me, I felt a little silly being tucked into bed by him.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing, it's just like being tucked in when I was a kid it was funny when that thought went threw my head is all."

"I...yeah I guess you're right, I didn't even think about that. You're silly baby girl get some sleep I'll see you in the morning, is there anything that you want me to have Carmen make for breakfast?"

"No, just don't stay up to much longer please it's already after midnight and I want you in here with me soon."

"I'm just going to get everyone settled for the night and then I will be up." He gave me a sweat kiss on the lips before leaving me in the room. Once my head hit the pillow I was out for the night, I didn't even feel when Sergio came to bed.

Sergio POV:

Once I had Raquel tucked in my bed I went back downstairs and started to form a plan where everyone was going to sleep. I still had two bedrooms upstairs I wasn't sure if the girls would share a room or not, I guess if they didn't then someone would have to sleep downstairs and I wasn't sure how to work that either.

"Ok so I have one bedroom upstairs that is available and two more down here, I'm not sure what the sleeping arrangements are so that is up to you guys."

"The girls normally sleep in the same room, so we can stay in either place." Adam told us, his wife just gave him a look that clearly said he was sleeping on the floor. I'm guessing that she didn't know about his problem until today when he told her why they had to leave the house.

"I'll be sleeping in the same room as the girls, you mister will be sleeping someplace else. Do you have any animals here?" She asked me, I think I liked her she was going to make him sleep outside if I did.

"No I don't, but I don't think that would be necessary even if I did, like I said I have 3 other rooms available to use. Iris, Raquel, and I are all upstairs."

"Then I will sleep up there, the girls can sleep down here that way if they wake up there is less chance of them waking anyone else up in the process." Adam said that was fine with me so I nodded my head and showed the girls the rooms they would be sleeping in. Vanessa chose to stay in the same room with her daughters; there was a sofa bed in there as well that she could sleep on if she wanted too. I took Adam upstairs and showed him the other room that he was going to sleep in, I can't remember the last time that the house had this many people in it. Andres and Anibal had both left for the night wanting to get home to there wives I'm sure and Brady, Sam, Liam, and Alec all went to the guard's house. I had another guest house in back of the property for all of the workers, they needed there space too. When everyone was settled for the night I went back into the kitchen and reheated the dinner that Carmen had left for me while I wrote her a note letting her know that we have a few guests in the house so to make extra for breakfast and dinner the next couple of days. I wasn't sure how long they were going to be here or what I was going to have Adam do yet.

When I got to my room I opened the door slowly so that I didn't wake Raquel, but she was sound asleep already. I crawled in next to her and wrapped my body around her, I just needed to feel her and know that she was safe her in my arms.





I know nothing about guns or how to kill someone so if this isn't correct I apologies now.

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