That Brave Fearless Girl

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You guys are SO spoiled! Two chapters in ONE DAY! Anyway I would like to dedicate this chapter to @ShopitzLover4ever

"Kiddo wake up! Get up! Time for school!"
Sophie mumbled something like 'five more minutes' but got up anyway. Sophie put on a white tee, a navy tunic, a purple cape and adjusted her Ruewen crest. That's how you spell it, right? She ran downstairs then leaped on to the Leapmaster. When she got to school, like always, her best friend; Dex was waiting for her with a big grin on his face. "Why you so happy?"
"Lex, Bex and Rex got GROUNDED and they can't come to Foxfire!"
"Yeah! It is!"
They walked toward their lockers, which were right next to each other. "Ew!" Sophie groaned. "Tastes like Iggy Farts! Don't ask me how I know that!" Sophie added, disgusted as she licked her locker.
"How?" Dex smirked, then Sophie glared at him and shook her head.
"Time for P.E."announced Magnate Leto on the speakers. Don't know if the Elvin World had speakers tho.
"P.E., least favourite class of the day and we have it twice a week." Sophie sighed, mostly talking to her self. Though nodded when Dex agreed.
They hooked arms and went toward the P.E. room. "Alright prodigies, today we will learn how to boost our energy mentally." Sir Harding was saying when they walked in. They went to the level 6 prodigies. "Take all the metal energy you have and push it to your legs. If you're trying to jump far/high then push your metal energy to your legs, or your feet, or if you are trying to lift/throw something heavy, transfer not push you mental energy to you arms, you get right?" He showed how to jump the farthest. "At the end of Class we will have a competition whoa can throw and jump the farthest. Every one have it?" When everyone mumbled 'yes' then he added, "START!"

Sophie's POV.

I transferred all my metal energy to my arms, forgetting I was an Enhancer. When I  transferred my mental energy to my arms, I tried to pick up a big rock, and throw it. It counteracted, meaning it had a reverse effect me. It threw me back. I blacked out...

Fitz's POV

Sophie, Sophie Foster the most beauti-
"Fitz, snap out of it!" My very strict teacher; Lady Warth my Study Hall teacher called out to me
"Oh-uh-sorry!" I stuttered, I just couldn't get Sophie out of my mind. All the girls want me and I don't return their feelings, and the only eyes I have for was Sophie Foster, and she probably didn't return my feelings. My thought got interrupted by... Tiergan?
"Fitz Vacker." He looked around the room, when he spotted me he said, "Ah, there you are. Telepathy got rescheduled to right now." Tiergan looked at Lady Warth, "Is that alright with you?"
"No. You can't just go around stealing my students." Lady Warth glared at Tiergan.
"I'm not. Magnate Leto said I had to."
"Fine. But I don't fancy it!" Lady Warth sighed.
When we walked out of the Silver Towers I asked, "What is it?"
"Sophie was injured in P.E., she is lying in Elwin's office. You're the only one that she responds to, she can't get out of the bed so I was thinking you could do Telapathy in there."
I nodded.
When I got to Elwin's office Sophie was groaning then Elwin sighed, "Fitz I'm going to leave you here with Sophie. Someone in Elementlisum got struck by a Tornado."

Sophie's POV.

Yes Fitz.
I'm sorry.
For yelling at you.
It's... its ok, I shouldn't have invalided on your privacy.
I was not mad at you ease dropping. I was mad that you found out...
Found out what?
That-that I like you.
Oh-no. I knew this would happen.
I knew that when I told you that I have a crush on you, you would hate me.
No I don't hate you, I-I like you too. But why do you like me? I'm that, and I quote from Linh 'That stupid, freaky girl with those brown eyes!'
Well I don't agree with her.
What? Why?
Because you are brave, confident, beautiful, fearless, and many other things.
By that time Fitz was so close, I could feel his breath warming my cheeks, even though they were already warm from my blush. I decided to be that brave, fearless girl he was talking about. I leaned in and kissed him. But the thing was, he kissed back.

When they were confessing their feelings for even other, I tried to make it as least sappy as a could

YAY!!!!!!!! 764 WORDS!!!!!! Anyway. Ohhhh.... I love cliffies! (Cliffhangers!)... but it's not really much of a cliffie XD

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