Asking and Telling

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That kiss was short and sweet. But... not short enough. In the middle of the kiss, Elwin and girl came in. The girl who was dumbfounded, started crying. At this action Fitz and Sophie started to pull apart. "Did I interrupt something?" Elwin raised a bushy eyebrow.
"No." They both said quickly then looked at the ground, or anywhere else except each other. But, they kept stealing glances with each other.
"Well then. Fitz you leave or stay. Sophie let me check you, then you're free to leave." Elwin flashed an orb around her head, it turned bright green which indicated that she was all good. "Bye Sophie and Fitz!" Elwin saluted to them.
Sophie locked hands with Fitz who flinched. Sophie pulled away, embarrassed, once again. But Fitz looked her in the eyes. This time his eyes didn't make her flutter, somehow, it made her feel . . . different? Fitz grabbed her hand. "Lunch time already! Uh-oh!" Sophie was the first to talk.
"Dex, Keefe!"
"What about them?" Fitz thought for a moment then a worried look took over his face. "Oh well, let's just tell 'em!"
Sophie shrugged, "Kay."
When they got to their normal table, Dex grimaced at the sight of 'Wonderboy' and Sophie's hands. "Hands. Explain." Dex confronted them when they sat down.
"I feel a surge of emotions coming from Foster and Wonderboy. Spill." I looked like a artist had just painted a smirk on Keefe's face.
"Well... we... um... Fitzsoophiekissxlass and yeah." Sophie said to Keefe and Dex.
"Let me translate that for you. Sophie and Fitz had a kiss together in Telepathy." Biana translated from excited girl gibberish to the regular form. Dex's mouth hung down. For the rest of the lunch Dex and Keefe wouldn't talk to them.

----------Time Skip (2:30 hours)--------

"Hey! Soph! Wait up!" Fitz called after Sophie.
She turned around, "Yeah?"
"You free this Saturday?"
"Have any formal wear?"
"Do you have a crush on me?"
"Then, do you want to go on a date with me to Eternalia at 6:30?"
"Yes, yes a million times yes!" She leaped onto Fitz and gave him a BIG bear hug.

That part was a bit, scratch that REALLY cheesy tho.

Hey guys! Sorry this is really short. The next chapter will be better anyway. (Maybe, I dunno if the next chapter will be better tho. I'll try tho) I use the word tho to much.



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