The Make Over

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Note: Lots of pics.


Sophie woke up to the bright Sunlight of the morning. Date. Fitz. Yay. No. Sophie was freaking out. Biana! Sophie ran down stairs. Edaline was making this greenish, brownish breakfast. "Yellow!" A/N: I meant to put Yellow.
"Hi sweetie! Why are you up so early." Edaline greeted Sophie
"Forgot to close the blinds."
"Did you ever talk to Jolie about... boys?" Sophie whispered the last part.
"FitzKissedMe." Sophie blurted out.
"He did?"
"Yeah. Anyway, he then asked me out on a date. Today."
"Then go get dressed and ready!"
Sophie walked up the stairs. When she got in here room, she saw her imparter. Biana Sophie thought again. She walked over to it. 'Biana' she typed.
"Hello?" Biana's delicate voice said.
"Remember when you promised that you would do my makeup at the sleepover?"
"Can you give me that makeover now?"
"I have a date with your brother."
"I'm hoping its with Fitz."
"Sure. I'll be right over." Biana said in a giddy voice.
------------- 5 minutes later -----------
"Sophie, Biana's here. Can she come up?"
"YEAH!" Sophie yelled back. Biana raced up the stairs with 2 bags. "What's that?" Sophie pointed to the Bags.
"Makeup." Sophie stared wide-eyed. "Sit down." Biana brought out a hair straightener, gold eye shadow, light pink lipstick and blush, and curler. "Sit still." Biana took out the straightener. She took a little hair and ran the straightener down it. Then she braided it. Then she took out the curler and curled the ends of the hair. It looked like this:

"Now for the Make Up." First  Biana applied a pink color lipstick:

Then some golden Eyeshadow:

This was her over all look. Without the hair, and pretend she has brown eyes.

"Soph, can we pick out a dress? Can we go to Atlantis?" Biana said as a statement,  not as a question.
"Sure." Sophie sighed. There was no way to get out of this.
When they got to this dessert looking place, there was a bottle marked One World Pool. Sophie uncapped the bottle, then
It still was still nerve racking, even after 6 years of living there. Biana was right behind her. They found a really good store called Flower's Gem. When they walked in they saw dozens of dresses. Biana liked so many dresses and showed them all to Sophie, but all Sophie did was shake her head. But when Sophie saw this one Dress, she immediately fell in love with it.
"Hey, Bi! What about this one."
"That dress is to DIE for! Fitz will love it!"
They went to the Lady at the front desk. "That will be .005 lusters." Sophie transferred the lusters to the Locket on the Lady.
"Shoes! Shoes! Shoes!" Biana chanted.
"FINE." Groaned Sophie. The shoe store they went to was called Blossom on a Tree.
"What about these shoes?" Biana said, holding up a pain of green high heels.
"Finally, something we both agree on!" Sophie sighed.
"What about you dating Fitz?"
"That to." Sophie rolled her eyes.
They went back to Everglen on the Eurypteird. "Hey guys!" Della greeted them. "What did you get?"
Biana pulled out the dress and the shoes:

And the:

"Go get changed." Biana smiled. Sophie raced upstairs, she checked her imparter. 6:17! Hurry up! Hurry up! Just as Sophie slipped on the clothes, the doorbell rang. Biana came into her room, "Sophie, Fitz is here."
Sophie rushed downstairs, evened out her dress and smoothed her hair then opened the door. Fitz was wearing jerkin and dress pants with a brown cape and his Vacker crest fastened on his cape. He put his arm around Sophie and whispered, "You look amazing."

*I'm actually post on Fridays and Wednesdays. Also I AM REALLY SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG TO UPDATE!

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