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A silky silver-grey tom leapt the border over into ThunderClan's territory. The ginger and white tom that was waiting just inside the border came to a halt beside him.

"How're you?" He asked him with an approving glance.

"I'm fine." He replied. "We'd better meet up with the others."

They kept going until they reached a stream that meandered north towards ShadowClan's camp. It was close to the Thunderpath which made it smell unpleasant to the nose, making his nose twitch. Gracefully he followed his companion, wading into the river and boosting the ThunderClan leader along, who wasn't doing as well.

"Ugh, water." The ginger tom spat as he climbed out of the water and shook his pelt.

"Waters fine." The silvery-grey tom replied with a flick of his tail, his glossy pelt shining.

"Easy for you to say." The ginger tom muttered.

Not replying, the two toms made their way slowly up to the Fourtrees. The wind was making the fiery ginger coloured tom shiver.

"Can we get to some shelter?" Said the ginger tom, his amber eyes almost pleading.

"We're here." He said thankfully. "Just up ahead." They padded through the trees until they came to a stop as they saw two she-cats, one was a sleek black colour and the other was a brown she-cat with tabby stripes.

"Hello Shadowstar and Windstar." They all dipped their heads to each other.

"Greetings Thunderstar. Greetings Riverstar." Shadowstar dipped her head to them.

Riverstar looked over to Thunderstar who was still shivering from the water.

"Looks like someone got their paws wet." Windstar chuckled.

"Mhm." Thunderstar nodded and turned away.

"Let's go to the Fourtrees now." Shadowstar took the lead, going in front of Windstar.

Riverstar sweeped his tail along the floor. He almost bounced in excitement as they reached the Fourtrees and each took turns on getting up onto the Great Rock. Riverstar was last, climbing up onto the cold rock, he sat himself in the middle of Shadowstar and Windstar.

"Cats of StarClan, young and old, we have come for our third gathering!" Thunderstar, - who was sitting on the left side of Windstar - yowled into the clear sky.

"Would you like to start Windstar?" Riverstar gestured to the brown-tabby striped cat who was sitting to the left of him.

She nodded and stood up. "There has been no
signs of twolegs, rats or snakes on our territory. New-leaf has brought just a good amount of prey to feed my clan." She stopped and nodded towards Thunderstar.

The ginger tom stood up. "Our clan has recovered from the storm that swept into our camp, one of our elders joined S-StarClan last sunrise, I pay respects to him and his kin." All the leaders mewed in grief. Thunderstar nodded to Riverstar.

Reluctantly, he stood up. "All is well in RiverClan but I've been having dreams of something bad. Something is going to happen  and I fear we won't be able to stop it...."

"Who was it? What did they say?" All the leaders eyed him suspiciously.

"They called themselves Rock. He came with two other cats called Half Moon and Jay's Wing," Windstar looked at him, intrigued, so he kept going. "They said some strange things. This 'Rock' was not some normal cat, he was an ugly cat with no skin. He said he was here to tell me something." Sweeping his tail along the rock, Riverstar gazed at them all, eyes sparkling in confusion.

"Well?" Shadowstar prompted him as his mind drifted off.

"Oh, uh, he said 'claws will demolish the Clans after the night of the great battle.' I didn't understand, Rock didn't even tell me who it was or how we can help. What will we do?" He gazed at Shadowstar anxiously.

"Well, first we'll make sure it doesn't happen-"

"And how do you suppose we do that?" Thunderstar glared at the ShadowClan leader.

"I don't know! I was just saying, maybe we should keep an eye on our Clans and our ancestors." Her green eyes flashed in irritation.

"Listen." Windstar laid a stern glance on Shadowstar. Her yellow eyes narrowed slightly and her body rippled. "We will figure something out." She stated, calming a little.

Riverstar found the right place to say: "and for our next gathering it will not just be us going, next time and then on we will bring some of the warriors and apprentices to the gatherings, including deputies. I have been thinking about that for a while, now I've had the chance to say it. We will have a truce at the gathering, no one will attack anyone."

"Who said your were my father?" Thunderstar hissed.

Windstar cuffed him over the ears. "Pull the twigs out of your ears. Don't you see that this makes sense. We need to report this kind of stuff to the clans, not just the leaders."

"Thunderstar, it does seem hard but you just need to take deputies, warriors and apprentices to the gathering." Shadowstar seemed fine with the idea although her green eyes were lain in slits. Thunderstar looked at his paws but still nodded.

"We will discuss things like this at gatherings with other clan cats, and then we get to meet each other's warriors." Explained Windstar.

"Yes, and also, Riverstar," Riverstar turned to Shadowstar. "That wasn't a dream. Someone came to me in a dream and told me about this word called 'prophecy'. I think you got a 'prophecy' or maybe it was a vision. I don't know." Shadowstar stood up and jumped down from the rock onto the soft ground.

Following, Riverstar and Windstar jumped in unison. Landing on his paws, he softly smiled to all the leaders.

"We will discuss more with our clanmates at the full-moon gathering. Until next time." Windstar softly padded away. Shadowstar had already disappeared into the thick, sweet smelling forest.

"Are you coming?" Thunderstar meowed. Riverstar glanced as him.

"The one with the potential will find the way out of a nasty situation." An eerie whisper softly spoke, it's voice rattling the trees as they shivered in apprehension. Thunderstar stopped in his tracks.


"Of course I heard that." Snapped Riverstar. He gazed into the sky curiously. The sky flashed from clear to dark grey, then amber and followed by brown. Although each change from colour to colour was only a heartbeat long, it felt like a good moment, you could just stare at the sky and take in each colour. Thunderstar nor Riverstar looked fine with this.

"What does....?"

"I'm not sure."

"Then why....?"

"I don't know! Expect me to know every detail about some random sign?" Riverstar snapped his head towards Thunderstar.

A loud bang hit the the earth hard. Dust flew up from the ground and drenched Thunderstar and Riverstar. Riverstar covered his ears as he heard more lightning and a deep growling noise. Riverstar collapsed onto the floor, silently screaming for help as his ears pulsed against the loud noises. Another low, fierce growl was drained out by the sound of rain and everything suddenly stopped.

No matter what had happen just then. Thought Riverstar, in pain. There's something coming. Something that will destroy every last living good cat around, just as Rock said, and only the leaders of every clan would be able to stop it.

YO! hope you enjoyed the prologue of Why are we Stuck Missing The Really Small and Beautiful Details (i know, long name, very strong meaning)
not even you can work out why it's called this can you?? you'll find out soon enough. hope you enjoy. read, vote and comment to tell me your enjoying it!
- Tilleystar

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