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i heard a knock on my window. the knocking was not stopping at any moment, and i was freaking frustrated because i needed some sleep. so i walked to my window, and opened the curtains to see who the hell was knocking at midnight.

mint yoongi came to my sight. he was freaking sitting on a tree right now! what the hell is he doing? what if the tree could not handle his weight and he fell off- oh my god.

so, i quickly opened my window, and opening it as wide as possible.

"what are you doing? come down from there!" i whispered-screamed.

"alright, since you're inviting me to." he smirked and jumped his way into my room. luckily he landed safely and smoothly.

"so what? you are disturbing my beauty sleep."

"my house is flooded."

"your house is- what?"

"yeah. so i when i was sleeping i heard some strange noise then i went downstairs and saw that i did not closed my tap when i was washing up earlier. and i don't know how to fix it and stuff, so  i called a helper but he will only be able to come tomorrow which leads me to this question – can i stay at your house for tonight?"

"okay sure, since i live alone anyways. but there's no wi-fi so yeah." he nodded and immediately jumped on my bed.

"hey! you are sleeping on the floor." i stated while trying to pull him out of my bed.

"sharing is caring." he mocked. i had no comeback, because that was what i said to him when i needed wi-fi. urgh, and i'm so sleepy right now to even care about anything. so i went to other side of my bed, and placed a bolster in between us.

"don't even think of crossing my territory." i commented, while positioning myself to sleep.

"i'm not sure. good night, sweetheart."


my alarm rang, and i tried to find my way to stop the alarm, but i couldn't. i felt my hand was touching the air instead. just then, the alarm stopped ringing.

all i could decipher is, what?

my alarm won't stopped ringing until it was turned off. so what on earth happened? i opened my eyes, but only saw darkness. what? but there was this comfortable feeling.

okay, what on earth is happening?

oh my god, please don't tell me i'm blind, if not i can't read fanfics now and i can't live without doing that.

i could feel someone placing their legs over mine, and one of their hands onto my waist. and in addition, i could feel someone's chin on top of my head too.

and there could only be one person.

fucking mint yoongi.

even though the position felt comfortable, i still had to pull myself away from his embrace. and guess what? my face was freaking as red as tomato again.

"good morning, sweetie. today is the second day of our friendship." he smirked and ruffled his bed hair, and holy fuck – he looked so damn hot, like those sex gods i usually read in fanfics. okay, i should stop thinking dirty right now, but heck, i couldn't control myself. guess reading fanfics has polluted my innocent mindset.

i nodded, and jumped off the bed.

"seriously, get your ass of my baby now and wash up."

"your baby?"

"yes. my bed is my baby." i answered in a 'duh' tone and headed to my closet, grabbing the necessities. i could feel his minty breath on my neck, and it was damn ticklish. he then whispered something into my ear that make me want to smack the shit out of him right now.

"what's the colour of the underwear you're going to wear today?"


"oh my god again, this is heaven. heck, you should take me out everyday to have these types of breakfast." i said as i munched on the pancake deliciously.

he chuckled. "you don't even know mcdonalds has pancakes?"

"i only thought it has burger and fries to be honest."

he laughed, showing his gummy teeth again. and honestly, i found his teeth so freaking cute.

"hey yoonhyun, wanna go to the arcade later?"

my eyes lit up at his question, and i nodded eagerly. it's been ages since i went to arcade, since i was too caught up in my fanfic life.

"so, has anyone fixed your tap?"

"yeah, they'll be sending someone over at 3pm, so i need to be at home by then."

i took a glance at my watch. "it's like 9am now, you have six freaking hours left."

"and that is why we are going to the arcade, my dear friend." he grinned, before placing his spoon that is filled pancakes into his mouth.


i hate hOW my wi-fi sucks in the morning ;-;

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