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"so, what's the wi-fi password my dear friend?" i asked sweetly, while staring at him, my eyes piercing through his soul.

"figure it out yourself sweetie." he answered with a smirk, and lie down onto the couch. i smacked his stomach, causing him to stifle a groan. now i could feel his glare sending me six feet down the ground.

"why are you so violent?" he questioned, while placing his hands at the back of his head to support it.

"because i'm not like other girls who are gentle as fuck, i can't stand it, it seemed like they are too fake for fuck's sake."


"so who's your favourite porn star?"

"damn. why that question again?"

"maybe that could be the password to your wi-fi."

"but didn't you ask it before?"

"i did? oops, i have short term memory."

"sorry, but, i'm not so stupid to set my password to my favourite porn star even though i have one that i really like."


"why won't you give me your wi-fi password?" I asked in a pleading tone, goddamn, i was too tired to figure out the password right now. it's been one day since i did not read fanfics, and i was lucky that i survived that one day.

"just because. i told you to figure it out yourself right?"

"fuck you, mint yoongi." i growled, while crossing my arms and glare at the floor. poor floor who did not did anything had to tolerate with my anger.

"fuck me? let's go to my bedroom now." he answered, while sitting up. i repeatedly shot daggers at him until he raised up both of his hands saying that he surrenders.

the atmosphere became silent, none of us were talking at all. maybe it was because one, we were in deep thoughts or two, we had no topic to talk about.

"yoonhyun, you wanna watch movie?"

"sure." i nodded.


i opened my eyes and blinked repeatedly, trying to adjust my eyes to the lightning, somehow i was facing the ceiling, how did i even got into this position? i swear i was still sitting upright while watching the movie. maybe the movie got too boring and i decided to sleep instead.

just then, i could hear someone laugh and felt the vibrations touching my head. what?

i then looked to my right and saw yoongi laughing.

fuck, i hope this is not what i think it is.

"oh hey, you're awake?" he smirked and lifted his fingers, brushing the bangs of my hair. i swear my face was becoming red as fuck, i couldn't control it. so i turned right and tried to cover my face with my palms, but he removed my palms and pushed my head into his chest instead. holy god, it felt comfortable. whatever, at least i could hide my face this way better. his hands were still at my back, drawing circles around it.

damn, it was so ticklish. but i wasn't going to make a fool of myself by laughing out loud.

"fuck, you're so cute." i heard him whispered. my heart skipped a bit, and my face instantly become redder. and i buried my face deeper against his chest, hiding away from reality.

that was what i wasn't supposed to do though. so, what the heck am i doing?

"hey, the movie ended." he said and i frowned. his chest felt too comfortable. reluctantly, i woke up anyways, and looked back which found that i was sleeping on a pillow which was on his lap the whole freaking time.

"when did i even started sleeping? and i thought i was so focused on the movie."

"not even till half of the movie, your head started to tilt towards my shoulder but i figured you would be more comforatble to sleep on a pillow, so we were in that position."

i blushed again, and i hate the fact that he easily made my blush. what on earth was he doing to me?

"o-okay. t-thanks for the m-movie, i would be going home n-now." i stuttered, and quickly walk away before he could say anything.



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