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"what are we doing here?"

"duh, to drink coffee of course. we're inside starbucks. haven't you heard of it? it's famous for coffee." yoongi replied.

"how do you know all these stuffs? i've come out of my house thrice a week and yet i don't know these stuffs but i barely see you coming out of your house yet you know all these stuffs."

"internet, my friend. don't you use internet too? if not, why do you keep asking for my wi-fi password?"

i use it to read fanfics only. who the heck cares about social media and stuff. who needs that when you have tons of fanfic to fill your boredom?

i did not answer him as we went to search for seats, which we finally found one that was located at the corner, near the windows, a perfect view and scenery to be honest. i find it relaxing, seeing the nature and stuffs.

"okay, what do you want to drink? it's my treat. we are here to celebrate our one day friendship."

i chuckled. "one day friendship? what the heck? anyways, what do you recommend?"

"alright, i'll just go order."

not long after that, he came back with two cup of drinks in each of his hands.

"i bought you cappuccino and i bought myself caramel macchiato." i nodded and took a sip of a drink, the heat travelled to my lips in such a rush manner that resulted in my lips being burnt, it felt like it was as if on fire.

"shit!" i cursed, while frantically took a piece of tissue, gently tapping onto the area which was hot.

yoongi looked alerted at stared at me. "what happened?" he questioned. i pointed to my lips.

a smirk etched on his face. "do you want me to kiss the pain away? my lips are magical."

"wow, are we friends with benefits or something? seriously? what a way to ruin our one day friendship."

with my actions, my lips were slowly cooling down, and now i was ready to taste the latte. this time, i blew the drink in order not to let it burn my lips again, then proceeded and place my lips on the cup, sipping the drink.

oh my god, why haven't i discovered this earlier? this was heaven, holy crap. but when i look at the price, i would definitely faint. if i wanted to drink this often, i better start working my ass off and save up some money.

"you have foam on your mouth." yoongi sounded out. i touched every single part of my mouth, but i can't feel the foam.

"where?" i questioned. yoongi sighed, before leaning forward, until his face were really closed to mine, that i can feel his minty breath fanning my face. he flashed that smirk again which irritates me, and soon i could feel his thumb on the very edge of my lips, gently wiping off the foam.

for no reason, i could feel my cheeks were getting redder and redder each second, as if heat grew inside my cheeks.

fucking mint yoongi, what are you doing?


"what do you want?"

"i want a big house, big cars and big rings. but actually, i don't have any big dreams."

i glared at him, irritated by his response. can he just freaking give me a normal response?

we are now standing in front of the furniture store, i had no idea how we ended up here, or maybe i do, freaking mint yoongi dragged me here saying that he needed a new bed or something.

"i said i want to buy a bed."

i scoffed. "then why are you looking at the couch section?"

"it looks comfy and i want to lie on it right now then doze off to yoongiland."

"i bet yoongiland is full of porn and girls in bikinis." i retorted back, laughing at it.

"true. and amongst those girls, you're the sexiest one." he flashed a grin before winking at me, resulting me to slap the back of his head.

"you better not do that again." i threatened.

"holy shit, you're scary."

"so are we buying beds or not?" i asked and yoongi nodded, and sauntered his way to the beds section with me following behind him.

the next thing i know, he was sprawled on the bed and i heard a freaking snore.

"MIN YOONGI!" i screamed, not caring the passer-bys or workers who were giving me the judging look. i heard a groan, and saw that he immediately jolted up after hearing my scream. seriously, how can someone sleep so easily?

like i need to read fanfics before going to sleep if not i can't sleep. urgh, fuck my life.

"what the fuck? why do you need to scream?" he commented, while running his fingers through his hair.

"language, kid." i mocked.

i just found out that we both like to curse a lot.

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