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"yoongi." i whispered.

"mmhmm yeah?" he mumbled.

"can you get me... something from the mini mart?" i questioned hesitantly.

today was my unlucky the day. my freaking period had to come today and the worse thing was, i stained yoongi's bedsheets. fuck. i couldn't let him see it.

last night, he offered to sleep on the floor and so i had his whole bed to myself. and then in the morning, i found a pool of blood on the bedsheets. well, not really a pool. smaller than a pool. but still, urgh.

"yeah, what thing?" he asked and i was hesitant whether i should go and buy it myself or something. but then again, i scraped my knee yesterday and now i could barely walk, in addition, i had freaking stomach cramp.

"..... sanitary pads."

yoongi's eyes widened, but he did not said anything and just nodded.

"i'm really so sorry yoongi, i'll pay you back the money next time, and now i can't walk and i have terrible stomach cram–"

he shushed me up by placing a finger on my lips. "yes yes, i understand. i will go get it for you. how many packets and uh.. how long?"

"two packets will do and find the longest." i mumbled, while closing my eyes and driting off for another nap.


yoongi stood in front of the mini mart, and debated whether to go in or not. if he went in and bought the sanitary pads, people would give him judging looks. if he did not went in and just went home instead, he would disappoint yoonhyun. so he chose the former. if people give him the judging looks, he decided that he won't give a shit and won't give a fuck.

composing himself, he pushed open the door and the bell on top immediately rang and sounded throughout the whole mart, signaling that a new customer was coming in. he walked inside and quickly went to the tampons section.

"oh crap, i've forgotten to ask her what brand." he sighed as he face palmed himself mentally, looking at the wide variety of sanitary pads sitting on the shelves in front of him. he'd decided to just choose any one and got the longest as yoonhyun stated.

with hasty steps, he walked towards the counter with the two packets of sanitary pads on each side of his hand. and soon enough, the cashier was looking at him weirdly as he placed the items on the counter table.

"that will be five dollars and sixty nine cents sir." the cashier said, while stretching out her hands. yoongi took the bills from his pocket and placed it on her hands. the cashier gladly received it and searched for the change. as she got the change and receipt, she gave it to yoongi and said, "your girlfriend is very lucky."

yoongi exited the mart with a smile etched on his face.

'girlfriend, huh?' he thought.


i opened my eyes to find that yoongi was in front me, shaking me. i rubbed my eyes and gave me the item that i needed so badly.

"thank you so much, yoongi." i whispered as i rose from the bed, and wobbled my way to his bathroom which was just right in front of me, doing my stuff.

after finishing, i came out of his bathroom and saw that he was looking at the bedsheets.


"uh, oh my god, i'm so sorry, i will clean it, i swear oh my god i will clean it. i'm so sorry for staining it." i said as i tried to rush over and grab the bedsheets but yoongi was faster.

"it's alright. i'll scrub it off. no worries, take your rest okay? and, we need to change the bandage." yoongi replied while grabbing the bedsheets and went downstairs.

damn. i was feeling so guilty. it felt like yoongi had done so many things for me yet i didn't even do anything to repay him.

i sat on the bed, and not long after yoongi came in with the first aid box. he took a chair and placed it beside his bed, while sitting on it. he unwrapped my bandage and did all the stuffs that were necessary.

the atmosphere was so silent, that even a pin dropping could be heard. i was too guilty to say anything, and yoongi was too busy attending my wound.

until he broke the silence.

"i know you are feeling guilty, so stop feeling guilty, alright? just rest well and don't think of anything, i will do everything. woah, that rhymed."

he chuckled as he wrapped a brand new bandage around my wound.

"thank you," i said for the nth time. yoongi flashed his gummy smile and patted my head.

"no problem, my princess."


dat moment when your 6 year old sister can draw a dinosaur and you can only draw a stickman :')

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