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i woke up, still feeling tired. it was already midnight and i've been sleeping from afternoon till now. i was feeling hungry now.

but for some reason, i had no energy in my body. and i could feel my body temperature getting hotter. the air i breathed out was hot too.

"yoongi?" i turned and saw yoongi sleeping soundly on the floor.

damn, should i call him or not? but i've troubled him a lot today, so i guess i should just stay on bed and sleep, hoping that the illness and hungerness would go away.


"you punk. why didn't you wake me up?" yoongi reprimanded as he placed the folded wet towel onto my forehead. i smiled faintly, "you were sleeping so soundly and i had troubled you a lot, so yeah."

"you should still wake me up! look at you right now, so lifeless, it didn't seemed like the yoonhyun i knew since day one." he sighed as he help me to sit up. he grabbed the bowl of porridge that was sitting on the nightstand.

"give it to me, i'll eat it myself." i said as i tried to get the bowl from him, but he refused to give it.

"i will feed it to you, okay? you look so fragile and it seemed like you don't even have the energy to hold a spoon and a bowl."

i chuckled, and nodded. he scooped up the porridge and blowing it carefully and slowly, and fed me.

"did you make this?" i questioned with the porridge still in my mouth. he shook his head, "i asked one of my friend who is named seokjin to help me out."

my eyes widened. "seokjin?"

he nodded, "yeah why?"

"he's my friend's boyfriend."

"oh, namjoon?"

"what? you know him too?" i asked, amazed by the fact that he knew them too.

he chuckled, "yep. we knew each other since primary school."

"wow! that is amazing. what a small world,"

he bobbed his head and took another scoop of the porridge, repeating the actions.

i finished the food a lot quicker, since i was a fast eater and porridge was more easy to swallow.

"wait a minute, i'll go wash the bowl and take the medicine."

i nodded while closing my eyes for a small nap. i've been sleeping a lot these two days. it's definitely not healthy for me.

i heard footsteps shuffling and deciphered that yoongi came back, so i opened my eyes and he was already in front of me. but this time, he did not sit on the chair. instead, he sat on the bed, and quite close to me.

"so, i'm being unique here and try a new technique of helping you to eat the medicine since you practically have no energy left." yoongi said. i looked at him confused, wondering what he meant.

he took a pill from the packet, and placed it in into his mouth. i furrow my eyebrows. what on earth was he doing? why was he eating the pill instead? what–

my thoughts were cut off when i felt moist lips touching mine. i responded, and opened my mouth, then felt a bitter taste inside my mouth. yoongi pulled away, and gave me the cup of water. i drank the water and swallow the bitter taste which was actually the pill.


so, his new technique was referring to this? by using his mouth to transfer the pill to me?



my face was probably the reddest of all times i've ever blushed. in addition of my body temperature, it doesn't help at all.

"y-yah. what if you get sick too?" were the words the came out of my mouth. i badly wanted to slap myself right now for making me a fool of myself.

"we'll just get sick together then." he smirked, while taking my hand which was lying on the bed and intertwining it with his hand, then he placed a small kiss on my hand.

uh oh, there goes my heart.

my heart was beating so wild now, that as if my ribcage would break any second because of the commotion my heart caused.

"oh my god, you look so cute now. what the hell are you doing to me?" he groaned and scooted closer to me, placing my head onto chest and wrapping his arms around my shoulders.

oh my god, my hearteu.

i've always like to read fluffy fanfics, but did not actually know that i would experienced this in real life. i mean, the guys in real life are ugly and have no sense of romance (no offence) but the guys in fanfics seemed so perfect.

exceptional of min yoongi.

he wasn't ugly at all, in fact, he was beyond handsome, a word that is not even found in dictionary.

and this boy was not any help to my poor heart.

and fuck, i could confirm one thing now.

i have fallen for min yoongi.


awww 2 more chapters left :')

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