Can someone give me a pizza right now?

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Thanks again for the tag, flamingogirl102! Man, you just helped me break my record of getting tag by someone in one of these tagging games. xD

1. Cake or Pizza?

Pizza! But then again a few cheesecakes would be nice. >w<

2. What would you do if you wake up and Hagrid was leaning over you, saying, "You're a wizard."

I'm a wizard? Time to check out my powers and try out new spells, hurray! :D

3. Are you better at chess or Monopoly?

Definitely Monopoly. I'm usually the one winning although I don't know how I did it because I'm always almost bankrupt in the beginning of the game. 

4. Favourite book series in real life?

Probably The Hunger Games, but then again there's so many other series too. >.<

5. Favourite book/series on Wattpad?

I can't just choose one, you know how indecisive I am. :( 

6. Do you prefer Wattpad or paper books?

Paper books because I prefer physical paper books that I can touch and smell(smelling books aren't weird, okay). Plus, if it's from a screen, my reading speed will go from the speed of a Ferrari to the speed of an old scooter.

7. How would you describe your level of messy/neatness?

I think I'm quite neat because I can't stand looking at my room in a messy state, but then again, if I'm lazy, you'll see my study table piled up with all kinds of stuff while the rest of my room remain untouched. 

8. Flowers or succulents/cacti?

Pretty flowers, no matter big or small, duh. But a cactus would be nice for people I want to punch in the face. :)

9. Which fictional characters do you have a crush on? 

Jack Frost! And erm...damn, I forgot who I had a crush on when you want me to state them out all of a sudden. O_O

10. Person in you life (Wattpad counts) whom you admire or look up to the most?

My parents, duh. And also a few of my friends who are multi-talented and still are good people despite being a genius or being so much better than most people. As for Wattpad, they're wolfess21 and lynxlyrablack, they're still so young(okay, at least, younger than me) but they've written great stories and they're great people. izzywriter too for always having a different mindset of the things around us other than just going with what the majority thinks. (thanks for all those conversations. :D)

11. Biggest commitment you've ever made? not let my parents down...?

12. Embarrassing memory?

I have tons of these. xD There were a few times from when I was younger, I held the hand of a total stranger instead of my parents and relative's hands. (So glad those people just laughed it off.) There's also this one time when I first went to secondary school and the washrooms there don't have a sign stating its gender and the colour of the walls and so on were similar and I don't know why there weren't any urinals in either of them and I couldn't make out which was the ladies and which was the men, so I just picked one. Turns out I went to the men's washroom because when I walked out of the washroom, a boy made his way in, so yeah. Good thing no one saw it...I think.

13. First job aspiration you can remember having?

To get money? To survive?

Tagging time! (Again, if you really don't do tags, you can ignore this thing or just tell me so I won't tag you again in the future.)











tinymacee ##a_allowed

##a_allowed href="" ## InfiniteObsessions


Question time!

1. Rice or noodles?

2. Something that shocked you this week.

3. Something you want to get rid of.

4. Something you wish you could get another copy of.

5. If you get the chance to be in a movie, which one would you like?

6. Ice cream or popsicles?

7. Languages you can have a conversation in.

8. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

9. To be able to fly but never gets to land anywhere or to be able to control the weather but  always throwing tantrums during a conversation?

10. If you get to open a shop of your own, what will it be?

11. Three movies/TV series you like.

12. Fish or chicken?

13. Squirrels or rabbits?

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