Jeff's imaginary owner got me all these questions.

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Thanks for the tag, flamingogirl102! Thanks for remembering me despite us not talking for a while now. Gosh, I'm so touched right now. Can I hug you?

1. Dog, cat or pig?

Please, do you still need to ask this? Of course, I'm going for those cute furry friendly amazing doggies! Woof!

2. Youtube or Wattpad?

Both, duh. (Don't make me choose, buddy.) Although I actually spend more time on Wattpad than Youtube ever since I started my first book on here, so...yeah.

3. What's your preferred weapon? (gun, knife, towel, poison etc.)

I don't know. Maybe some cute little doggies? You know, kill them with cuteness overload?

4. If you got the chance to murder someone of your choice, would you do it?

Of course not, duh! If the person's amazing, why would I do it? If the person's an average, I'll love you more because we're the same level among our species. If the person's a stranger, I won't even bother. If the person's horrible, I'll just let karma do her job. *smirks before stuffing some popcorn into my mouth*

5. Who would be your chosen person for your previous question?

Okay, if you insist...the person who started doing all the bad things and somehow make people think they can do it too.

6. What's your dream career choice?

To travel the world and shop til I drop and relax every day and help people along the way all the while getting paid to do all these. Well, maybe not the part where I help people because it's called "helped" for a reason, but I don't mind someone paying me to relax. xD

7. Favourite food?

Uh...can't choose because I'm indecisive as hell and I'm greedy. Must. Eat. Everything.

8. Favourite song?

This is even worse than choosing a favourite food. *shakes head and eyes you disapprovingly* Answer to this? Can't choose because I'm indecisive as hell and I'm greedy. Must. Listen. To. Every. Song.

9. Do you sing in the shower or dance in the mirror? 

I wish I could do both, but I'm too afraid to get judged by my family and my neighbours if I ever did that. Maybe I'll do it when I live alone in the future. Hmm...that's a great idea. I will do it.

10. Would you rather kill others for a living or die yourself?

I don't want to die but I don't want to kill others too! *cries* Okay, fine. I'll kill myself if this day ever comes. (Please don't come.)

11. Be a trained assassin or a professional artist/author?

Come on! Of course, I'll rather be a professional artist or author. Imagine the positive messages I could deliver to the world if that ever happens. (Okay, maybe that was a little too optimistic and ambitious of me. But hey, a girl can dream, right?) On a second thought, I wouldn't mind having a few assassin training. A girl has to be prepared, right?

12. DC or Marvel?

I don't really read comics, answer to this one, sorry! (Don't throw me rotten eggs for not reading comics, okay? *cries if you ever dare to do it*)

13. Which would you prefer being stuck in? A room full of spiders, snakes or rats?

Eww, no way, dude! But maybe rats, since they're furry and not as poisonous as the other two, but then again, they'll still bite. You know what? I'll just try to levitate in the air if that ever happens.

Question time!

1. Would you rather only drink plain water forever or only drink carbonated drinks(only one type) forever?

2. What would you if someone comes over and slap you right now?

3. What is the most boring thing you did this week?

4. Favourite singer?

5. Favourite colour? 

6. If a bird flies over to you right now and accuses you of demolishing its home, what would you do?

7. A favourite line from the most recent song you listened to.

8. A favourite word/phrase to yell whenever you're mad. (if you do swear, that's okay too.)

9. A favourite childhood game?

10. Would you rather be ugly but rich or good looking but poor? (if you're thinking about choosing the rich one and then going for a plastic surgery, do know that answer is not counted. xD)

11. Rain or sun?

12. Describe the month you were born in.

13. If someone comes up to you while you're eating and paid you an amount before taking your food without your permission, what will you?

*Hits a gong* Tagging time!












lynxlyrablack (I know you already got tag with this, but I have no one to tag anymore, so...yeah)


That's it for now! Just wanted to say that it's okay if anyone doesn't want to do it. I wouldn't want anybody come punching me for tagging them when they don't do tags. But come on, just do it for me or at least for the fun of it. *smiles with puppy eyes*

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