That moment when Christmas...

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That moment when Christmas is the most dangerous time of the year. O_O!!!

Yes, according to YesterDaydreamer, Christmas can get really dangerous.

Also, thank you for sharing a few face palming things that could happen during Christmas. So, everything shared in this part are all from YesterDaydreamer. :) 


There was this man at Walmart who practically broke 4 computer monitors because he forgot that his book was on the countertop. 


There was this time, my dog knocked over the Christmas tree and broke a lamp and the tree landed near the fireplace and almost caught on fire.


There was this time, that a kid broke a vase and someone stepped on it and he had to go to the hospital to get it stitched up.

These are just a few mishaps he had encountered. So, do you have any weird encounters during the Christmas seasons? Or yours is just as peaceful as mine? (I hope I don't jinx that up by saying that.) 

What Christmas encounters had you come across? Share your own Christmas encounters too and we'll see who has the weirdest Christmas experience. xD

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