3. Awakening

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Mason! Oh, thank goodness, I thought as my brother gasped from unconsciousness. Crashing him with a hug, I noticed his skin was much smoother and shinier than usual. However, curiosity was put to the side as Mason welcomed the hug.

"I saw one of the most terrifying things, Sunja," he began in my arms. I gripped him harder in response, allowing him to know that I, too, saw it and that he was not alone.

That was until I shoved him back and punched him in the arm. "Don't scare me like that again you asshole."

He closed his eyes laughing before looking at me. "I won't do- Oh my gosh." He held me out at arms link more forcefully, this time with wide eyes. His hands went to my hair but I smacked them away in annoyance.

"The hell you on, M?!" My face was confused by his sudden switch of behavior. Instead of speaking, he slowly grabbed my wrists and held them up to my fluffy ears. Jerking back, I felt them once more before entering panic mode. I gripped my short hair tightly, most certainly feeling the pain that I was, in fact, not dreaming, and proceeded to breathe erratically.

"Reese. Hey, don't freak out."

I released my hands and looked him in the eye. "Don't freak out? The hell I will!" Grabbing my phone and turning the camera on to see myself. Large tan ears replaced the human skin ears and I watched as they flipped and turned as squirrels gnashing on a nut that was a few yards east from us. Sharp canines split my lip open as I went to bite my lip. The taste of blood filling my mouth. My stomach began to gnaw on itself as dread set in. Spitting the blood saliva in the grass, I turned to my concerned brother. I bared my teeth. "I don't want your pity. You're probably glad you are unscathed, while I have to live here in the woods eating leaves forever." I began to tear up the ground by the grass stems before throwing it to the side, seemingly ignoring Mason's stare.

"As your big brother, I can feel what I want. As for living here, you wouldn't last a day."

I gaped at his comment before twisting my lips into a frown. With a fistful of dirt, I threw it at him and got up. "Neither would you. I know I'd at least survive longer than you. 12 hours."

"12 hours? That's being gracious. 6 hours. You would not even know a bear was right behind you as you pick your little leaves," Mason mocked, he mimicked me picking grass with a shit-eating grin. His tiny collection fell to the ground as I slapped his hand.

"In case you forgot, I got these super hearing ears now." I towered over him as I pointed to my fluffy ears. "I can be alerted by danger unlike your puny human ears. You'll be flat on your ass by the time you hear a bear charging at you."

A large gust of wind knocked me off my feet causing me to land face first into the ground. Mason laughed beside me before cutting himself off. Wiping myself off, I flipped over to see the air swirling and butterflies from all directions swarming the funnel. Within seconds, large butterfly wings expanded in front of them, along with our grandma.

"Grandma Anne?!" Mason gasped, he instantly arose to his feet. "I thought- wait? How?"

Our grandma softly smiled. Her wrinkles were more prominent, her gray hair shined in the sunlight, and her small frame was tiny compared to the large orange wings. "I am not truly her, dear child. But simply a significant figure the two of you care for."

"Oh," Mason frowned sadly and I glanced at the lady. Taking in her appearance, the wings instantly clicked in my mind.

"I recognize you. That stunt you pulled back there. Not cool! Those bites fucking hurt and I can still feel the salvia on my face from that beast. And this," I gestured to myself as I stood walking towards her, "what the hell did you do! Why am I the only one like this!?" I was so close to her, I could feel the power radiating off of her. Where Grandma Anne's eyes were warm and inviting this Grandma Anne was just cold and dark. I could hear Mason warning me to back off but I ignored him. Her eyebrow raised in challenge and I balled my hands into fists.

"So much passion and spirit. It can lead you into a considerable amount of trouble, young lady," she tsked. She waved her hand at me and I rose up in the air. Mason pleaded for the lady with butterfly wings to put me down, as I twisted and turned in the air. I landed with a thud and hissed at the pain shooting through my spine.

Mason was at my side, scolding me with a look, but before he could speak she said, "However, I must say I admire your energy. If you listen to it, it will guide you, Sunja. Share that fire and others will soon follow." My eyebrows rose as I took in her words but her attention had moved to Mason.

"Quite the opposite of your dear sister aren't you. Ordinance and wisdom can only take you so far in life," she smiled. She intertwined her hands and looked to the sky. "Others have said that is what makes a great leader, but I consider a leader to be more than that." Mason tilted his head with furrowed eyebrows. He appeared to be waiting for more, but she gave none.

"Enough chit-chat though, I need the two of you to stop an old friend of mine from making a grave mistake," she began. A purple butterfly floated over and landed on each of our faces. The world exploded with light and the three of us stood in front of a beautiful brick building. Various animals were carved in the marble porch that led to two grand doors. Off to the side, sat multiple small buildings with lush green grass. Kid play structures littered one side of the yard and garden on the other. Overall, the site reminded me of the private school my father had me enrolled in elementary school. Words began to take shape on the largest building:

Academy of the Exceptional

Where the Wild and the Soul become One

"Where is this place?"

"We are still in Seattle but off the west coast on a man-made island," she informed them. I took in the trees and heard birds chatter from the branches. It seemed peaceful. "He has gone against our agreement and in turn has angered more people than you need to know. The laws of nature have spoken and as Overseer I was brought to your attention. You must place an end on his terror. The balance of nature depends on this, else nature itself will go into chaos."

"This Academy was built for mutants," Mason stated. His attention turned away from the surroundings and asked with suspicion, "The outbreak started barely a week ago. This... all of this would have taken years. Wait, the contract. What exactly are you not telling us?"

"That information is unimportant at the moment. All you-"

"Bullshit, I tell you. If this is so dire then you and your little council can fix it yourselves." I slashed my hand down in the Overseer's direction. My shoulders tensed with downturned lips. I glanced at Mason before pointing between us. "The two of us don't owe you anything. Change me back while you are at it!"

However, the Overseer ignored my rant and continued on. "All you need to know is that the Head of this... academy must be removed."

"Removed in what terms?"

The ignorance hurt as I felt that only I saw the absurdity of this situation. Mason stood watching her with a bit of respect while shooting me occasionally glares when I talked back. Yet, here this all powerful being stood requesting - No ordering - for us to remove someone from this planet! The Overseer glanced between the two of us. I stood sideways with my arms crossed and feet planted, waiting with narrowed eyes. Next to me, Mason watched with calculating eyes while his one hand rested in his pocket and the other tapping nervously on his hip. The two of us had to look ridiculous standing in our pajamas whilst questioning her.

"That is up to the two of you to decide."

I sucked in a breath and I heard Mason do the same. No, this just got a whole lot of crazy. We can't. My eyes looked at the side of his face, pleading. This Overseer seemed to like him more and maybe if he told her no, she would make us normal and we could go back home.

"No one is dying," he finally said after a beat.

I strolled over to him and shook his shoulders. His tall height made it slightly difficult but he finally looked at me. "M, no. We are not doing this. We are not heroes. I play softball and fail history, while you go to your little student council thingy and continue to ace your AP english."

"Sunja. Look at me." The Overseer's annoying voice echoed in my head until I finally turned to face her. Her eyes remained locked onto me as she spoke, "You've been aware of the dangers of this since you were just a small human. You have a better understanding of why this needs to be stopped than your brother does. You need to do this now, I wish there was another way."

I did. I did know why. I felt it, I saw it. And it was why I did not want to go through with it. I knew what was to come but that did not make it any less terrifying. Mason glanced at me in question but I could not meet his eyes. He could not know, not yet. The Overseer nodded in my decision, seemingly agreeing with me. Something we could finally agree on.

"You two don't have much time, I'm afraid. Go."

She exploded into a million butterflies.

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