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The school was entertainingly boring. I can't believe I have to tolerate one more year of this groove.

Pete tried to call me relentlessly and finally I made a decision which I am so proud of; I switched off my phone and gladly there was no more incessant vibration and blinking lights. Somehow, switching off my phone didn't allow me to calm down and feel good about it. I felt bad for Pete since he didn't do anything to me, right. But why did he bring a stranger to the dinner? 

Nothing ever makes sense these days.

Physics or was it chemistry? I don't know. Even then, I stared at my bald teacher and popped my chewing gum. He dared not mess with me since the last time he messed with me, he had to take his sedan to the workshop and crush it and buy a new one. He knew it was me, but he had no proof and I made sure his personal jewel will be broken if he dared to mess with me again. He knows I am good at martial art but that is the not the reason he is scared of me. He is scared of my uncle. Well, I can live with that.

Someone threw a paper ball at my face. I looked to my right. I was blessed to see actual Ryder in his full glory. He smiled his thousand watt smile and asked me to look into the paper ball. A disinteresting face looked down and opened the crunched ball but my ballistic heart made it a strenuous job. Ryder passed me a message. Whoa!

It read, "Throwing a party tonight, wanna come?"   

I swooned. I think my heart is going to burst out. I think my skin is scalding. I think I am going insane.

I tried so hard to keep my face intact and pleasantly told him, no.

I can't. That means too much socializing and I hate it. But his party is going to be awesome. Sigh! Sometimes, I wish I can beat and break my own head for its too many thoughts and its counter thoughts.

A second ball hits me.

It read, "Please bunny boo, I would love to have you there."

I quickly snapped out of my swoon zone and looked at him straight and hard. I crunched the paper and tossed it away.

"Ms. Parker, care to enlighten me what was in the paper."

"A doubt"


"Continue with your theory Mr."

"Edward... if you didn't know"

"I don't care."

He cleared his throat and continued to take the class but his eyes traveled to mine in, consistency. Every time he looked at me, I yawned, rolled my eyes and doodled on my legs. Finally, the bell rang and he gathered his books while the kids ran out of his class.

I slowly took my legs off the leg rest from the desk and pushed my notebook into my bag. Ryder was waiting for me by the door but it seems like Edward needs to talk to me about something.

"Please Lillian; for the sake of uncle behave, at least in my class."

"Sake of Tom... you got to be kidding me. Ed, do your job and I will do mine."

I heard him groan as I left the classroom. What is his problem? Ryder was waiting by my locker with a smug grin and I plastered the bored look on my face.

"Lily, please, I have not been a great friend to you but this is like my dream, I need to get my entire batch into this party. It's like a competition. Luther is organizing a party and if I lose, it's going to be... please..."

"What if I don't come to you and Luther's?"

"I don't care for that prick but if you come to mine and won't go to him, it will be awesome."

"What is so special about you?" that hit him like a ton of bricks. A neat blond with fake boobs by my side gasped.

"Ryder is so cool; I will do anything to just get him on my tail like this. What is wrong with you?" her voice was like a decibel too loud on a blackboard. I cringed at her.

"That is the difference. I don't find human attractive beyond a limit."

Ryder lit up. "So, you do find me attractive."

"Every human does. There is nothing to be special about it."

"Bitch" the blond pet named me and I smiled at her as if she called me sweet. She rolled her eyes and walked away but no, not Ryder.

"Ryder, I am not going. I don't do parties."

"Try this; there is a first time for everything."

"Yeah right... and there is a first time to get a girl drunk and then drug her and get laid. Huh! Be honest. Wasn't that your plan?"

He looked at me shocked and then laughed at me. "You are so stuck up. It's just a competition for me. To host the biggest party! What is so special about you? I don't even want to be inside of you. I don't beg for that. God! You are so thick."

"Thank you, Ryder. Enjoy your party."

"You won't come?"

"Should I nametag it for you?" I smiled and he got really angry. What is his problem? Let him collect some juniors and host a party if he is that desperate. I won't go. That's it.

"Fine Damn, I shouldn't have asked you in the first place. I just wanted to win. Damn!" he cursed and walked away muttering to himself.

I blew my breath slowly to control my anger. What is these people's problem? Do they want everything to be happening in their own way? Well, others have a life too.

Someone tapped on my shoulders and I turned around to see Shaun. He sheepishly rubbed his neck and smiled at me. "You did well with that prick. He was in a bet not too long ago to get you into the party and drug you, for... you know!"

"I know."

"Ok. I just wanted to let you know!"



When he didn't have anything more to tell, I walked to the next class. The short interval was up and I was in with a wrong notebook. Great!

There is something off about Shaun. I know he was cute, and I was attracted, and then I kissed him two times and daydreamed about him and he was in here to help me and all. But then he said the word project and I felt instantly clicked off. That was not right. Tom asked him to assist me when I saw him for the first time. And then he got enrolled into the same school, same classes, and the same bus. Thank God I have got my bike and him, his jaguar. But lately, he comes to school in his HarleyDavidson. Cool!

The teacher was going on something about history and stuff but I was close to meltdown with my stupid theory about my eighteenth birthday. As the days shed off and the days neared on, I feel like something is going to happen. Something insane, wild and reckless; something insanely dangerous is going to happen.

And I saw a dream. In which a beautiful woman who was a complete badass with LaraCroft dressing, moves, attitude and all coming to me and hugging me. Even stranger, she looked exactly like the woman in the picture frame I saw in my father's office. Everything is getting stranger.

And I don't know what is going to happen.

A crumbled paper flew towards me.

"Are you mad at me?" Shaun. Only he could ask me such a question. And it was then I realize Shaun was in this class too. Strange!

"Tell me about "Project" and I will talk."

His reply was soon. "Sorry. Can't talk! You will know it eventually. Your birthday is round the corner big girl."

I simply said two words. The f-word with a 'you' attached. I heard a deep sigh. But, I didn't pay any heed to him when he threw me another crumbled ball.

Later that day when I went home, it was completely in a ruckus. Plates being moved there, flowers arranged everywhere and everything in chaos. I have no idea what was happening. And I got scared. Is my birthday today? What is happening?

Evelyn walked in from the kitchen wearing a posh red corporate suit, looking tired, dishelmed and angry. She was muttering under her breath, looking at the watch in her hand and then calling someone. When she saw me, she smiled and then quickly, erased the smile and said,

"Your father has an important meeting within two hours. It was on such short notice. Your suit is waiting in your room and please, be here for dinner. I have asked to make your favorite desert." The last part was said in a hushed voice like she didn't want anyone else to hear about this secret. As if, we were in a best mother-daughter relationship. But, the suit part caught my attention.

"Why suit?"

"Father's order" was all that she replied and then left to attend a maid who was doing the dining table vase wrong; I guess. The poor woman looked so scared under my mom's authoritarian barks.

Sudden parties, dinner, business delegates into the house, everything is strange. Usually, Sam books a five-star hotel for such occasion. But, now this is getting out of hand. Or am I really seeing everything in a different tone?

When I came into my room, on my bed, was a suit in its bag, waiting to hug my curves. I dropped my school bag and was walking to it when Tiffany burst into my room.

"Did you touch my makeup?" Tiffany bellowed.

"Yes, I did."

"How dare you?"

"I did, didn't I? Blimey, why do you need so much of it?"


"Yes, sorry, I am a beginner. Next time, there won't be it."

"Make sure there is no next time."

"And that is exactly what I mean."

Evelyn burst in asking what the commotion was.

"She..." she begins... but, I didn't let her finish... I said, "Tiffany, please take your barks out of my room. It is giving me a migraine.

"Watch your tongue lady." Evelyn pointed her slick finger at me.

"Yea, I will take care of my oral hygiene, thank you very much. Now leave!"

Tiffany stormed out, taking her whiteness out with her. Yes, she was dressed in a pristine white corporate suit. And I didn't even check what color I had.

I had a similar one to that of Tiffany's but the only difference was I had gray with the same light blue shirt as her's. Cool! Thank God, we had matching attire so now; she cannot compare it with mine. The joy!

Finally, the time was here. I, Tiffany, Simon, Stephen, Tom and my parents stood by the door when five, strong, white-haired, authoritarian men walked in with few other people tailing them. Three of them were wearing white suits with blue shirts and the other two were not that posh. I wonder if this was their uniform; the white ones, you see.

I was literally bored after few minutes into the fake laughs and bored important talks. Sam, Tom, and the five men were talking about business and stuff. Tom was in the middle talking like he knows about it all. That had never happened before. He used to stay away from father's business. But, today, the event is different.

One of the white-suited men was eyeing me and Tiffany like we were meat. Tiffany had her biggest smile while I had my signature face.

After a while, they acknowledged us three ladies standing by them as if dad cemented us there. Nothing bothered me until one of the white suit people talked. Nothing was into my ears until that man talked. I heard and showed interest in nothing until that old damned man talked.

"This must be the girl of Eva!" he had another accent, another tone and tried to speak in French but little did he know that I knew French. Tom's face irked and Sam's got pale. The other men looked at me and Evelyn visibly shook. My brothers tried to show as if this didn't bother them, but I can clearly saw it in their face. Only Tiffany stayed emotionless.

I clearly asked him in French, what did he mean? He looked shocked. And he replied, "Eve, your mother, Evelyn."

"That is not what you meant. We all are Eve's children. You said something else." I said in French.

"Smart and bright, but don't talk back. Don't be foolish." Another white-suited guy warned me. I took a step closer. I could hear my brothers, father, and Tom warning me to stay back but I was focused on the man who said, Eva.

"Or... what?" I asked looking at the man who said Eva but the other guy knew I was talking to him.

He raised his gun at me and barked something in some other language but I removed the gun from his hands swiftly and that is when all hell broke loose, I guess...

A shot was heard and then everything went blank. 

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