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I am really in love with this book, but, I really need to edit them... Does anyone want to help me there?


In my head, there was Lara Croft, Alice, Beatrix  Kiddo, Trinity, Evelyn Salt, and many more badass characters and I dressed myself as them since, you know, I have this bad feeling in the pit of my gut that either Pete and Seb was going to hand me over, cheating me obviously; or I am going to be ambushed by Tom as soon as I get into mansion premises. 

When the riddle of tonight was solved by the help of Pete, I understood that there was something to do with the fountain in the back yard of my house. You see, fountains are ornate pieces that are set in the front of the house or the back where the patio is situated. Not, in the side of the plot, near to the compound walls; in short, in an abandoned corner. So, when I connected the dots, I understood that odd fountain has to do with her riddle.

Thus, I, Seb and Pete managed to get into the compound walls at twelve sharp. And as of then, we were waiting, or rather, listening for any sounds. I was sure there would be no dogs since Tom is damn allergic to them. We were all dressed in black to skim well with the darkness. Too bad, we waited for this late to know the meaning of the riddle since it was not a full moon night. That means I need to use a flashlight. Damn, that will be easy to get caught. 

But still, "Tonight, where the moon, Shining, Search, you will find me, in the reflection"... moon shining and it's reflection means only one thing, in the water and that means... the fountain in the backyard close to the oak tree.

When the coast was clear and we didn't hear any sound, we crouched lower and ran to the nearest tree. I and Seb got under one tree while Pete was elsewhere. But a sudden flicker of darkness rippled a sigh of relief in my body; because it was Pete and he was dashing forward. Well, so did us. As we got near to the fountain, in fact under the oak tree, we heard a rustling and soft whispering coming from somewhere nearer to us. Since it was dark, we couldn't be sure.

Like a cat, Pete quickly climbed the tree. Seb too followed suit. Well, that left me behind on my own. Initially, the plan was for all of us to go to the fountain and search for the clue. However, since the plan changed so abruptly by hearing the movement, I was left on my own until I can't handle myself. If I was in some sort of danger, then, either one of them will come as soon as I whistle.

In the darkness, I couldn't even clearly outline my hands in front of me. For some reason, that unnerved me. Let's face it, I am not scared... but, this is not my usual runaway game or my sneaking out without anyone on my tail game. This was in fact, sneaking into my own home, without knowing the whereabouts and trying to find secrets that my mom hid because she had fun in being the twenty-first century pirate of the land.

Gingerly, like a cat, I moved forward to the fountain. Suddenly, I heard the rustle again and the whisper was even closer. I crouched myself underneath the fountain and held my breath. Within seconds I could hear the voice nearing the fountain.

"... I can't do that... Tom will kill me." pause! "Listen... listen... for fuc* sake, listen..." pause. Damn, I couldn't make out whose voice was that, with my heart beating furiously like a steam engine. "I want her safe and sound. I can't afford to see her injured because of his mad ambition to find the long lost treasure or whatever." Pause.

Well, I am seeing it as a big picture now. I'm in a novel that is in search of treasures that are long lost in time... and the most exciting part, I am the only one who can find that now, oh, besides mom.

It sounds excellent if in a movie or novel, but not that grand in reality, to be honest.

"... There is more than treasure?" a long silence later, "no wonder why Tom is getting his pants in a crossfire. But, I am not worried about the map; I am worried about my sister." That just melted my heart. It was not Stephen's voice, I am sure of it. Simon? Was that Simon? "Stephen was always a pain in my neck. I can't believe he is associating with Tom. Filthy glutton." A short pause later... "I need to find her and that's that. I don't want to hear anything. Sam, listen... this is serious."

A terrific amount of silence later... "I need her and that is final. If you want help or not is what I need to know. And Sam... man up and have some balls."

Simon cursed under his breath and ruffled again which I could understand as him sitting on the marble side of the fountain. Later, I could hear his phone ringing.

"Tom, Sam is going to be trouble."

And with saying that, he started to walk away. Several minutes later, it was still silence. So, I picked up all my courage and stood. With the help of my flashlight, I flashed it into the water. I rounded the entire distance of the fountain's diameter to find something unreal but didn't have any luck.

As I was about to leave it for good, I decided to run one more time, this time more clearly and more slowly. I saw something in the inner corner of the fountain, shining. I slowly pushed my hands into the cold water and felt my teeth kissing each other. 

After moving around several stones, I got hold of a strong silver painted string. When I pulled it, a small four inches square slab of thin wood came out. Underneath it was a small package cleanly bundled in plastic wrap.

My heart warmed with the sight of it. I have to admit, my mom is brilliant. But, I was sure that the map was not hidden here. No, for that I will have to chase the wind. So, with the plastic bundle in my hand, I switched off the flame. But it was too late. I heard a loud piercing, "whose there?"

I didn't wait to find if they were near or far. I ran. I ran and I could hear footsteps tracing me. Suddenly, Pete and Seb jumped from the tree and ran to the spot where we got in. more footsteps trailed behind us and I ran faster.

I was stupid. With the excitement, I must have held the torch upward and the light must have peeked out from the dark foliage.

Nearing the wall, I jumped onto it and reached the top in seconds, and then I jumped to the other side. I hear similar thuds and Pete raced before me to our car. Without waiting to check on each other, we jumped into our car and started her up. Too late, there were sounds of car's whizzing behind us. Seb jammed on the acceleration. Poor thing!

Seb was the one driving. And should I say more? It was fantastic; like I was in the fast and furious movie with PaulWalker. Seb revved the engine in powerful acceleration and cut lanes to reach into the bustling highway. No matter what time it is, this highway is always busy. Good thing, Seb reached it in time because, as soon as we meddled with the crowd, we lost the cars behind us.

But, luck was not with us, we heard the unmistakable sound of a bike. Suddenly, I froze and looked behind my back to see my beauty being tortured by some bald man. Furious beyond limits, I asked Seb to take the car to a less crowded lane and he did so. I asked him if it mattered if his car was punctured to which he looked at me comically. 

But, as I asked him to suddenly pull the breaks, he trusted me and I opened the car so fast, that the bald man didn't see it. He came kissing the opened door and along with the door, he flew some feet away. My baby was down and purring so bad.

Pete didn't let me take the bike. I didn't see it in my emotional downpour but I saw once when I was clear of my clogged mind, lights of a police car. Seb lied smoothly to his face and the bald man was arrested for... stealing my bike; Nonetheless, Seb was offered a sum of fine for driving recklessly. At last, we were left alone. The bald man throwing creepy glances at my face.

Knowing some police was watching our vehicle; Seb drove extra slow to a nearby diner and parked the car out there. After a while, he got inside the diner and the police vehicle drove off. Seb brought all of us pizza and burgers for a late night dinner and taking a detour, drove to Pete's apartment.

As we reached into the apartment, we decided to watch a movie and chill before we went to sleep. None of them asked me if I got something or not. And I was happy that they didn't ask me. I am not willing to share it with them, no matter what it is until I am ready. I need some privacy when I open the package.

Good thing, I pulled back the stones randomly above the hole in the ground, but don't remember what I did with that wooden slab. I don't want Tom to know that I am one step ahead of the riddle.

Finally, after a long cold shower, I came back to the dark room with only the light from the TV on. It seems like they are going to watch some horror flick. Fine by me! I don't want either of them to scream and run their hands all over me. They are guys, you never know.

When I coolly sat in between them, taking a pizza slice, they looked at me dumbfounded.

"What?" I deadpanned. But inside, I knew what they are going to ask to me.

"We are going to watch Possessed and you are here as if we are going to watch Mean Girls."

"First of all pee-pee," I paused, taking the time to chew my pizza, "I don't watch cheesy meany movies. Also, we are going to watch a movie on possession and as the title says, it's called, The Exorcist. A classic," I said in a bored tone. I saw Pete squirming. Oh boy, this is going to be so fun.

As the movie began, I was back to the sealed plastic package underneath my lingerie in the wardrobe.

Moving further into the movie, it started to get brutal and violent. It was then; Pete started to exorcise the girly bone in his body. He started to squirm, hold on to me... you guys get it? Onto me! And squeal when the protagonist turned her head around to the back. 

I can't be more excited than this cause Seb too started to twitch and sit in various ways. Pete was practically behind my left arm. I can't say I wasn't scared, but as my mind was totally on the package, I wasn't giving much care to the movie.

But, as the scene suddenly changed and she started to come down the stairs, we all screamed. Whoa! The movie was quite a thriller. Pete begged to stop the movie but nope! I wanted to see it now.

Seb controlled his emotions later after that gruesome scream which pierced holes in my ears. Pete rolled onto my lap and laid there without even wanting to eat his triple cheese double burger. I finished my meal and as the credits started to roll, Seb too was snoring softly.

I laughed out loud. I never knew horror movies could make men sleep.

Well, I have to admit, I would have wet the sofa if I wasn't been distracted by more pressing matter in my hands. Saying that I was free to go search for what my mom has to say. With a huge breath, I closed the door and locked it. As if the package was fire, I slowly took it from the hiding and walked to my bed.

The package was well sealed to not let the water damage the paper. Ripping the entire plastic package, I was left with a small plastic envelope with a violet velvet thick thread. Pulling it open, a small ring rolled out and then, unmistakably... I heard the crinkle of paper. Another letter; or was it a clue? I will have to look.

Pulling the letter out, I unfolded the paper but before I could read it, I felt the handle of my door rattle slowly as if someone was trying to see if they can open it.

Who could it be?


As twisted as the old oak roots! ;)

That media image; does it bring any other images? Hmm... but I think its appropriate for me now. isn't it?

Anyway, do give me a comment once or twice or a vote guys, it would mean a lot :)

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