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Finally, we made it to the apartment without any funny adventures like I planned in my head. That was disappointing, but one never knows; anything may... happen soon.

It really felt awkward to be in another room, where there is nothing to highlight my queendom; my territory. Oh my, that feeling just made me homesick. I never realized that I was attached to my room severely. Another thing that I feel bad about, is for my baby, she is still under the tree far away from the garage that I usually park her. She must be feeling lonely without me on her. Damn!

Pete caught me standing in the middle of the room with my hand partially in my hair, looking miserable; I laughed hard because he literally commented me on it, "You know, the bathroom is that way." He said with his head peeking through the doorway.

I plopped onto my bed letting the bed bob me up and down. Pete also came to sit with me.

"What's up Boo?"

"What is this Boo? You are fond of calling me boo and boo-boo bear." I said it a little bluntly I guess, for his face fell from that annoying grin. This time he flinched. I have no idea if I have triggered something in him or not and that just made me more miserable.

"I had a sister. A sweet one, just like you! She is the one whom I used to rant on to; she is the one who knew about me being gay first. She always stood by me. And I called her Boo-boo bear because she loved to call for attention by crying. My mom being a good bitch ditched me and went away to her family miles away from here when she knew I was gay. Couldn't accept me! I couldn't go plead to her cause if she didn't want to accept me being me, well then let her get lost. But, I waited for a long while for her to come back and accept me. But, she didn't. Later, I got the news that some bomb blast killed my mom and sister instantly and I never got to even said sorry to her. Lots of things make us what we are lily, not just physical or mental pain. After that incident, it made me realize that there is no point in holding a grudge or anything because life is indeed short; too short to be fact. So, cherish it. That being said; unearth where that map is, burn it, destroy it, or do whatever with it and get along with your life. You don't deserve to be cooped up as if you did something very bad."

His voice which sounded so sad just stopped me from further inquiring about his family. Even if I did ask, what is there for me to ask about it? I am entirely not a person fond of small talk either. It's not fair that such things happen. But, it is also not fair for his mother to walk out knowing who her son really is. So, I think, it is better that I stop worrying about it all. Just find the freaking map or whatever and move on with my life. But, I have to say, the clue and stuff look so childish.

"So, Pee-Pee, where are the napkin notes," I asked taking in a huge breath, like preparing myself for battle.

"Aha, I love this about you." he exclaimed, back to his fine self, extracting the notes from his pant pockets.

"What?" I asked, standing up to go to the side table by the wall to sit down.

"Your no-nonsense shit! You don't care more than you should and you don't peeve into other's businesses. I love that about you."

I just nodded at him. He doesn't know me. If I want, I would get what I want in the most irritating way.

He produced me the napkin and left me to it saying he has work to do. He sometimes works from home when he doesn't bartend by the club, as a freelance writer, so he says. I never bothered to clarify. With a sigh, I switched on the table lamp even though it was noon and I put out the napkins in its order.


"Where the moon"



"You will find me"

"In the reflection"

This set seems to be more understandable or say less gibberish than the other set. However, I haven't thrown that away yet, because maybe in the other set, was she actually planned to put in the clue. Why does she have to be SherlockHolmes or Mr.Poirot? Ugh! I am not that brainy you see. But still, it is as clear as a cow's ass, that she is not half as brainy as me. This poem was some sort of... leave it; I don't want to hurt my mom's sentiments.

Let me read the whole poem again. I took a notepad from the desk and scribbled the poem into it.

"Glow yourself tonight,

Breathe the heat "tonight",

Fall in love "where the moon"

Cause you will find it shining

The place you are "search"ing

Is where "you will find me"?

Until then, see me "in the reflection".

Now, reading it, I can feel the... "pure out of the impulse write" where she hasn't done much to hide the message to me; however, I am quite lost at her message. What can it be?

Glow myself tonight? Whatever that mean! Why should I glow in any night? Breathe the heat tonight? Well, aren't we getting too damn puzzly. Fall in love where the moon, ok, why I feel like she left the sentence hanging? I am really getting frustrating. I should be doing homework now! Shit, iced tea... I can't be going to school now that I am on the run or hiding or whatever. Damn! Why am I hiding in the first place? I rub my hands on my face rather coarsely and left out a ragged sigh.

The place you are searching, again the sentence is left hanging... Is where "you will find me"?Until then, see me "in the reflection". Ok... mom has gone shizz nibletzz... or what can I say? She is speaking a pure freaking alien language.

I stopped staring so hard at the paper as if every answer lies in the paper. Playing with the switch on the table, I got the incessant urge to call Stephen or Eva. Just to find out what is happening now in the house.

Like the bulb that got on as I switched it on, a bulb ignited my foolish brain... Goddammit, I am a fool... I can contact Lisa somehow to get hold of everything, or Linda, yes, Linda will help me. Yes, I need to sneak into my house somehow, even if there are secrets eyes looking out for me.

"Your lunch!" a sound startled me from behind as he put down McDonald's paper bag onto the table. He then removed his jumbo jacket, riding jacket, a shrug and sat down wheezing in a black t-shirt and army tracks. He looks handsome, that much I should agree. Finally, he simply fell backward to the bed and I noted he was frustrated. "I figured you might love burgers and fries. I did buy some milkshake too. That way we don't have to go out." Seb continued without looking at me. In fact, he was looking at the ceiling.

"Why can't we go out?"

"I think they are looking for your everywhere. I have no idea what they might do to you once they get to hold on you."

"Well, that doesn't make me want to hide from my own shadow."

"I know, at least for now, you have to lay low. We don't want you in bad hands."

Now, he was facing me, sitting on the edge of the bed with his hands on his knees looking so damn handsome. Fine! My girly emotions are on spree, fangirling on him, but my logic kicked something under my gray cells.

"Say Seb, are you keeping me under your wing for something major?" I said without any emotions and he looked at me just as hard.

"The door's that way you know, you are ready to walk out any time you want."

"Well, that doesn't make me sleep well at night." I know I am playing by his patience. I just want to make sure that I am in safe hands for now so that when I make a go at it, I can make sure he won't be on my tail.

"Look, I took a genuine interest in you cause you remind me so much of myself back then when dirt was my blanket and the filthy floor was my bed. Your eyes speak so much to me and that is the only reason I am saving you from those bloodhounds. If I want, I just need to call my boss and he will pick you from my fingernail and jam you to find that map to wherever it leads to. So, trust me if you want and I don't care if you don't."

He went away, closing the door calmly. He didn't show any sign of drastic emotions and I am fine by that. Slowly, I turn around, took my burger out. It was a double cheeseburger, yum. With a huge bite on it, I decided that the poem and the riddle were going to be my homework for now.

I am back with the cutout message;


"Where the moon"



"You will find me"

"In the reflection"

There simply has to have some meaning. With my mouthful, I wondered out loud, "What is with tonight?" fries and burger in my mouth, I re-read them again. After a while, I was still without any clue. To be honest, I was not putting my mind and heart into it since I was running back to the thought, who and where is my mother. I simply can't put that away.

It must be half an hour, and my lunch completely crumbled in my stomach later, Seb walked in again and sat next to me pulling out a stood from the desk which I didn't see earlier. He looked at me and offered me a smile.

"I am sorry, I... well, forget it... what did you find out from the notes?"

"Nothing" I deadpanned.

"Let's see..." he took from me the whole poem, read it, then read the two different sets and once again read the poem.

"See, it is clear as daylight that you mother was not being so brilliant yet the riddle is difficult. But, think again to find if there are any memories of you that can connect you to this poem here."

I remained silent. No, I can't think of anything that might help me here. So, I nodded a disappointing no to him. He sighed and said something like, the message was on our face; it's just the way we are looking at it wrong.

"Yes, I know... I can feel the answer to this is simple and that is not the end. She will lead us more with such gibberish notes. But, this one is easy, I can feel it but I am not able to break it down."

Pete was still in his room all this time and within the short span of knowing him; I learned that once he set his mind to something, there is no breaking him from it. So, the freelance writing thing has got to him this morning and he was busy in his room. Thus, neither I nor Seb went to disturb him.

After a while, I took a break to use the bathroom. It was just an excuse for me to peek in on Seb while I do my business in the bathroom. Well, for the few minutes I went in, there was nothing wrong with his part. So, I moved for a while and really did my business with the door partially open; I might me going mad. Seb was still sitting in the same position I left him. I should trust some sort of halo or miracle that Seb and Pete are by my side and I shouldn't doubt them.

But, blame my girl's guts; I can't put my trust in them for some reason.

"There has to be some sort of importance for 'Tonight' since she used it two times," Seb said after a couple of minutes breaking the silence and it was then Pete burst into my room saying he finished the article, he sent it and the editor was pleased with it. That means he has two days of leave. Wow! It must be awesome to work like that.

In addition with Pete, we have a head more to solve the riddle and I couldn't be happier. In between serious thinking, joking, looking through social media and two hours later, Pete exclaimed that he got a wonderful idea. I was eager to know that he finally solved this riddle but alas no!

"I have this wonderful idea! I am going to start writing a novel based on your story Lily!"

For a few minutes, I and Pete looked at each other and then we both shoved our body into Pete which in turn let us all fall down with a thud and Pete groaning so loudly.

"What did you do that for?" Pete groaned and moaned like a baby."

"I don't weight that much!" I said in between laugh.

Seb was just laughing. Suddenly like he was struck by lightening he said, "I found it."

I groaned, "It better not be another stupid drama..."

"No... we are fools! See, tonight! There is nothing splendid about it. We just have been lazy and didn't look hard enough. It was on your birthday you got this letter; so, the tonight was in fact, your birthday night!"

Indeed, that made perfect sense! Even Pete forgot to act like a girl and peered into the notes. So, that was deciphered. Then, what?

"Tonight, where the moon, Shining, Search, you will find me, in the reflection"

Once more looking at it, I understood. Perfectly! The message was as clear as the day.

"We need to go to my house, unseen," I said.


WhooHoo, the story is progressing and much more fun awaits :) After two more chapters, I will edit the book and then move on. Until then, so long.... ♥

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