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I am in love with the plot. But, too bad, I don't have an audience with me to share my excitement. Anyway, hiii...


I could feel my blood boiling with rage; but... I had to thank those stupid goons; whoever they are, because in midst of my lingerie and dresses were a silver chain. I took them from the pile and shrieked. 

Seb who was inspecting the other room, in fact, his room, came running with the box in hand. With what had happened, he wasn't going to keep it down anywhere. I showed him my chain and just shrugged my shoulders with a smile.

"At least, they helped us," Seb said with a stunning smile and I was about to say something when he stopped me by his finger on my lips.

The question was that who put this in my bag. It was a big question. It may be Lisa or Stephen. Anyway, I am so glad that I was here with me than in that house.

Calling Pete was important now; Seb said and dialed his number.

Unfortunately, Pete and Stephan were out of town for something since the morning and said they will be here only by night time. Thus, Seb went out of the house and demanded something for Pete to bring tonight when they come. Ending the conversation, he came back and gave the box to me.

With a wildly beating heart, I pulled out the chain in my hands and took the box in my other hand. My hands were trembling badly. Seb put his hands on my shoulders and squeezed. Blowing out, I positioned the cross pendant and pushed it into the thin hollow. With a bit of force, it slid in and I heard a click.

I looked up at Seb with wide eyes and he just smiled.

Somehow, in the last few days, I have come to grow with his company. And it felt safe and good. I sighed.

The click was just a slight rise of the lid above. I could easily pull it apart and in the hollow box were many papers. Scrunching up my brows, I took them out. It was a total of five letters; five short letters. I was seriously confused now. Did I come here for mere letters that my mother wanted to tell me before I die?

I wanted to rip them apart.

However, something in my heart said, there was something in the letters that will be my next clue. With a huge, tired sigh, I opened the letters but Seb stopped me. He mouthed, 'not here' and I agreed. I don't know why he was being this serious.

Maybe those goons must have tapped this cabin. Dammit.

Seb put all those papers back into the box and put the box into a very beautiful cotton handbag in an Indian design that he bought for me the beach shop last night. Then, he took me to the cliff top near to the ground where the old people, more like the authority of this town beach hangs out, and we sat there, near to the sheer drop to the beach.

I have no idea if I should be worried or be grateful for his company since Seb has been the rock in my life right now from the beginning and no matter what I do not the heart to ask him to leave.

Let's face it, in a while, I have been graced with a figure that I could put my worries into without wearing a mask; though, his trust is a constant fear in my heart. I do love him not as lovers do but something deep. If Seb did cheat me, I am sure I will never trust any soul with my life again.

Suddenly looking up at the deep blue sky with freckled stars, I said, "Seb, I do have to tell you; I have never once felt this close with anyone before, heck, I never had a friend like you before." I turned to look at him, "Thus, if you are here to cheat me like Tom, I am telling you, please... don't do it. If you want the map or heck, the whole treasure, I will give it to you once I get it but please... don't deceive me."

In the moonlight and the orangish streetlight hanging from the straight poles in a sporadic interval, with people's soothing chatter and laughter in the background; Seb held my face in his warm hands, looked deep into my eyes as if he was searching my soul or something... and kissed me. A soft, lingering kiss; that just made me closes my eyes and melts into his hands.

The moon shone a little too brightly I guess, and Seb's face was glistening in it. His eyes were closed as he melted me. I closed my eyes once again, feeling all the bottled pressure bursting through my veins and I cried. I cried into the night with Seb eating away all my worries. I guess, not worries, but for the time being, he was taking all the blemishes from my heart and I cried as I kissed him freely.

He pulled back with a bite on my lower lip and rubbed away all my tears with his thumb. I turned away saying sorry but he pulled me back to look at him.

"You have been through a lot and I have been through a lot. It takes a lifetime to entirely trust a person and I have had my own share of cheatings and heartbreaks. I felt like I saw my better half when I saw you scream to the night below that day on the hill. No girl screams like that; I mean girls do scream but real girls scream to the world, into the night and walk like a diva the following morning, not into pillows. Your scream pinched my senses and resonated deep within. I am not saying I am in love with you but I have felt a connection, deep and strong that I couldn't in my lifetime deceive you for a mere map that let us to fuc*ing suicide treasure."

His voice was soft but strong, slow but heavy and I just melted into his penetrating gaze and lovely voice. I stared back at him and blurted the first thing that came to me. "You do talk too much when nervous plus girls can scream wherever they want. I do scream to pillows, what's wrong with that?" he stared at me amusedly and burst out laughing.

He bends down and put his hand on the knees and laughed until he wiped away few tears.

"For a girl, you know how to be romantic."

"What can I say, I learn from the best," I replied, not even knowing who the best was. Feeling too proud with my comeback, I sat down on the soft grass but shifted when I felt little pebbles biting in through my denim shorts.

Taking out the box felt like accomplishing a fantastic and dangerous mission. The letters were fragile. When I saw the letters have a numbering on top, I stacked the letter by the order. On the very first letter, I saw my mom's sweet endearment. Scoffing at that, I tried to recall what my mom's other letters were.

In fact, I don't remember them at all since the information's were broken and filled in odd spots. So, believing these letters will give me honest answers, I erased all my recollections of the old letters and began to read the new ones.

Indeed, my mom was giving me the history of her sweet existence. Oh, the fun in it.

Dearest Lillian,

I do have to tell you, you look entirely a stark resemblance of, honey.

I will spare you the curiosity and tell you everything from the beginning. Don't you keep in mind the last letters since they were just refined lies that I had to tell you; just in case, Tom ever got to them first before you.

Like this word, he has kept the promise and never once looked into the letter before you. But, I cannot tell you if he knows of my other locations. Although, I have to tell you, this being my third clue; you are brave and brilliant. You have reached so far...

Leaving this box with Bethlem was my daring mission since I trust that man with my heart. He and I, go way back.

So, yes, I will tell you all about it... now. But before that, listen and listen carefully; for these clues are not mere sucking poetry, they are much more than gibberish lines... link the lines according to the letter number.

'Time will come when

Sea and land kiss,

The shore will halt

And waves will be high;

On such a day,

I will come back with might.

Yours Eva

Ok, no wonder she has them in short letters. If anyone ever got this, I am sure they will be so angry by now. She was clever and really loving this game. It was a sweet torture. I sighed once again and opened the second letter.

"I am starving," Seb said.

"Oh," Seb was with me, I forgot. "I am not hungry, you go have something."

He just nodded and walked away to the nearby food courts.

As I unfolded the second paper, my phone vibrated. Upon looking, I saw it was a message from Seb saying, 'Pete and Stephen will come soon, meet me in the cabin.' It didn't say how soon, so, I opened the second letter.

Dearest Lily,

The flower my parents loved the most. Yes, I was born and bought up in a family. I wasn't an orphan in the beginning.

I was born and bought up in town beach, a land filled with wonders, concealed from the world. Of course, we are not an alien world but to shift here is difficult. We don't welcome people to our clan but they can be a tourist and stay for a little while. Oh, why do I have to tell you about all that?

We were basically artisans, but later on started trade that focused mainly on handcrafted beauties but branched out to silk, cotton, and opium. Also, imported wine from Italy. We were rich to our fullest; a happy family. You see, we were a big happy big family from different mothers but basically a family. I suck at explaining things, sorry.

However, we didn't realize in time, the black raven amidst us who had other intentions.

He wanted to use town beach for illegal purpose as it was a safe spot with a harbor and lighthouse and all sorts of arrangements. But, he couldn't; since my father was one amongst the leader. He was next to the big Pa, known as the main head. Even though Bethlem's grandparents were alive, pa got the likelihood and thus it was important that everyone listens to pa. But that man didn't. Thus, pa had to execute him.

It caused a war amongst the clan. Few who supported him in the illegal business grouped out and walked away from Town beach declaring that they will seek revenge. Although our clan was really safe; their eyes knew the weak points since they were one among us. I was five years old with Evelyn being four. We were more like twins.

They came one night and threatened to kill me before my parent's eyes. Pa never made a sound and demanded that I should be freed and that he should be killed. The leader of the pack snatched me and touched me appropriately in front of my parents and snatched my sister; then killed my father in cold blood. Three gun shots were all that needed to finish my life.

Before he fell down, he said to me; you are a warrior, never forget that. He died smiling. I didn't know when he killed my mom.

Since they wore masks, I don't know who they were, but lily, I know the voice and I have trained myself so hard from the young age, I never forgot.

What they did was indeed cruel. They shifted us two thousand miles away and ditched us in an empty road. Who found us, who brought us to the wretched orphanage, and who adopted us into foster care; was all unknown to me since my mind is completely in a state of delusion that asked me to avenge my father's death. I wasn't too close with mama.

By ten years old, I was molested in ways I couldn't tarnish your young mind with. Being in foster care was another nightmare. Being the rebellion I was, I ended up with some thugs that used me rather than caring me. Evelyn was well settled by then. I was fifteen. I ran away, ended up somewhere and that's when Peter came like a knight in black armor, testing me.

He provided me food water and everything; care of a loving father in the beginning. Little did I know he was a mafia head... huh! Luckily, he didn't sell me but trained me. Oh, don't be so alarmed. He had sex trafficking business too. I feel bad that once I knew about it; I could have sold him to the police but I couldn't. He saved me, so I saved his back. Also, he trained me real well; I needed that, God knows I needed that training.

I dated him for a while; (another stupid mistake and story when we meet), and... he is not so young, anyway, I... I really want to bond with you like mother-daughter duo and not as a friend. I always deviate my thoughts when I think of you darling. Sigh.

Anyway, I realized he is the first big mafia underworld don at that time that had prominent officials under his wind and next in line was his rival. Guess what? The rival head was the gang that ran away from town beach as Peter said. I connected the dots and indeed, it was them. But I don't know who killed my father. I guessed it must be the leader. Anyway; I believed it was a God given chance.



I will tell you this;

When I avenge those-

Who; made me hide my life.

I got the chance to hide them

In paper bags and shoeboxes

Don't think more of my words in these poems. They are not relevant now, but you will know soon.

Lots of love,

Lots to tell

Yours only...

I never realized when I started crying.

By the time I reached- lots of love, I was really sobbing into the air. My mother had to go through so much. She had to endure so much. And here was I hating her without knowing the whole story. I just, sobbed, sitting there, with my head held in my hands.

After a while, I felt someone holding me. It was Seb who held my shoulders and kissed my head. He must have realized; reading my mom's letter made me emotional.

He gave me hot burgers and fries. I momentarily forgot everything once I got food but suddenly something hit me...

If it wasn't Seb who messaged me, who did?


Holla, how do you like this so far? Now the poems may seem unwanted, but you will know soon! ;)

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