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Hello ♥


I gazed astonishingly at Seb who had his face plastered into the take out greedily. I took out my phone and showed him the message. With a confused expression, he read them again and again.

At last, he put out the Sim card and destroyed the phone by stomping on it with his boots; I wonder why. Then he took me to the cabin, asked me to pack everything and I did as he asked me. I saw him putting the Sim card into the first drawer by my bed and walked out from the cabin.

He asked me to wait few feet away, from the next cabin to mine and talked with the man of the house. I saw he nodded his head at Seb and walked back inside. Seb did that to every other cabin's head and then walked me out towards the road where stone houses, higher and bigger than the cabins were situated. I could see the private beach filled in the far end, with the bar, food shacks and disco club clearly where I was standing now.

I wondered what he said to all those men. He didn't say anything to me at all. I assume he must have warned everyone. Why? Why do they care if something happens to me? I am their no one, right?

Through a clearing, he took me to the most beautiful timber house in the far end, up above a small hill with sturdy trees reaching high into the sky. I have never seen such a house which looks modern but has its resemblance to an ancient hut. The lantern lights that hung from intervals in different length outside projected a soft orangish glow that made me want to curl and sleep then and there.

Don't ask I am weird... I know. The oriel windows with cushions inside made me just fall in love with the house. The drapes were pulled and a thin lacy curtain was pulled down. The insides were too lit with a soft orangish yet bright light. Something about this house was homely and cozy.

Before entering the house, Seb turned to me to him from the house and said, "I want to keep you safe and being with Bethlam uncle is the safest. Don't ask and don't argue. He will take care of you as well as these people. I will come meet you soon. Don't go anywhere alone, please. They might know where you are. Although we weren't running away from anyone specifically, I want to keep you safe. And... ok, so, umm, well, this is Bethlem's house."

He knocked on the door and then rang the bell which sounded like church bells. I smiled at the soothing sound. After a few minutes, the beautiful blond opened the door in pink shorts and a darker pink tank top. Her eyes lit with a special glimmer when she saw Seb. But, Seb politely asked for Bethlam and he came out in loose baggy shirts and sweats.

"Samantha, dear... oh sorry, Lillian, how are you, honey?" He embraced me in a warm hug and I saw Carolina looking at Seb with a questioning glare. He ignored her.

"Uncle, they found her number and mock messaged her to meet alone in the cabin. She is not safe. Until we get every detail, I think she is..."

"Talk no more. Carrie, dear, take her to the guest wing." It was an order and Carrie did as she was told with a very discreet scowl.

What is her problem?

I could hear snippets of what they spoke and Seb said something about the clues.

But, in this letter, there was no clue.

Carrie opened the door and I looked inside. The queen sized bed looks amazing with its beautiful caramel quilt comfort and umpteen pillows in cream, caramel, and white colors. The blankets matched the quilt and the carpet underneath the bed. The walls were a lighter shade of the caramel color with golden highlights and the fairy lights decorations made the room look too cozy and magical to be true.

"Thank you," I said to Carrie who was looking at me sharply.

"What business do you have with Seb?" her question was like a slap to my senses. I whipped my head and stared at her.

"Excuse me?"

"What are you to Seb?" she reframed the question and I was once again, stunned.

"Why do you ask?"

"I just want to know." she said.

"Ask yourself." My bitchy self-was out.

Living with Seb and the boys for few days changed me to be my older self. But, thanks to Carolina, or Carrie, whatever, she helped me get my bitch self back. I got in and slammed the door to her face.

The first thing I did was fall onto the bed face first. I got up a few minutes later and stuffed my duffle bag into the burnt caramel colored wardrobe half empty except for few towels, bath robes, and bed sheets. I once more looked around. What am I supposed to do here?

I was about to go to the bathroom and have a quick shower when the door got knocked. Hoping and crossing my fingers that it shouldn't be Carolina, I opened to see Seb standing there with a smile.

"Hi, can I come in?" he asked. I frowned, without even waiting for my reply; he got himself in and bolted the door.

"Listen, I will be away soon, so... before that let's grab a bite and... yeah."

"Ok. Umm, can you not stay with me?"

He looked at me with a beautiful smile and said, "If you wish me in one piece, trust me, I will be around and come to you later. Here, take this phone, just in case."


"Just... in case," he looked at me with a sigh. "Do you have any new clue?" he asked.

"No. It's her life story," I said suddenly anxious as to why he needed to know if there was a clue or not.

"Oh," he said. "Well, umm, we will wait until you get a clue. Don't worry; I am not on the bad side. If then I wouldn't bring you to Bethlam; your mom's friend," he stopped not wanting to speak more but obviously he stopped mid-sentence.

"That reminds me, I, umm, it feels like you belong here. Carolina asked me what business I have with you. And... sigh, I don't know anything about you." I said suddenly feeling very emotional.

He held my head in his hands and kissed my forehead. His gaze fell on my lips but I looked away. I am not really romantic right now. My body didn't flush in his touch. I didn't find something different. But, I felt disgusting and sad. This entire ordeal is making me fall into a big trap and I am killing myself.

"Please trust me lily." He kissed me softly on the lips. Withdrawing he said, "I will tell you everything about me after everything about you gets settled."


Suddenly the room got opened and in walked Carolina with a scowl on her face. Seb didn't suddenly withdraw his hands from my face which I was happy with since I didn't want to give her any wrong notions or show her I am afraid of anything.

"Father is calling you."

He just nodded his head, went away leaving us behind. I turned my back to take the towel and have a bath when Carolina stopped me hastily.

"You don't know Sebastian. You will get hurt."

"Listen to me Carolina, I don't know your story and you don't know mine. So back off," I was furious now. I wonder what is wrong with her.

"Please..." she was begging now. What the actual...

"Why are you so concerned?" I asked.

"Because I know him unlike you..." She said in a whisper.

"How are you guys even related?"

"He is my cousin. That is all I can say. A close cousin to be precise, look... I didn't tell anything. Please... stay safe." She walked out from my room leaving me in a frenzied mess.

I decided to take a cold, cold bath to ease my mind that was cluttered right now. Too much of everything is really hazardous to health.

After an hour or so in the shower, Seb came down to take me to dinner. It wasn't anywhere fancy but with Bethlam's family. I shot a nervous glance at Seb who just smiled assuredly at me. I sat down and waited for the family to dig in.

There was Bethlam, his mute wife who smiled so beautifully who gave me a hug before sitting down and then Carolina; now I see how she was this beautiful, plus Seb, me and a guy who I don't know. And he didn't talk much.

Bethlam sat first, crossed her hands and said a prayer. Wow!

And then, he served himself. After that everyone started to fill in their plates.

I filled my plate with salad, chicken, and lasagna. There were much more varieties for the family of four including me and Seb but I daren't touch them since I have no idea what they were. The lady was signing something and Bethlam smiled warmly at his wife. "She is saying that she prepared this for you. Special treat!" he gleamed with so many emotions, squeezing her hand that I genuinely smiled and said my thank you.

"So, what about your studies?" Bethlam asked slicing the silence, his middle finger hurriedly picking on something in between his teeth.

"I haven't..."

"With all that happened, it's hard for her to think about education uncle. I am sure she can pursue it once she finishes this drama. I don't think it's safe to..."

"You, my boy, have forgotten all the manners. The lady was speaking." Bethlam said without looking away from my face.

The room grew silent. I shot Seb a glare and wondered why he answered for me. Did he think I am incapable of handling myself or was he this desperate to get whatever the fuc* that thing is?

"With all that happened, I haven't had time to think about it, honestly but I want to complete my education. I had dreams."

"Hmm, I am sure I can get you home schooled without losing a year so that you would not have any problem. If you are half as anything as Evangeline... you must excel in your grades." He said and his wife smiled, nodding her head.

"Do tell me about my mother please," I said to him.

"It's a tragic story. One which I suffered too many mislay than I can count. If it wasn't for Louise, I wouldn't have had to suffer this much. And neither would have for Ludhiana, she was never mute, but it happened after the wretched war. No one knows why she suddenly became mute." He stopped talking.

I wonder who this Louise is. I think I have heard that name before. But it looks like Bethlam is in story telling humor since he recollected himself and started speaking.

"I am sure; she must have written it all in the letter. She said she will write them to you as soon as she can get you away from the chaos. She is a brave woman my dear child. Evangeline is my God daughter, you see and my wife's best friend. Her grandfather died in the war Louise's father created and she was only four at that time, stopped talking.

"I begged my father to disown him but being the good man my ancestors were, just exiled him. There is a big difference for both disowning and exiling, in here. Anyway, he came back with a troupe and started feuds. It was then he started demanding access to do illegal things. I and your grandfather were in power and he strongly discouraged it and exiled him without any pleas sanction." He paused.

"That means Louise couldn't come back in any way. There must have been insiders for Louise because he and his goons came in one night and killed your grandparents in cold blood and ditched the two young girl's miles away from us. Evangeline is my blood. She returned. Evelyn didn't but I knew she was safe somewhere. I didn't know she was safe in the rivalry's hand. Louise's son Louise second married her since they knew who she was. And... it was bad."

He stopped unable to continue but I wanted to know. I wanted to know what happened. So, I put my hand on top of his and he looked up from his plate.

"By then your mother found Sam, a good soul, a business tycoon and settled. Peter trusted her with his soul and that is the only reason your mother is still intact. But circumstances created hindrances, and your mother had to retrieve the map and certain papers which were important from Louise second and vanished. By then, she forced Sam to take Evelyn into his custody since Evelyn came to Evangeline's aid, few weeks afore the theft. The map in Louise's hands means destruction. Your mother became Robin Hood and no one could have done that apart from your mother.

"Later, Sam mock-married Evelyn and Louise second couldn't do anything about it. My men killed Louise and some people in an internal affair and since then, they never played with fire. I assure you, you are safe here but I need you to hurry and find the map. I need to find my goddaughter and know if she is safe or not. Do not think I didn't search her. I did, but she is clever as... I don't. She is cleverer than anything I know about. And I haven't heard or seen anything about her since. Oh, she did leave me the box before vanishing and I protected it in the cabin in my light house."

The whole dining area was silent apart from the heavy breathing coming from myself. I listened with rapt attention. And when he stopped, my heart stopped. So, my mom was talking about this clan. She was from here. I was living in her hometown. No wonder why the people were so supportive. For them, it was like, a family returned. My heart warmed.

Indeed, many of it was explained in the letter and that reminds me I need to read the remaining letters. I need to know more. I need to know it from my mom.

I excused myself and got up but was stopped by Bethlam. "You can't waste food, honey. You have to eat what you take." I wasn't hungry at all. But, his voice was strong and severe. I couldn't disobey. I golfed down the rest of the food and got up quickly.

Something told me, what I did was wrong.

Before going up the stairs, I saw Bethlam was the first to get up. The rest of them got up later. I didn't care to look further; I mean to see if he was the first to wash or not. I went to my room.

The letters were deep in my duffle bag pockets and I took them out. With letters in my hand, I was about to start reading the third letter when suddenly the lights went out.


This was written when I was utterly bored. SO, if it's boring, sorry :D Next chap is action and fun and tears! 

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