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Sitting in my room didn't feel safe because of the technical prying eyes, so I walked out to the balcony and closed the sliding door after locking up my room. I carefully checked everywhere for a possible big camera head but found nothing. However, I am sure there is one; might be minuscule. Tom and Sam are big heads for trending technologies; thus, I am sure there is one. Thus, I sat in the far corner and took out... hopefully, the last clue from them. I knew it was not the last one but I can certainly hope so.

I slowly tore the envelope and realized the letter seemed new. Why was that?

That sparked a fire in me. Was she close to me?

The faint fragrance and crispness of the paper tipped me off with the hope that it is new. It might be my imagination but somehow I am going to believe it as that. However, the fruity fragrance was nowhere familiar to me. I never pictured her as a woman that might wear flowy dresses, squirting fragrances, walking around with painted face and meticulous hairstyles.

I inhaled the fruity scent and looked into the beautiful cloudless sky wondering what would have been my life in this meticulous household if nothing of this sort had happened. It seems like I have jumped into a stupid mystery novel.

Sighing once again, I opened the three-fold envelope and started reading. As usual, it started with the daring endearment.

Dearest darling daughter,

I know you still have so many questions though I tried to give you a roundabout detailing in my first five clue letters. Now, if you are reading this, I assume you are quite clever as I expected and that you are near to the destination, although; from now on I should warn you.

Since you are back home and retrieved this; word will spread fast like wildfire into the hounds of hell that Lillian is close to revealing the treasure.

Though I hate myself for saying this, you are better safe with Tom and Sam right now. I have no idea if Simon and Stephen will help you but dare you never get close to them. They have the streaks of their father in them.

Now that you have received this letter, I will tell you something.

First, the thing you are going to retrieve is in a very dangerous location. It's not safe, yet you can be saved if you are little too fast in your legs. Second, the Hawks will surround you, please be armed as heavily as you can and I am sure your hands are sturdy enough to fight since I know Tom might not leave you lethargic fearing my wrath.

Thirdly, be careful not to rush in.

Fourthly, make yourself busy as you can fool the people around you but take as much time as possible by stalling yourself to receive the treasure. You will know why, once you reach there if my timing is right. There is a secret in this saying thus please heed my warning.

P.S never believe everything Tom says. He still is the reason why we are hanging on the cliff.

P.P.S look into the wide fence where rose and jasmine rule; for underneath the eight stick and the fourth knot will be a surprise which you may only get.

Your mom, hopefully, we will meet soon,

Love Eva...

And the letter ends there. For me, the first P.S looks like a clue. Because it's my mom we are talking about. But, the second one seems like the actual clue. Anyhow, this was getting really frustrating to be very honest. However, I really wanted to go dig some bones now.

Hopefully, the one in the fence be the last one; or so be it, that I will not find it for her. I will give this letter and the clue to Tom and let him deal with it however he wills. I am really fed up with this stupid game that is taking an eternity to get my life sorted out.

What is mom meaning by pressing the issue for me to stall time?

I pocketed the letter once again and went into my room to go out for a ride. Opening my wardrobe gave me a nostalgic pang in my heart. My school! My education! Poof! I used to open this and stand here to decide what to wear that day. But, now, I hardly ever decide what to wear. It's more like, wear what I can get my hands on.

Thus, I simply pulled out a tank top; which was neatly stacked... oh my, someone has saved my wardrobe. I didn't bother to change it all, thus, I wore the same jeans from last night. I kept the jacket; I didn't want unwanted bacteria infested hands to pry through my pockets to retrieve something valuable.

I walked out of my room, really unsure how to address my family; since everything is bizarre once I am back. Obviously, they didn't show it directly to my face, but I could understand. Everything has changed. The tension between us was as thick as a three-tiered chocolate cake that I could cut only with a sword.

I heard voices coming from the main hall. I guess some of them might have returned. Very well!

Pulling my hair tight into a messy ponytail, I walked out.

As I came into the hall, I was surprised to find Stephen with the other two. By the look of it, Stephen was not welcome as well as I was. Ignoring them, I came down and gave a swift hug to Stephen who returned just the same. As he continued to hug me, he whispered, "Seb and Pete want to see you."

I nodded to his shoulder.

"Wow, never pegged you for a sibling hugger, weasel face." Tiffany addressed me with a snort.

"I never pegged you for a tree kisser, but then again, you must have caught something from all the trees you have tried in your lifetime to make you a dork as a tree," I said, while Tiffany tried to compose her composure. God, I need to tweak my comebacks too, they are not cool.

"At least, I have kissed a dozen times you twat, what about you? Oh, I am sorry; I forget the fact that you are a un-kissable faggot."

"What... you think faggots don't kiss? They are really good pickers while it comes to kissing, amongst the rest. Are you dumber than I thought you to be?"

"Oh please, don't change the subject!" she snorted again.

"What's the point if you are a book to be opened anywhere anytime even if a horse face asked you for your time? At least I am not untamable as that." I cocked my head to the side.

"You bitch..." she came to my face with her claws outstretched but was interrupted by Stephen otherwise she would have known that years of my training and art was not just for fun. However, it was really a voice that stopped her mid-track.

"Umm, ladies... if you will excuse me... hi," Shaun said standing in the middle of the doorway looking at both of us.

Tiffany started to swoon and show her flirty bitch side to Shaun as he walked himself in.

"Who are you?" Simon asked authoritatively who earlier was busying himself in the laptop, not interested in what we had to fight with. However, now he looked straight at Shaun with his back straight looking as authoritarian as possible. Posh! The amused glance of Stephen was long gone since Tiffany was ready to pounce on me, but now he looked even more agitated.

"Tom's goon..." Stephen said simply.

"More like his friend's son, if you please. I am not working for him." Shaun replied.

"Oh please, you accompany him like a shadow just like your father did. Pity he got killed by his own best friend." Stephen said smugly. With his clipped and chill tone, I get it; he is not fond of Shaun in any way. Goodness... and he accepts Seb? I stared at both of them. None heeded me even slightly.

"He was asking himself for trouble since the moment he knew what Tom was hiding in plain sight," Shaun replied simply looking at me with his hands deep into his pockets. If I am still back in the game, I could tell his hands were fisted.

"Whatever... whoever you are, are you free this evening?" Tiffany asked suddenly taking charge of the situation, least bothered about what is happening. Oh that, bitch...

"Like I told you..." I said in a sing sang voice but she literally ignored me for the first time. It was an awesome feeling. She was still twirling her hair with her fingers. Gross!

"I am sorry to disappoint you, but I have a date with someone special. Thus, I will be stealing her for a while." He looked at Tiffany and smiled which made her gasp.

I smiled cheekily at Tiffany, she was shell-shocked by what she just heard. I smiled smugly and looked down trying to act shy when Shaun asked for my hand. Then, just to vex Tiffany, I looked back and gave her a mock salute. She turned around and walked away shooting bullets with her platinum blond hair.

Stephen had this amazing look on his face that seemed to be amused and also confused; although his eyes said something else. He asked me silently to be careful and I nodded ever so slightly before I watched Simon who has this unreadable expression on his face looking at the both of us.

By then I had descended the stairs and listened to Shaun laugh amusedly. I couldn't help but laugh with him.

"You are an awesome actor. Do you hate her that much?"

"Oh, you don't say... she is a freaking pain in the ass if I might be so polite about her. It's not that, you know, she really treats me like I am dirt on her feet just because I don't dress up and party on my body. I am plain Jane who loves to ride the bike, ride horses and move like a cheetah on a highly packed road; does that make me less girly?"

"Indeed but it makes you more interesting. I see that you are talking a lot now."

"Oh, life changes one in a lot of ways. Besides I wasn't that silent stuck up bitch always... anyway, I was always talking in mind but now with all the stuff going on... I don't mind talk much. It hurts my head."

"Mind talk... what..."

"Oh, I mean, talk in my mind to myself you know."

"Ah... I will pretend I understood."

"As if you haven't done that at all," I nudged his shoulders lightly and he laughed as he got my door opened to his beautiful black jaguar.

"So... where are we going?" I asked him after a long beat of silence and listening to random music.

"It's a surprise." He said and I remained silent, looking away. As of late, I hate surprises; but I didn't say it for I feared it might turn out to be overly cliché or it might offend the moment.

After a long ride, crossing through many streets, we reached somewhere it was largely land and greenery everywhere. The scene was breathtaking with lots of large trees, birds, beautiful flowers, and simply just like a painting. I was admiring it, bobbing my head to a heavy metal track. All the while Shaun was kind of silent, and I didn't mind it until we rolled over a hill and then turned right to a shady part where even though it was scenic, it looked horrifically silent and eerie.

Shaun just looked at me at this point and smiled which I didn't find any bit easygoing.

"Where are you taking me; to murder me?" I asked unsurely feeling less safe now.

"Shut it silly." He amusedly said.

After a few more rolls, we came into a narrow path lined with trees and an amazing flowery path which led to the gates of a household property. Shaun opened the gate and started to roll in. I had this bad feeling in my head.

"Shaun this isn't funny. Don't question my trust instincts now."

"Oh boy, you are fierce. Silly, this is my mom's house and she used to take me here all the time. I just got here to do something special for you. Let me just park it him somewhere."

I started to panic. This wasn't funny. And somehow, this got me in a position where I was questioning my trust instincts or was it my stupidity. I shouldn't have come here. I checked Seb's number along with Tom's and Stephen's in speed dial.

Shaun stopped his car and asked me to get out.

I did but without taking my fingers off the phone. He simply walked forth with his hands in the pockets while I looked around keeping my poker face.

Somehow the feeling of someone will come jumping around or him going to do something, made me feel uneasy about this trip altogether. Trailing him, I reached to his backyard where there was a small rivulet running off into a bend, which looked so beautiful with small grey rocks, tall grasses with flowers and little butterflies. It looked like a painting.

"My mom used to bring me here all the time when I was angry or confused. It used to soothe me. It's a pity, this place lies in the dust." He looked straight into the gurgling water when he spoke.

"Can you get to the point?" I snapped.

"Relax; I am not here to do anything. Besides, what can I do? Tom has eyes on you all the time."

"What do you mean?"

"What do you think Lily, how does Tom keep up with you all the time?"

"Enlighten me..."

He sighed, "There is this nanocomputer chip installed into your body that let him know wherever you are all the time. I am not sure where it is, but it's in your body and... I couldn't do anything even if I did want to, Lillian. I wouldn't do anything Lily. I brought you here for something completely different and I am not sure in your frame of mind, how will this go." he sighed.

The nanochip part was fuming through my mind but the nervous looking Shaun interested me more. "Come to the point Shaun."

"Will you be my wif... girlfriend, for now?" he took out this cute Tiffany velvet box the color of the night sky and presented me a beautiful ring with a single diamond. I gasped. Somehow this sets my heart racing. I didn't expect this at all. I was expecting ambush and I will have to call Seb to come rescuing me.

The nanochip part, my mom's clues and trap and everything literally vanished from my heart. But, to shatter the excitement like a balloon, Seb's smiling face and sleeping with his hands in mine flashed through my mind, hurting me.

I looked at Shaun knowing not what to say when he smiled sadly and said, "You don't have to answer right away. I was just... it's fine." He smiled and pocketed the ring back.

I caught his hands before he could face away from me, "I am sorry but you have to understand. I am not in the right frame of my mind."

"I understand. Besides, I just wished to cheer you up, you know. I know you are so down so I..."

We both heard the careful footstep that went horribly wrong on the soft grass. We stilled and listened. I believe Shaun saw them running before I did. He plucked me up and twisted me upside-down as I forcefully lunged my leg down to the first guy's head. I saw two more behind him, startled to see the first one down already. Shaun once again turned me as if I was a lock stuck on a door. Thankfully Shaun was as trained and skilled as I am.

These guys stood no chance.


I won't drag you much longer now guys. It will end soon :) You will all be surprised; at least I hope so :D Thank you for reading. :)

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