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For a long while, I haven't had even a chance to spar with Bob. Thus, the challenge right now has come to me full force without even a warning. This is really going to test my endurance. On the run, I was lethargic. The two guys standing in front of me looked at only me. Shaun was standing next to me as calmly as ever. Was this a siege? I couldn't help but wonder.

"Who sent you and why?" I asked despite knowing the possible answer and knowing that it was futile. Anyhow, it's worth a try.

But, the scene didn't form out as I thought.

One of the men rushed to me with his right arm stretched and that smack was like a brick to my shoulder. Obviously, I need to move more fluid like he taught me to keep up. This guy was doing a fusion of karate, kung fu, and a jumbled mess. With much precision, I could dodge it all without breaking a sweat and without touching him at all but the pain on my shoulders did bother me and slow me down a little. I never let my body get any beating. 

After that, he back kicked me, flipping a three sixty degrees turn. With the level of my anger, I guess I was back on track because I quickly held onto his outstretched feet like Tom always taught me to and back kicked him just like he did. My pointy heels however small in inches it may be slammed on his face. Just as he doubled over, I let go of his leg otherwise I will fall with him and that would be nasty. Then I knew kicked onto his back making him fall down completely.    

He got up and tried to punch me. Dodging it, I punched him three times in the nose. Despite the amount of blood, he continued to punch me. A quick punch in my stomach; which I didn't have time to dodge got me doubling over in anger and pain. He held my ponytail and knee butted screaming obscenities.

I backed out, feeling dizzy. But I didn't let him get to me, I shook my head and started to punch and kick him. All I saw was my Bob. I hastened my punches, three to the face, one left, one stomach, a knee kick, a straight kick, three punches and a short kick, backdrop kick, straight kick, three punches right and then left. Start all over again.

When I said this in my mind, I was thinking about the troubles and blasted fate I was in. the image of my made-up mother, Tom, Sam, Tiffany, filtered through my mind like a Polaroid on the run. Mentally, I was imagining kicking them all. As I continued to say the format and kick; I stumbled over something and fell to my knees.

It looks like the man was already out cold and I was punching the air. Shaun came to and got me on my feet.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes. Where did they come from?"

"I don't know, let's go."

Once we got in our vehicle and quickly reversed to set out, we saw three more masked men running from behind the house. They had plenty of time to come break us, but why did they hesitate? Was Shaun acting this all? Shaun accelerated, taking us through the path of an airplane. Lame! I know, but give me a break. I am not a metaphor queen.

Right now, I am not giving it any thought. I am a complete mess. I was looking at Shaun with this critical eye but he didn't even bat an eye at me.

Shaun took us out through the gate. The gate closed on its own. Just as Shaun was about to take a deep breath; the unmistakable sound of other powerful sports car screeched behind us making Shaun step on the accelerator. He looked through the rearview and cursed out loud. I turned around to see three black sports cars chasing us. For the love of God, I am not aware of the names but I love cars. I love them.

"What cars are they?" I asked Shaun, as I adjusted myself casually in the seat.

He gave me one of those looks with a full-on laughter.

"What?" I asked him humorously and he gave me this pointy annoying stare, "Seriously... you want to know what cars they are when they might be here to kill us?"

"Na, wrong boy... they won't kill me. They want something more valuable." I looked away but then looked at him, "come on, they look awesome. Tell me."

He sighed and amusedly chuckled. "The right one and in front is a Maserati Coupe. The next one, trying to overtake Maserati is the new model Mercedes Benz. The last one and the one not in hurry is a Bugatti Chiron. I was keeping an eye on that, it's brand new."

"Hmm, interesting... and I am sure it will cost enough to feed at least five countries in Africa."

"Now don't be like that. It's not my problem they are poor." He said with a shrug and I couldn't seriously believe he just said that.

"And it's not their problem you are filthy rich. Now, what did this beauty cost you? Two country's worth? Tell me, wouldn't if all the fuc*ing loaded bit*hs in this world could take a grain of sand from their oasis to feed the poor and the poor will be like middle-class people by the end of the donations."

"Now, what's got into you... whoa!" we were just about to hit a truck. Shaun was amusedly interested in me as we drove faster away from the other three cars. We were finally into the highway which was fortunately crowded not like the road to that countryside.

However, skilled Shaun was, the others were getting to us real quick.

Shaun drove through the vehicles lazily cutting lanes like an annoying child trying to get into the front of the crowd. Though I can't say I was excited since the cars behind were having a hard time keeping up; it was getting dizzy. Plus the angry faces of people blaring at us made it super annoying.

Suddenly Shaun's phone rang and what I heard was a blast. From Tom, of course; I heard it sitting in the passenger seat. When the crowd was a little less in front of us, he looked at me apologetically. I heard, 'bring her here this instant'. Shaun left the phone fall from his hands to his laps with a sigh.

Shaun did just the same, changing the gears and accelerating fast enough through the busy lanes but the traffic and the cars behind didn't let us do a focused job. Having to look constantly behind, to his sides, in front made it difficult for him to drive safely at the rate we were traveling. However, Shaun did manage to create a long gap between us.

But then, it happened all of a sudden.

There was no notice prior to the impact. I couldn't even scream. A truck suddenly pulled a sudden break. It was right in front of us, just a few feet away. Shaun tried to cut it but lost control of the steering wheel, went straight and hit the concrete on the side and wheezed out of control, hitting a poor tree. Good thing we wore seatbelts and there was these furry airbags that popped up cushioning us. Yet, something wasn't right. I could only see black and white spots.

However, the sudden impact rendered us stone cold for a while. I could feel the seat belt cutting through my skin but I couldn't do anything about it. There was also this tickling feel that ran down through my lips. Somewhere in between, I closed my eyes.

Opening my eyes, as expected I was in some hospital. Tom and Sam were nearby. But it was Seb and Stephen who ran towards me; as soon as I moved. Stephen kissed me on the forehead while Seb held my hands. It zipped something through my body and I immediately thought of Shaun; with whom I had the similar experience. I pushed it all aside and smiled at Seb.

"What happened?" I asked them.

"Nothing; you just hit your head really hard to the seat on impact. It may have caused a concussion. Nothing severe; as for Shaun, he is safe too. But, where were you guys?"

"He took me to see his mother's haven. As we were coming back, three to four masked men fought with us. We were leaving when three superb black sports cars chased us. We were driving hastily but Shaun had control on his beauty. However, suddenly a truck pulled a sudden break without a reason and warning; Shaun twisted the wheel and got messed up, hitting a tree. I remember nothing else."

"That's exactly what Shaun said too. The CCTV footage showed the three other sports cars and the truck. But the truck was unidentified since there was no license plate or something on it. Police are already alerting the sergeants in nearby lanes. The sports car was too unidentified and split on the next roundabout. We lost them, there." Seb said sullenly.

"Wait, wait... hold on... how long was I out?"

"Nearly four hours girl, get up lazy," Stephen said, trying to mask the concern with his signature smile that didn't reach his eyes this time.

Just then I saw Shaun walking in with no injuries either. Looking at Seb and Shaun in the same room had this weird sensation in my body. It felt confused and angry. I had feelings for both of them but what with whom, I couldn't tell.

However, the most confusing part was that I felt this genuineness oozing from Seb while Shaun oozed confusion and falsity somehow; although he really cares for me. Well, I should always go with my gut. Thus, I made sure to keep my heart full on with it and keep an eye on Shaun. It's not like I am stuck in a love triangle. Ugh! That would have been so much better than this.

Evelyn burst in through the door yelling at Tom, "You have kept me too busy parking me on the sidewalk; I want to see her." when she saw me, I could feel her mind ease and walked to me with her eyes fixated on me. "How are you, my dear? Always the troublemaker; just like your mother... uh, never mind; listen to me and listen closely. I don't care what the fuc* that bastard of muscles tells me now on. I will keep you with me. You will be with me and I will help you get this done with. When you get whatever it is, leave it on the sidewalk and walk away. Do you hear me? This had gone too bad and too worse for your own good. You need to complete your school and have a future. Not, run around like a headless chicken; just like your mother. Did I make myself clear?"

"This is the Evelyn I remember; if you scratch out the concern and compassion first."

"Did I make myself clear?" she sounded impatient.

"Last I checked; I wasn't on anybody's priority list."

"Listen to me cheeky girl; I have an obligation with your mother and just like she promised to keep me safe and she did just that. I promised before she vanished that I will keep you safe and that is exactly what I am balling up to do. You hear me?"


"I can assure you got the message. Pack up, we are leaving. Stephen, you will come with me. These two fancy boys; you can come around once a day to meet her but you will accompany my bodyguard and Stephen along with you if you plan to go out." This she said looking straight at Stephen.

"Evelyn; I don't want anyone to be bossing me around."

"Did I ask your permission?"

"The fuc* you didn't. I think I turned eighteen for God sake after years of your soulless dictatorship."

"That wasn't anything like me and don't you dare remind me of it. I desire to walk by my word and treat you as my daughter from now on as I gave my word to someone whom I care about. I don't fear that wretched muscle man for you have proven me you are good enough to be safeguarded with wise and words if I am to be defeated. Thus..."

"Evelyn, breathe... you are not a robot," I said with a chuckle as she said that one top of the other. It was like she wanted to make the point confirmed to her own thoughts.

"I intend and wish to be. Now, we have to leave."

Tom was standing by the door with this smile on his face as he looked at Evelyn that looked anything but calm and composed. I walked with Evelyn and Stephen saying goodbye to Shaun and Seb.

Just as I turned around to give a final wave before exiting the right corner, I saw Shaun signaling something to somewhere while Seb looked at Tom and walked to the other exit. Now, I am super damn confused and irritated.

Were they both partners with Tom?

Reaching home, Evelyn went into a huge amount of peril and made me lasagna and flan pudding. Seeing the greasy cheesy look of it; Tiffany gave me that look as she stabbed another poor green leaf; stuffed it into her garbage mouth.

Stephen and I were happy to eat it since... who knew, Evelyn was a damn awesome cook.

Upon my second serving, "Oh darling, you wouldn't want to be a fat chicken by the end of the meal do you?" Tiffany breathed.

"Not if you will remain as the wet grass I hate."

"Oh, the hospital visit got your tongue back?"

"Oh please, I don't leave them behind wherever I go. I prefer to safeguard it as valuable as my cherry." I said with raising my chin up while Tiffany accidentally choked on her food.

Unlike to what I planned, Evelyn laughed out loud slapping the table. She didn't chastise or humiliate me.

"You called yourself that Tiffany. You didn't have to start that today." Evelyn said snorting and wiping her eyes.

We all stared at the new version of Evelyn we never saw. Even Simon paused midway seeing her laugh and act so carefree and natural.

"Oh please, don't look at me like that. I have always wanted to slap Tom for dictating rules whenever Lillian was around. Now, for once in my life; I am taking back my own reign."

"Atta girl..." I said giving Evelyn a big thumbs up.

"But what she said was rude. She shouldn't have said that." Tiffany argued.

"And what about year's worth of words you poured at me and for what? I have never even said a bad mouth to you and you..."

"That is because you were proving yourself to be a good slut to that muscle man."

Stephen poured his diet soda all over Tiffany as she sat there with her mouth as big as a UFO.

"You son of a..."

"Hold your tongue, Tiffany. Clean up your mess and leave to your room."


"Do I look like I am joking here? What part of taking back the reign didn't you understand? I am saying and you listen. Finish up your dinner, then clean; I don't want to waste food here."

Like a very angry kitten, she screeched, moaned and cleaned the mess until the coke became sticky on her head and body. It sure did start to become something. I guess her plastic hair couldn't stomach diet soda.

Everyone was in the bed. I was waiting for this moment to come. Since Tom is no longer in the house and in anger, Evelyn had destroyed his room. Even the secret room; I am not sure how she got there or what act she was playing. Anyway, deciding it was the right time to make a move; I pulled on my silk robe and tightened it. Walking out, tiptoeing silently like a cat made it feel like I was dancing ballet.

I remember distinctly the location for the next clue. So I went out through the back door.

Look into the wide fence where rose and jasmine rule; for underneath the eight stick and the fourth knot will be a surprise which you may only get.

Stick and knot was her metaphor for wicker, I guess. On the end of the back garden was where Annalisa planted the rose and jasmine. The wide fence was put around the part that separated the vegetable patch. I am not sure how was I going to get past the thick rose bushes.

Walking barefoot made it fell like heaven on earth. The soft cold grass caressed each of my steps making as little noise ever. Reaching the fence, I saw the maid chambers still had lights on. So, when do they ever go to sleep? They used to be there early in the kitchen too.

Eighth stick and fourth knot; deciding the knot should be counted from the top, exactly at the end of a jasmine shrub does the fourth-knot end. Luckily it was the only jasmine and not rose. Crouching down, I pulled my hair into a messy knot and felt the mud around. There was nothing visible. Flashing my phone light, I felt the knot does have something inside, but I would have to move the mud a bit.

"What do you think you are doing?"

I yelped and fell down to my butt. Stephen scared the life out of me and I glared the lights at his eyes. He playfully kicked me and crouched down with me "knock it off silly."

"You are barefoot, what happened?"

"Nightmares; doesn't matter, what are you doing?"

"Eighth stick and fourth knot here lay my next clue."

"Awesome, right... like a novel or a video game," he said enthusiastically taking the light from me and torching it to the spot.

"Yea, whatever!" I replied uninterested as I rested my chin on my knees.

"Hey don't be a wet cat. I think something is underneath the mud. I will bring a garden shovel. Wait."

"What? Are you going to unearth it all?"

"Stupid, a garden shovel is the small version of a shovel."

"Oh, whatever," I replied turning back. I felt like laughing out. I know he just created that but it was fun to know at least he was there by my side.

Not after long, he came in with it and gave me the light. He started to play with the dirt. Just a few shoves down was a small crinkle. Upon careful thrust, he got a small plastic cover. He withdrew it and gave it to me. He put the mud back as I stood up. With the light, I saw the plastic wrapper contained something.

"I dearly hope this one is the last one."

"I hope so too."

"Take care; I will always be with you. Race you home!" Stephen whispered before running away.

Of course, Stephen won; because I was in another jolly mood. I walked back to my room as Stephen went and plopped down on the couch in the living room. Something was bothering him, I could tell.

Anyway, I closed the door behind me erasing of all the thoughts from my mind.

Well, the moment of truth.


So, what do you think of this chapter? Eeek, I am excited. 

Many more fun revelations from next chapter on. Who is cheating who... Who is conspiring against who... Aaaah, are you excited?  

ooh, well, I can see that I am talking to a ghost town... hello, any ghosts there????

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