Chapter 4

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Chapter 3: Secrets Revealed & Kept Secrets?!

The car reached the beautiful scene of Nobel Michel Castle. The door was opened for me and a hand was offered to me by Zain, my grandfather's faithful butler.

"Thank you Zain." I said kindly with a smile and Zain returned the smile as I got out of the car.

"This way milady. Lord Michel has been waiting for you." I followed Zain into the castle but as we walked I felt as though I was being watched. I shook off the feeling, thinking it was just my imagination.

We reached a room with two large doors. Zain opened the doors and stepped aside while bowing his head.

"This way milady." I walked through the doors and entered what looked to be a library. There were books all around me with a big table with a few chairs in the center of the room. I looked over by the windows and saw a large fireplace in between the large windows. There was a carpet on the floor by the fireplace with three sofas arranged in a circle around the fire with a small table in the center. I looked to my left and saw grandfather looking through some photo albums.

"Grandfather who are those photo albums of?" Grandfather looked at me with his usual kind smile and gentle eyes.

"Why these are of you of course, Alana!" I looked at grandfather with confusion.

"How did you get those?" Grandfather's smile didn't falter as he explained.

"Your mother sent them to me. You were such a beautiful little girl and your even more beautiful now as a young woman! Though I wish I could've been able to see you as a child...those years will never come back..." Grandfather looked sad as he stared at the pictures of the child version of me.

"Well I'm here now and we can make up for lost time any day grandfather!" I smiled brightly and grandfather returned the smile with his own.

"Oh was there something you needed?" Grandfather seems to have recalled that question in his head.

"Oh that's right! It's about Prince Joshua, Prince Keith, and Prince Glenn..." Grandfather looked at me seriously.

"What of them?" I looked at grandfather seriously as I began to explain.

"They've become too interested in our relations... They are trying to find out and since I came here I feel as though I'm being watched... You don't think...?" Me and grandfather looked at each other with wide eyes as I gasped.

"Yes..." I started to look around and noticed three people sitting in the bushes by the window.

"Oh grandfather there outside the window!" Grandfather and I looked outside the window to see the three people who were spying on us running away in separate directions."Oh their spies from the kingdoms of Liberty, Oriens, and Dres Van! I know because of their seals!" But it was too late! The spies were too far out of reach for any of the bodyguards to catch. "Grandfather what are we going to do?!" I looked at grandfather as he contemplated and came up with an idea.

"We'll just have to invite the princes of Oriens, Liberty, and Dres Van to the castle immediately!" I nodded my head in agreement as we silently watched the spies disappear from view.

"Now Alana Zain shall take you to your room where you will change into a beautiful gown." I nodded my head and followed Zain to the bedroom that grandfather had arranged. Once I got to the room Zain left me alone. The room was so beautiful! The walls were the colored with royal blue and gold, there was a king-sized bed on the left side of the room that had gold covers, blue sheets, and gold pillows, there was a seating area in the window that had gold and royal blue pillows, and a big royal blue and gold carpet in the center of the room. I admired the room for a few more seconds before walking over to my closet. I opened the grand closet doors and was amazed by the closet's size and the beautiful gowns that were inside. I took a step inside and ran my fingers over the beautiful gowns. There were so many dresses to choose from but one in particular caught my attention. It was a long beautiful sleeveless light blue gown lined with gold, sparkles on the top part of it. I pulled the gown out of the closet with a pair of gold shoes and a gold necklace and a pair of gold earrings sat on my dresser. I took off the clothes that I had been wearing and changed into the gown, shoes, earrings, and necklace. I decided to wear my long burgundy colored hair down. I quickly curled my hair a little and flattened my bangs so they fell to the side. All that was left to do was wait for Zain to come and get me.

Lord Michel's POV

I sent three messengers to the kingdoms of Oriens, Dres Van, and Liberty. They all came back with the acceptance of the princes of each kingdom. I waited in the living quarters of the castle. Zain had came into the room about forty minutes later.

"Lord Michel the three princes had just arrived." Zain stepped to the side and the princes walked in briskly. They all bowed to me and stood back up.

"Was there something you needed Lord Michel?" Prince Joshua asked in a high manner.

"Yes it seems there were some spies here from your kingdoms. I am sure you know of the secret that should've remained in this castle until my birthday." The princes looked slightly surprised but maintained their composure. I sighed quietly to myself and looked to Zain. Zain nodded his head and went to fetch my granddaughter. I stood in front of the princes and waited quietly.

Alana's POV

I sat on the edge of my bed as I waited for Zain. Zain came five minutes later and I stood up.

"Now?" Zain nodded his head and I followed him out of the room and to the living quarters. I kept my hands in front of me resting on my dress as they should be as we walked. Zain stopped me as we stood in front of the doors.

"Please wait right there Miss." Zain peeked inside and seemed to have nodded at something and turned back to me. Zain opened both the doors and stepped aside. I walked as gracefully as I could into the room. There stood my grandfather and the three princes. I stood next to grandfather and I discreetly studied the princes faces for any sign of surprise or shock but saw absolutely nothing but confidence.

"Now we are aware that you know of my granddaughter's being but I beg you not to tell anyone of this secret." The princes nodded in unison.

"Thank you. Now Alana could you leave us?" I smiled softly at grandfather.

"Of course grandfather. Excuse me." I curtsied to the princes and went into the gardens. I explored the parts of the gardens but my favorite part of the gardens was the part filled with beautiful roses of every color and it had tree in the center with an elegant looking bench under it. I stooped down near some roses and gently lifted them using my fingertips and smelling them. The sweet fragrance filled my nose. I sensed a presence nearby and immediately stood up. I walked over into the center of the rose part of the gardens and looked around.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" As I asked that Prince Joshua came forth from the entrance. "Prince Joshua...?" Prince Joshua wore a kind smile as he approached me."I take it my grandfather has retired to his chambers?" Prince Joshua smiled and nodded his head.

"Yes he has. I really didn't expect Lord Michel to have a granddaughter." I sighed quietly.

"You weren't supposed to know for a while." I stated and Prince Joshua scowled.

"Well what's done is done." He said flatly.

"If you'll excuse me I really must return to Chateau Phillip." I said as I curtsied to Prince Joshua and left. I stopped by grandfather's room on the way back to mine.

"Grandfather are you awake?" Grandfather looked at me with kind eyes.

"Ah your mother had a dress just like that one... It was one of her favorite dresses..." Grandfather went into a daze as he thought about mom.

"Oh I must leave now grandfather." I said quietly as I hugged him.

"Okay. Behave yourself." I smiled brightly at grandfather.

"Always grandfather! Goodbye!" I left grandfather's room and got my clothes from my own room and then I got into the limo that brought me here.

"We will be going back to Chateau Phillip." I said softly.

"Yes ma'am." The driver said in a loud tone as he drove me back to Chateau Phillip. I looked at the clock on my cell phone and it was only 8PM. Hm... I wasn't here for very long...

When I get back I see Prince Wilfred walking towards the car with Claude following close behind but then I remembered something. I looked down at my clothes and gasped quietly. I forgot to change! I was in such a hurry that I forgot. Seeing as there was nothing I could do I stepped out of the car. Claude and Prince Wilfred looked surprised once I got out of the car completely. I smiled shyly and avoided their gazes.

"Ahem... Miss Alana was there some kind of a party while you were there?" I didn't know what to say so I was at a loss for words and was frantically searching for some words.

"Um...well...not really...but...uh...there kind of...event?" If they weren't standing there right now I would've faced palmed right there.

"Hmm..." Claude stared at me suspiciously and was about to start his famous interrogations but Prince Wilfred threw him a cold glare and he started to behave once again.

"I should...get back to my room..." I say quietly as I make my way into the castle.

"Oh wait I'll escort you." I looked at Prince Wilfred in astonishment.

"Oh you don't have to..." Prince Wilfred waved it off and smiled.

"I insist on taking you." I just nodded my head and we both walked into the castle and towards my room. When we reach my room I turn and curtsy to Prince Wilfred.

"Thank you for bringing me to my room your highness." Wilfred shook his head.

"It was my pleasure and there's no need for such formalities." I nodded my head and bid him goodnight and entered my room. I looked out the window and the moon was high in the sky. I changed into a pink silk nightgown and climbed into bed. I turned on my side and I couldn't stop thinking about Prince Joshua's unusual smile and the other princes. But most of all I couldn't stop thinking of Prince Wilfred. Sleep overcame me and I fell into a nice and comfortable sleep. Just a little longer until grandfather's birthday...

Hi guys I hope you like this chapter and I feel so motivated with all of your positive comments! So I'll tell you this in advance there's a slight chance that this story will only have probably eight, nine, or ten chapters plus an epilogue but don't worry this story will have sequels! At the end of each story I make I'll have a voting for a new story that I will start to make! Whichever story is voted for the most will be the story I will make. ;D The stories have already been started so there's no need to wait for the prologues. Now back to the main topic here! In chapter four Alana will go into the royal chambers of where the crown for Phillip kingdom's queens is. Claude will become very angry but it will be slightly his fault for making her clean the staircase! We all know who is going to save Alana from Claude's wrath... Prince Wilfred of course! So please leave more of those positive and motivating comments that I love so much and I'll see you in the next chapter! Bye! ;P

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