Chapter 5

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Chapter 4: Glittering Tiaras & Angry Butlers!

Prince Wilfred's POV

I was walking down the staircase in the palace, heading towards a secret door that leads to a secret room where the crown of all Phillip's queen sat on a velvet pillow. I didn't know how long I was in there staring at the sparkling crown but at some point I noticed Alana in the entrance staring at the crown.

"Do you want a closer look?" Alana seemed to have been startled as I addressed her.

"Can I?" I nodded my head and she slowly came forward. She stared at the crown admiringly and I couldn't help but stare at her. Not only was she beautiful on the outside but she was beautiful on the inside as well and she had such a pure heart. The kindness that she has is really rare and I'm always thinking about her. It seems that every time I see her Claude is always there and scolding her for such petty little things. There really is no reason that she should be scolded at all, if anyone needed to be scolded it would be Claude for speaking to a very important guest in this manner of tone. As I was watching her I noticed a rag in her hand.

"Why do you have a rag in your hand?" She looked up at me with surprise showing in her blue eyes.

"Um Claude told me to clean the staircase." Right when she said that Claude burst right into the room with a scorning look aimed at Alana.

"Miss Alana I told you that this room was STRICTLY off limits!" Alana shrank back at Claude's harsh words and tone. I stood in front of her and addressed Claude.

"I invited her in here Claude. Is that a problem?" Claude looked stunned and shrank back at my harsh tone.

"N-no your Highness but..." I turned a harsh and cold glare to Claude and he immediately bowed apologetically.

"You are dismissed." Claude bowed again and left the room. I then turned a warm smile towards Alana and she smiled softly in return. Spending time with her like this feels special somehow but I wish that it would never end.

Alana's POV

Claude had me clean the staircase as a punishment due to what happened with the media. I wasn't supposed to be seen but I was out on the balcony of my bedroom and someone must've seen me because later I was on the news. So anyway I was cleaning the staircase when I saw a room just below the staircase. I stopped cleaning and moved toward the entrance with the rag still in my hand. I peeked inside the room and saw the most beautiful tiara I've ever seen.

Standing next to the crown I saw Prince Wilfred. Prince Wilfred noticed my presence. "Would you like a closer look?" I felt myself blush and I tried to suppress it.

"Can I?" Prince Wilfred nodded his head and I slowly stepped forward. I stared at the crown admiringly. It was so beautiful and the queens of Phillip wore this crown.

Prince Wilfred seemed to notice the rag that I held in my hand because he asked, "Why do you have a rag in your hand?" I looked up at him in surprise because I wasn't really expecting that question.

"Um Claude told me to clean the staircase." Right after I said that Claude had burst right into the room and looked at me with a scornful look.

"Miss Alana I told you that this room was STRICTLY off limits!" I shrank back at Claude's harsh words and tone. Then Prince Wilfred stood in front of me and addressed Claude.

"I invited her in here Claude. Is that a problem?" Claude looked stunned and shrank back at Prince Wilfred quiet but harsh tone.

"N-no your highness but..." Prince Wilfred turned a harsh and cold glare on Claude and he immediately bowed apologetically.

"You are dismissed." Claude bowed again and left the room. Prince Wilfred then turned a warm smile towards me and I smiled softly in return. I feel that every moment I spend with Prince Wilfred it's always special and I just wish that it would last forever.

I was now sitting in my room staring out at the garden from my balcony. The wind was a bit strong as it blew through my hair gently. As I stared out at the gardens I felt eyes on me so I looked up to see Prince Wilfred staring at me from his bedroom window. I smiled at him softly and he returned the smile looking slightly red. Prince Wilfred stood there for a few minutes longer before disappearing behind his curtains.

"Grandfather's birthday will be here soon..." I said but before his birthday party there will be a gathering in the ballroom of grandfather's castle the week before his party.

"I have a bad feeling that something will happen this week." I thought aloud.

(2 Months Later) I was in Prince Wilfred's study watering his flowers as usual while he sat there doing his work. I was about to leave when he called to me.

"Alana would you like to accompany me out today?" I nodded my head with a bright smile on my face.

"I'd love to accompany you." I smiled happily as I left the room. All the way to my room my heart thumped in my chest rapidly. Once I reached my room I shut the door and twirled around happily. My pink knee length dress fluttered about as I twirled. I was wearing a dress similar to that of the dress I had wore the first day I came here except this dress has gold designs instead.

(1 Hour Later) There was a knock at my door. Knock Knock

"Come in." I said softly and Prince Wilfred soon appeared in the door.

"Are you ready?" I nodded my head and stood up. Prince Wilfred offered me his hand and I happily accepted it. We walked out of my room and out of the castle.

We took a car and started heading in the direction of Charles Kingdom.

"Prince Wilfred where are we going?" I asked feeling confused and Prince Wilfred only smiled.

"You'll see when we get there." He said with a small smile on his lips. I was surprised that we were at my old apartment building which was completely rebuilt.

"Probably Lord Michel's doing." I heard Prince Wilfred's sad voice and turned to him with a smile.

"There's probably someone already living in my apartment so there would be no point in going back." I said trying to sound cheerful which made Prince Wilfred beam. After a while of walking we got some ice cream and Prince Wilfred seemed surprised when he saw the frozen treat and I soon learned that he had never had ice cream before. We sat down on a bench and enjoyed our ice cream.

I had asked Prince Wilfred multiple times about going to the castle but he continuously evaded my questions by saying, "Can't we stay out just a little longer?" I couldn't stand to see him look the way he did I mean he looked like a sad child who had been scolded so I reluctantly agreed. By now it was dark and Prince Wilfred brought me to a...hotel? Prince Wilfred spoke to a man and received a key. Then he took my hand and brought me to a room.

"Prince Wilfred everyone at the castle are probably worried by now..." Prince Wilfred ignored my protest completely and motioned for me to go into the bathroom.

"You should take a shower." Seeing he wouldn't really listen to my protests I reluctantly went into the bathroom and took a shower. I came back out a few minutes later to see Prince Wilfred sitting down on the bed. He looked up and smiled before going into the bathroom I on the other hand sat down and picked up my phone to find over a dozen messages from Claude! I was going to call him but I found my phone had been taken away from me by Prince Wilfred. He turned my phone off and slipped it into his pocket.

"I'll hold onto this." He said as he dried his hair. Okay so there was only one bed and after awhile of small protests we ended up sharing the bed and I was extremely nervous but somehow fell asleep.

The next day we returned to the castle just to be in serious trouble because we were both summoned by the King and Queen who were not very happy especially the Queen.

"Wilfred where have you been?! Do you know how worried we were?!" The Queen was frantic for a few moments before calming down and glaring at me. "I see you were with her." I heard the disgust and hatred in her voice. I knew she didn't really take to commoners well but if I wasn't sworn to secrecy I would've told her right then and there of who I was but for now I have to be patient. The look in her eyes made it clear that she didn't like me.

After we were scolded we were permitted to leave the audience chambers. I was silent as I went to my room. I closed the door and sat on my bed in silence.

Before I knew it, it was dark outside. The gathering at my grandfather's castle was tomorrow so next week is my grandfather's birthday. As I was thinking there was a knock at my door and Prince Wilfred came in. I stood up quickly as he walked over to me in silence. Our faces drew closer as we stared into each other's eyes and before I even knew it our lips were locked in a passionate kiss but I soon remembered the Queen and I gently pushed Prince Wilfred away. It pained me both to push him away and the fallen expression he had.

"Prince Wilfred we shouldn't do this..." My voice trailed off and I heard Prince Wilfred's sad voice.

"Oh I'm sorry. Just...forget about it." His voice turned emotionless at the last comment and I watched as he left my room. Prince Wilfred... I felt like crying so bad but I didn't I stood there staring at the door for a few more minutes before changing into some pajamas and climbing into bed. I didn't fall asleep right away but after awhile I closed my eyes with a heavy heart. I didn't know that a tear had escaped my mind as my dreams were filled with Prince Wilfred.

Okay so I'm really, really, really sorry that I haven't updated this sooner but I kinda had writers block and I was busy on top of that. But enough of that! It is truly sad how the Queen treats Alana but she'll regret it soon enough when Alana's grandfather's birthday comes. So I think there will probably be eight chapters and an epilogue or six chapters and an epilogue I'm not sure yet. Well it really depends on when my ideas run out but don't worry because I shall have sequels of course! So anyways in the next chapter they go to the gathering at Nobel Michel Castle where the queen announces Prince Wilfred's engagement and it's Claude's fault that Alana is sad because she had to tend to Prince Wilfred that day and look where that got tears. So anyways I'm sorry if this chapter seems rushed or something but I didn't want to go into a whole lot of detail and conversation. Sorry! So please leave comments and I shall see you in the next chapter! ;D See ya!

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