Chapter 6

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Chapter 5: Engagements & Heartless Butlers

I wasn't really allowed to see Prince Wilfred after what happened a few days ago. I've been spending all of my time out on the balcony of my room staring out at the gardens. There were beautiful flowers of every kind and color with a fountain in the center. I would also come out here at night to watch the stars in the night sky and to feel the wind against my skin.

On my bed lay a beautiful gown that grandfather sent me for the party this evening. It was a long lavender colored gown, the top of the gown was like the top of a heart and there was a light pink fabric that traced over it and formed straps that would hang a little below the shoulder, there was also a light pink ribbon that went around the waist of the dress to form a V, there was also light pink heels, and the dress had sparkles all over the top part of it. So the dress was almost like the last one I had worn. I had also received silver studded earrings, a silver choker, and a silver bracelet that fitted my wrist perfectly.

As I was staring out at the gardens... Knock! Knock! Someone knocked at my door.

"Come in." I said softly and I returned to my room to find a couple of maids had entered. I was to attend the party of course for two reasons. The first reason was because I had to because Lord Michel is my grandfather after all so it wouldn't be right if his own granddaughter did not attend. The second reason was because I was taking Claude's place in tending to Prince Wilfred because Claude had to tend to the Queen and King. Part of me didn't wish to go and the other part of me wanted to go but either way I had to go.

The maids helped me change. I took a shower, they did my hair and make-up, they helped me put my gown on, I slipped on my shoes, and they helped me put on the silver jewelry that I had received. The maids finished and left the room. I walked over to the full body mirror to look at myself. I gasped when I saw myself. My mahogany-brown hair that usually stopped a little above my waist was in a beautiful bun while the rest of my hair was worn down and curled at the ends. I had a thin layer of light pink lipstick on with a thin layer of lavender eyeshadow on my eyelids with a little bit of glitter. My bangs were framed around my face beautifully. I looked like an actual princess. My porcelain skin was radiant and my sapphire blue eyes seemed more vibrant. The gown sparkled beautifully on my body and I wore a light pink headband. I spun around swiftly and gracefully and the gown made a swishing movement when I spun around. After I was done examining myself I sat down on the sofa in my room.

(30 Minutes Later) Knock. Knock. Someone was knocking on my door and I was quick to answer.

"Come in." I spoke in a soft voice and the one to enter the room was a maid.

"It is time to leave Miss Alana. Please follow me." I stood up and followed the maid out of the room to the limo. The hallways were bright with the light of the setting sun. The hallways walls were white, lined with gold, and had vases filled with flowers along with chandeliers on the ceilings. There were multiple doors along the hallways and there were servants running about. We got outside and I noticed that Prince Wilfred was already there. The maid left and I walked up to the car but I didn't get in since I would be serving Prince Wilfred today I was to get in last. Prince Wilfred looked up at me and his eyes widened as he took in my appearance.

"Your Highness we must be leaving now." I said softly. Prince Wilfred snapped out of his trance and stood there. "Your Highness?"

"Ladies first." I was about to protest but Prince Wilfred ushered me into the car. I sat down next to the window and Prince Wilfred sat down next to me. A few days before Prince Wilfred's older brother, Prince Stephen came back to the castle but he wasn't greeted with opened arms. Prince Stephen was actually the crown prince of Phillip but he gave it up so he could become a doctor to help people. When he left Prince Wilfred suddenly became the crown prince and was burdened with so much work. Though none of this is really my business no matter how concerned I may be. I have a longing in my heart to be held by Prince Wilfred once more, to feel his warmth, to feel the sensation of his lips on mine but these are desires that I am not supposed to have but one thing I know is true I'm in love with Prince Wilfred but unfortunately nothing can come of it. These thoughts swirled through my mind as we neared Nobel Michel Castle. The castle was radiated by the orange glow of the sun which made it look absolutely beautiful.

The car stopped and Prince Wilfred and I got out. I walked behind Prince Wilfred as I'm supposed to but it pained me so much to be near him but not to be able to talk to him. I kept my gaze downward but...

"This isn't right." Huh? I heard Prince Wilfred's soft voice and looked up. Prince Wilfred held his hand out to me with a gentle smile gracing his face. "Will you accompany me to the party?" His voice was warm and inviting but then a few of my anxieties came forward.

"Are you sure it's okay?" Prince Wilfred smiled and nodded. I wore my own smile as I placed my hand into Prince Wilfred's. Now everything felt right as we walked inside hand and hand. As we walked into the entrance Prince Wilfred whispered into my ear in a soft voice.

"I meant to say this to you earlier but I didn't so I'll say it now... You look very beautiful in that dress." I felt my face heat up at Prince Wilfred's sudden words.

"Th-thank you, Your Highness." I had a small smile play across my lips. Prince Wilfred and I kept our gazes forward as we walked in. We entered the hall which looked grander than ever. Music played and the hall was filled with important people. I saw the Queen and King of Phillip with Claude standing nearby. Claude's expression was unreadable as he stood there at the ready for any given orders. A few minutes later I saw grandfather stand up on the dais in the center of the hall. He looked over the crowd and smiled when his gaze landed on me.

"I'd like to thank everyone for coming to this gathering before my birthday next week. There will be words from each of the six kingdoms. The first kingdom will be Charles." There was applause as the King and Queen of Charles stepped up onto the dais to give their speeches. Each of the royal families from the six kingdoms came up and gave their speeches until it was Phillip's turn. "The final kingdom is Phillip." The King and Queen stepped up onto the dais with smiles on their faces and I felt that bad feeling I had a few days ago come back.

"Ah before we say our speeches I'd like to announce something. Prince Wilfred A. Spencer of Phillip is engaged to Lady Cecille!" Those words stabbed my heart like a dagger without hesitation. I looked over at Claude and saw him shifting his gaze away from me. I looked up as Prince Wilfred and Lady Cecille stood on the dais together. I can't stay here where everyone will see me. I thought as I quickly retreated into the gardens but I was unaware that someone had followed me. A few tears streamed down my face as I kept my back to the way I came from. I kept my gaze down as I wiped away my tears. I knew I couldn't be with him and I knew that something like this was going to happen eventually but it hurt so much that I couldn't bare it. I felt a warm hand touch my shoulder and slowly turned around.

"Ah... Your Highness..." Standing there was Prince Stephen who had a worried look on his face. I gave him a weak smile as I wiped away the last of my tears. "I'm sorry you had to see me this way..." I whispered in a sad tone.

"It's alright. I know how you are feeling but don't worry everything should be fine." Prince Stephen smiled in an attempt to cheer me up.

"Thank you for your cheerful words Your Highness." I said with a small smile but then I remembered Claude. "Claude knew that this would happen. So this is the reason why he had me tend to Prince Wilfred." I whispered to myself and Prince Stephen only smiled.

"Don't worry about Claude. Just keep smiling and everything will be alright." I nodded my head slowly and smiled a little. Prince Stephen soon went back inside and I was left alone to stare up at the moon. I decided that I would stay out here until it is time to leave. Even though I was in the gardens staring up at the star-filled night sky gazing at the moon was not cheering me up. I didn't have the strength to smile or even laugh. I just continued to stare at the moon with the wind blowing through my hair softly. I tried really hard to keep thoughts of Prince Wilfred from entering my mind. No enough of that! You know you can't be with him... I told myself that over and over again. At some point Prince Joshua seemed to have found me.

"Good evening Your Highness." I tried to sound cheerful as I forced a smile.

"Good evening Lady Alana." He said in a dubious tone.

"What brings you out here if I may ask?" I was wondering why he was out here and it wouldn't hurt to ask.

"Nothing much." He said casually.

"Your Highness I do not wish to have company right now so can you please leave?" Prince Joshua looked obviously irritated and he left just like that.

"Alana it is time to go." I heard Prince Stephen calling and I immediately followed Prince Wilfred back to the chateau in the car. We didn't speak a word to each other since we got into the car. Even when we arrived back at the chateau we didn't say a word to each other. I changed into my pajamas and climbed into bed but I wasn't able to sleep at all. My thoughts were filled with Prince Wilfred but somehow I managed to fall asleep.

(The Next Evening) It was nearing the end of the day when I saw Prince Wilfred. He was hiding behind a pillar staring at something. I followed his gaze and saw Lady Cecille and Prince Stephen embracing.

"Please Stephen I-..." Lady Cecille was in tears while struggling with her words and Prince Stephen looked pained when he saw her that way.

"If you do not wish to go through with it then don't but I believe you'll be much happier with Wilfred." It pained me to see them that way. When I looked over at Prince Wilfred and our eyes met but his eyes looked cold and distant and then he turned his back to me and left. I went looking for Prince Wilfred but ran into Claude.

"Are you looking for Prince Wilfred?" He asked emotionlessly. I nodded my head slowly. "Are you going to tell him?" I looked at Claude in bewilderment for a few seconds before I remembered the last conversation we had.


"You should not even be staying here. You need to hurry and leave." Claude's words were harsh as they pierced my heart.

"Huh...?" I didn't know what to do as Claude's gaze bore down on me.

"You don't belong here and you especially don't belong with the prince." I wanted to cry so badly but I refuse to let my tears fall. Claude finished talking and walked away with a smile. I ran back to my room and thought about everything he said.

End of Flashback

"I'm not going to tell him yet." My voice hid sadness in it but I don't think Claude noticed. "Claude what exactly do you think of Prince Stephen and Miss Cecille...?" Claude looked surprised for a moment before he muttered.

"So what...?" Claude then took on a slightly more severe look. "If it weren't for Prince Stephen's selfishness His Highness wouldn't be suffering!" With those words Claude left. It was already time for bed so I went back to my room and spent the night thinking of the events that took place earlier.

(The Next Day) I went to the office and took care of the plants as always with Prince Wilfred sitting at his desk working.

"You came early today." I heard the amusement in his voice and couldn't help but smile.

"Yes I guess I did." I said softly.

"Somehow these flowers have comforted me. When my brother left...the engagement...everything I've been through..." Oh Prince Wilfred... I wish I could do something. I would do anything if it meant that you would not be going through this anymore.

"Prince Stephen and Lady Cecille seemed really close." I said quietly but Prince Wilfred only stood up and walked around the desk with an unreadable expression on his face.

"If she does not wish to marry me then it's fine. You don't need to worry about it so much." My eyes widened as I heard his words.

"What about your own feelings?!" Prince Wilfred looked at me stunned.

"What...?" He replied in surprise.

"What about your own feelings about this marriage? How do you feel?" Prince Wilfred dropped his gaze and wrapped his arms around me. "Prince Wilfred I-..." Prince Wilfred cut me off before I could finish.

"Please just let me stay like this." Even though I was in his warm arms I didn't feel happy instead I felt sadness. We stayed like that for a few minutes before I left the room and went back to my own room. I decided that it was time that I left the chateau. I began packing all of my belongings when... Knock! Knock! There was a knock at my door.

"Come in." The one to enter was Miss Cecille who had forced a smile.

"Miss Alana I have a request to ask of you." I looked at Miss Cecille with a small smile on my face.

"Yes what is it?" I asked softly.

(1 Hour Later) Miss Cecille brought me to her house. I told Claude that I was going out but I did not tell him where but if anything happens he'll just contact me on my phone. I looked around Miss Cecille's room and on a shelf were numerous pictures of her and Prince Stephen or all three of them which consisted of her, Prince Stephen, and Prince Wilfred.

"I'm sorry for dragging you all the way here." She said apologetically and I smiled.

"It's fine really. Are these pictures of you and Prince Stephen?" I asked and Miss Cecille nodded as she pulled a necklace out from somewhere nearby.

"This was given to me by Stephen." She said as she showed me the pretty necklace that sparkled in the light. "He gave it to me as a 15th birthday present." She smiled.

"Oh it is very pretty." She laughed after I spoke.

"That's is exactly what I said when I saw it too for the first time." Miss Cecille's mind had seemed to wander before she continued. "Right when he gave this to me he said, Because one day you will be my wife. But that was back then..." My heart held pain for her as she began to sink into sadness.

"Oh Miss Cecille..." Her tears trailed down her face and I was moved to tears as well. Her seems to be greater than my own...

"Oh my. I'm terribly sorry for making you listen to that..." I shook my head gently.

"Oh not at all. Now you said you had a request?" She laughed shyly.

"Yes well... I'm sorry because it's not something I can really talk to other people about..." She continued as she smiled. "I thank you because having you around to listen is nice."

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"If I were to back out now I'd be causing so much trouble for the royal family." I looked at her filled with sadness because of her situation and because I couldn't be with the man I loved. "I have no choice but to marry Wilfred..." Miss Cecille you push yourself to seem happy on the outside but on the inside you're trapped in your own sadness. Miss Cecille voiced her determination wholeheartedly and I try to harden my own heart against me feelings. She's trying so hard to act in the best interests of the country so I must do the same...

"The strap is very cute." I said when I noticed the strap on Miss Cecille's phone.

"What you mean this? Oh I made it myself."

"It's handmade?" I asked in curiosity.

"Yes I'd be glad to show you how to make one if you wish." I smiled excitedly.

"Oh yes please!" Miss Cecille taught me how to make a strap. I felt all the negative feelings I had slip away and I discovered that making a cell phone strap was really fun.

When I returned to the chateau it was dark inside but I had a good time chatting with Miss Cecille while making the cell phone strap and it was very late when we finished.

"Where have you been Alana?!" Once I enter the castle Prince Wilfred came towards me with a slightly angry look on his face.

"Wha?!" I was surprised when he drew me into his embrace. "P-Prince Wilfred...?!" He whispered into my ear as he held me in his arms tightly.

"I thought you had left the castle..." His voice sounded so worried and sad that it made my heart tighten painfully. All of a sudden a voice echoed down the hallway.

"Your Highness!" Claude came rushing down the hallway and Prince Wilfred sighed as he released me from his embrace. Claude had a stern expression on his face as he stared at us.

"Ah..." Claude's expression didn't waver as he addressed me.

"Oh your back." Prince Wilfred looked angry upon hearing Claude's words.

"You said earlier that you didn't know where she was!" Prince Wilfred took a step closer to Claude who had pursed his lips together tightly. Then another voice resounded in the hallway.

"Wilfred stop! There's no point in blaming Claude!" Prince Stephen appeared out of nowhere and Prince Wilfred's expression darkened upon seeing his older brother.

"How dare you!" Prince Wilfred grabbed a hold on Prince Stephen's collar as he yelled. P-Prince Wilfred what?! Everyone was surprised by these turn of events and stood where they were in shock. "This is all because you wanted to become a doctor which is why I...!" I have never seen Prince Wilfred raise his voice or get angry before.

"Wilfred...You..." Prince Stephen's voice sounded pained as he spoke. Then Claude spoke up.

"I've never seen Prince Wilfred act like this before..." Claude sounded angry and surprised at the same time. "His Highness began acting like this after you came here!" Claude looked at me with a horrible expression on his face. really blame me for this...? I felt the sadness within my heart grow as Prince Wilfred turned to Claude.

"What are you saying Claude?!" Claude was sent a sharp look from Prince Wilfred. If I stay here any longer I'll only be causing everyone trouble so I should leave right now... Their relationships will only get worse if I stay...

"I-I believe would be best if left..." Only for a mere moment it felt as though time itself stopped and everyone froze. My heart was filled with pain as I spoke those words. "Half of the reason you are all worked up is because of me and..." I paused for a moment as I steadied my shaky breaths. "I don't think I can stand to see Prince Wilfred like this." The tears were ready to fall but I refused to let them. Prince Wilfred's face fell at what he was hearing.

"W-what are you saying? There is absolutely no reason for you to leave... Alana!" Prince Wilfred sounded so sad and tried to reach out a hand for me but...

"Prince Wilfred what do you mean by stopping her?!" Claude's voice echoed through the hallway and it was made completely clear that he disliked me. "You are engaged to marry Miss Cecille and next in line for the throne!" Prince Wilfred's hand stopped in shock at being yelled at by Claude.

"Prince Wilfred... I..." I shook off my indecision and retrieved the cell phone strap from my pocket. I turned to Prince Wilfred and gave him the strap. "Here."

"What?" Prince Wilfred looked surprised.

"It is a token of my thanks for...everything you have done for me...thank you..." I gave him the strap with a weak smile. "It was my first time making one so I'm afraid it's not very good..." He looked at me strangely and accepted it. "You have told me this so I will tell you. I'm very happy to have met you. Thank you for everything. I'll never forget you." I quickly went to my room and fled the castle in tears.

"Alana please...don't go!" His voice echoed out in the hallway and I almost turned around but I stopped myself. I managed to hold in the rest of my tears as I wandered around in the dark when a car pulled up.

"Please get in." What? I looked up and saw Claude emerge from the car. "It is dangerous for you to be out here at night. I believe you have misunderstood me but I was only acting in the best interests of the prince as you have. I don't really hate you now please get in." Claude's kind words brought my tears forth once more and he swiftly got a handkerchief and wiped away my tears while urging me into the car. "You both would have continued to suffer if you hadn't left so I believe this is what's best for you both." I nodded my head at Claude's words as we drove off.

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