Chapter 7

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Chapter 6: Lord Michel's Birthday & The Shocking Truth Revealed!

I woke up to find myself in an unfamiliar room but then I remembered my circumstances and where I was. I'm at grandfather's castle... I thought as a knock came at my door.

"Come in." I said quietly and a maid entered the room.

"Good morning my Lady. I am to assist you with your wardrobe for today and then you have fittings tomorrow because as you know Lord Michel's birthday is in two days which doesn't leave us with very much time so we must work quickly." The maid went over my schedule and helped me prepare for the day. I bathed first, then she curled my long waist-length hair and left it down, then I was put into a thick strapped yellow dress lined with pink and pink shoes with a pink headband. The dress spun out when I twirled and it would move gracefully along with my movements. I wore pink studded earrings and my bangs were pressed so they swept to one side. I wore lip gloss and a gold and pink necklace. The maid admired her work before taking me to the first schedule. Right now I was scheduled to go over everything I know about being a Nobel's granddaughter. Like my etiquette, politics, dancing, ceremonies, instruments, history, and geography. I know all of this stuff but I'm required to prove it. The made took me to a small ballroom where I'd be practicing. I waited there patiently as the maid stood by.

"Alright I am supposed to review everything you should know. Shall we begin Lady Alana?" I still wasn't used to this treatment but I nodded my head slightly.

"Yes, I'm ready." I said calmly. The instructor nodded and began.

"Let's start with etiquette." He said in an authoritative tone. The instructor went over table manners, how to use the right utensils, how I should compose myself, how I should shake someone's hand, bowing, greetings, even how I should hold a cup. I honestly didn't like going over this again but I knew that it would end soon and I looked forward to it. "Very good, milady." The instructor said in a praising tone. "Now will move on to history, politics, and geography." I secretly sighed when the lesson began. When I forgot a couple of the answers the instructor would give me a thorough explanation on each answer. "You are doing very well, Lady Alana."

"Thank you." I said wearing a smile with my eyes closed. I opened my eyes again and we move on to the next part of the lessons.

"Okay the last parts of the lessons are dancing, ceremonies, and instruments." I was quite happy that the lessons were soon ending but that little bit of happiness disappeared when Prince Wilfred's kind face entered my mind. I was unaware of the worried expressions on the servants' faces.

"My lady, are you alright?" I heard the worried voice of the maid that tended to me. I snapped out of my daze and looked up at her with a smile.

"Yes I'm fine. Please do not worry." I smiled at the maid gently and she smiled back. I finished the lessons and was now standing in front of the maid. "Sally what is after this?" I asked her softly.

"Um you have nothing else after this so you may do as you please. Now I must help with the preparations for Lord Michel's birthday party. If you'll excuse me." Sally bowed her head and disappeared through the door. Seeing as there was nothing else for me to do I decide go back to my room.

I walked down the hall with short strides. As I walked through the corridor servants passed by me in a hurry to finish preparations. I opened the door to my room and stepped inside, closing the door behind me. I sat at the window and stared off into space. My mind was enshrouded with images of Prince Wilfred and it only brought forth the sadness within my heart. A few minutes later... Knock! Knock! There was a knock at my door and I gave a vague answer.

"Come in."

The one to enter my room was Zain.

"Lord Michel wishes to you." I nodded at Zain and stood up slowly. I walked over to the door and followed Zain towards the library. Everywhere I looked everything seemed to have a shiny gleam to it. Everything was so clean and well kept that you would think that it's naturally clean. When we reach the door to the library Zain opened the door and bowed. I hesitantly walked into the large room and saw grandfather standing near a bookshelf looking over the books.

"You wish to see me grandfather?" I asked softly and was met by grandfather's gentle gaze.

"Ah yes. Alana as you know my birthday will be here in just two days. We will be very busy in the meantime and I won't see you as much so please bear with it. I know you are still sad with what happened in Phillip but please do your best in the meantime." Grandfather's hazel eyes showed warmth and kindness as he smiled softly. I smiled at him in return and replied in a soft voice.

"Alright. I'll do my best." I said trying to sound cheerful. The library was illuminated by the glow of the setting sun.

"Well it's getting late and you should go to bad because you are going to be very busy tomorrow." I nodded my head and walked towards the door.

"Make sure you go to sleep as well grandfather." I called back to him as I disappeared from sight. I walked into my room and changed into a light blue silk nightgown before crawling into bed. I lay there for a few moments before closing my eyes and letting my consciousness slip away.

(The Next Day) I woke up to sun shining on my face. I sat up in bed when... Knock! Knock!

"Lady Alana, it is time to get up. You have a very busy schedule today." I heard Sally's voice on the other side of the door.

"You can come in." I called out to the maid. Sally entered the room and went over my schedule for the day while I bathed, brushed my teeth, and changed in the bathroom. When I came back out Sally was holding a brush and handed it off to me. I ran the brush through my long mahogany-brown hair. My hair only stopped just a little above my waist and it was slightly curled as always. I put the brush down and wore a white headband that matched the knee high thick strapped green dress lined with white that I wore with white shows. When I was done I stood in the middle of the room with Sally waiting for the dresses. A few minutes later dozens of dresses was brought into the room and in only a few minutes I was surrounded by dresses of every kind and color.

"Choose any dress that you like milady." Sally wore a cheerful smile as she closed her eyes and opened them again. I looked at all the dresses carefully. All of them are very beautiful and it makes it hard to choose. I finally settled on a beautiful royal blue sleeveless dress lined with white and decorated with gold. The top of the gown was like the top of a heart and the gown looked like it covered my feet a little but it didn't touch the ground. The gown also had sparkles scattered all over but it didn't make the dress seem too flashy or too simple. I turned to Sally and spoke softly.

"I choose this one." Sally smiled brightly and it looked like she had stars in her eyes.

"Oh it'll look lovely on you, Lady Alana!" I gave her a gentle smile before she put in the order and in a few moments my room was clear of all the dresses. "The dress will be delivered tomorrow morning." Sally said in a serious tone.

"What's next?" Sally looked at the schedule.

"Next you need to check the preparations, practice your dancing..." I had a lot planned today and it took me the entire day to finish it all. I climbed into bed after I had changed into a green silk nightgown and fell asleep.

(The Next Evening) My dress had arrived earlier this morning and right now my hair and makeup was being done by a few maids that came to prepare me for the party. I told them I wanted to wear lip gloss and eyeshadow that matched the main color of my dress. They curled my hair and it fell down my back in a perfect row of curls and stopped a little above my waist. I put in the diamond studded earrings and a diamond necklace that was beautiful yet simple. Then I slipped on the white heels that I had and after that a white headband adorned with diamonds was placed on my head. The maids made sure that my bangs were swept off to one side before leaving the room. I stood up from the chair that I was sitting in and stared out the window at the row of cars arriving to the party. I was to wait for Zain to come get me so I just stayed in my room and stared out the window. One car caught my attention but it wasn't the car itself, it was the person getting out of it. Prince Wilfred...! His well groomed blonde hair and his kind blue eyes all the things I remembered of him but...his eyes looked cold and distant and I noticed a sad aura about him. He wore his uniform and his face looked expressionless but I could see the sadness hidden in his eyes. He must've felt eyes on him because he looked up and not knowing what to do I hid behind the curtain. Prince Wilfred turned away and walked inside. The guests continued to come and once the last of the guests arrived... Knock! Knock! There was a knocking at my door.

"...Come in." I called out softly. Zain opened the door and stared at me. I nodded my head and walked past him out into the hall. Zain closed the door to my room and followed behind me. When we reached the doors to the ballroom I felt my nerves grow. I began to feel nervous ever since I saw Prince Wilfred walk in. Zain seemed to have noticed as he smiled and spoke in a gentle voice.

"Do not be nervous Lady Alana. Just relax and enjoy yourself." I gave Zain a small smile to his words.

"Yes, thank you Zain." Zain opened one of the doors and I walked in without attracting any attention. I saw grandfather walk up to the dais and everyone turned their eyes to him. I managed to calm myself down as he began to speak.

"I thank you all for coming to this old man's birthday party tonight." Everyone made friendly comments when grandfather called himself this old man. I couldn't help but giggle a bit. I knew what was coming next because grandfather glanced at me and is getting ready to speak. I calmed myself down again and put on a calm expression. "I have someone that I would like to introduce to you all. I have told her to keep her identity a secret until my 110th birthday and now it is time to introduce her to you all. Please let me introduce you to..." Oh here it comes...! Everyone grew slightly anxious as they waited for grandfather's next words. "My granddaughter, Alana!" Grandfather beckoned me forward and I slowly made my way up to the dais not making eye contact with the shocked guests. I stepped up onto the dais and stood by grandfather. I noticed the King and Queen of Phillip had become white as a sheet. My eyes scanned the crowd as grandfather continued to speak until they landed on Prince Wilfred who seemed just as surprised as everyone else. I also noticed that Claude had also become noticeably pale just like the King and Queen. When grandfather finished I slipped out of the ballroom and walked around.

"That was extremely nerve wracking..." I sighed to myself as I made my way out into the gardens where I have hidden in the rose filled part of the garden. I intended to stay there until the party ended. I didn't want to meet with anybody as of right now. The garden seemed beautiful even under the moon light. The night sky was filled with stars and the full moon looked like the biggest jewel in the sky. The wind blew through my hair and everything was silent. I felt calm and relaxed now that I'm out of that hall. It was starting to get colder so I had to go back inside. I decided to go back to my room instead. Along the way I ran into Zain. "Zain I will be going to bed for the night." I said softly and Zain nodded.

"Yes then I'll inform Lord Michel. Goodnight Lady Alana." I nodded back to Zain and entered my room in silence. I closed the door and changed into a lavender silk nightgown and crawled into bed. I must've been really exhausted because I fell asleep right away. The party seemed to have gone on for quite awhile because three hours later all was quiet. Thoughts of Prince Wilfred entered my mind as I slept and I felt my chest tighten painfully at the thought of him. I wanted to be with him but that's something that I cannot ask for because he's getting married so I should just discard these feelings and move on. A single tear rolled down my face as I slept.

It hurts so much not to be able to be with you...Prince Wilfred...

Hi guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter because I put a lot of thought into it and am currently coming up with ideas for the sequel as well as the next chapter so bear with me on this please. Anyway in chapter 7 Lord Michel meets with his granddaughter and you can probably guess what might happen after that or not but whatever! You'll find out the surprising news that Alana will receive in the next chapter so please don't forget to leave comments! See ya! :D

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