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I woke up to my mother yelling at me to 'get your lazy ass up' so I did, not wanting to of course cus like she said i'm lazy as fuck. Anyways I have to go to hell (aka school) which sucks so after taking a shower I grab my normal clothes which are tank tops, black jeans, and a leather jacket with fake wings sowed on to it by my dad. I go downstairs and see my mom who smiles kissing my head she says "new school, new chances am I right kiddo?" I laughed before rasping out "yeah because every anti social kid wants to meet new people" my mom just laughed before sending me off to school with my backpack and all i could think is 'it's the middle of the year so this is just greeeeaat'

As i'm walking in i walk into someone falling, I quickly scramble up and stutter "i-i'm so sorry I wasn't looking an-" the stranger laughed "it's fine you were probably rushing because your almost late" I let out a sigh of relief before nodding because well whoever they are is right I was rushing thinking I would be late. I looked up to their face and saw it was a girl, I smiled and whispered "yeah i'm sorry, hope you have a good day' she smiled and turned starting to walk away when a guy tackled her yelling "wise girl!" I laughed then started for the office hearing a guy saying "yo dude I think your going the wrong way thats the office not a classroom" I shrugged before walking into the door.

I went to the front desk and shyly said "can I have a schedule please" she didn't look up as she scolded me saying "did you lose it" I gulped feeling judged before whispering in a scared voice "actually m-miss i'm new m-my names Katelyn Wolf" she looked up and after an awkward minute or two spoke "oh well sorry" she printed a schedule and handed it to me. I let out a sigh of relief glad they didn't give me a guide because I would be frightened because,

1. human interaction

2. I would make a fool of myself

3. I would die of embarrassment on the first day.

I looked at my schedule before seeing Algebra. I let out a groan before finding the class and knocking on the door, The door opened and I saw a guy probably in his mid 30's. I felt eyes on me as he said "ah! you must be the new student miss uh" he thought for a second then guessed "fox, cheetah, leopard, or maybe birdie?" I heard laughter and my face went red from embarrassment before I managed out a mumble of my name "K-Katelyn Wolf s-sir" he smiled and practically yelled "yes! I thought it was along that line"

He looked at me and shouted "miss Wolf please introduce yourself" I looked at him like he was insane before gaining enough courage to say " H-hi my n-name is Katelyn Wolf i-it's nice to meet y'all" I mentally face palmed myself hearing the y'all. luckily nobody noticed then the teacher said " why don't you go sit next to seaweed brain" he coughed and corrected himself " I mean Percy Jackson, Percy please raise your hand" I heard a voice say "ok mr. Chiron" I saw a hand shoot up so I walked towards it.

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