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Everything was so perfect for him, his Mother and Father are both supportive and caring as everㅡ They take care of him well and Jeonggukーwould not wish for anything.

They have a big extravagant house with expensive furniture both Parents have a decent job to keep their savings on point and Jeongguk future was already settled.

Everything was flawless for him until one stormy night came. The room upstair and every part of the house was dim, albeit they had enough electricity. All of them agreed on to shut the source of light since its already cold as an ice.

Jeongguk couldn't sleep that night, the sound of the blowing wind with the annoying harsh dropped of rain bothered him big time. He keeps on tossing above his bed for a better position, and he can't however sleep, he tried to count some sheep based on what he had read before but still no work.

He groans, his body made into sitting position before pulling down his hair harshly in irritation. He stood up, stepping out of his comfortable bed to get some milk.

Once he stepped outside his room, the noise was already gone and his heart started to beat fast.

His poor seventeen-year-old heart palpitated so fast, far from his liking.

Pitter-patter steps silently as soon as he reaches the first floor with the view of his Parents with slashes neck, the liquid that oozing with blotches of blood coming out painfully quick.

His doe eyes widened from fear, and stepping back from all of it was the only thing he can doㅡ escape.

The lights were still dimmed, so as he saw a blurred figure with a sharp knife and a mask covering his whole face. He runs upstairs. He almost slipped but one thing keeping him to stay focus.


He needs to live and save himself because if he can't. Who will save him?


"Jeongguk-ah." The tall masked man calls with a sardonic tone., it sent shiver down to his spine, sum the cold weather and the atmosphere.

"Jeongguk! Show me where you are a kid. Show me your doll face." Jeongguk whimpered from his position, it's from his secret place, and he knows that no one could find him there.

The place itself was hard to find because it's made by his Dad for something special or if an emergency comes. Especially like this very moment that the man looking for him and want him dead.

It's secured and hidden well under his bed.

"Jeongguk? Baby show me your face so that I can slice and peel using my lovely knife. I will put some salt and bleaches after! Don't worry." The man speaks with a hint of teased that shudder his whole body.

The visual keep running on his sanity and it scares him.

Peeled his face? Put some salt?

"JEONGGUK!" He jumps into his secret room and trembles. "WHERE ARE YOU KID! WHERE ARE YOU?!" The steps keep repeating.

"Go away, please go away." He keeps on his mantra and remembers the red button connected to the police station near their place.

He pushes it and cries silently praying that they come faster.

Ten minutes.


And the sound of ambulances heard inside their house.

"DID- DID YOU CALLED THEM?! I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN JEONGGUK-" And the sound of dashing was long gone.

Minutes later, the voices of Policemen enter his room, and he comes out from his hiding place, his knees are so weak. Hair was disoriented and eyes are drowsy, wet and red.

"Kid? Are you alright?" The Policeman asked huffing, "Hey- no crying. I'm sorry for your lost."

"Mister, my p-parent are gone." Jeongguk managed to speak sobbing with tears.

The Police awkwardly hug him tight and caress his back. "We need to go in a child welfare to keep you safe-"

"No- no I don't want to. The killer will hunt me - I don't want to die.please." He hugged him tight and the officer looks at his friend with an awkward look.

"Taehyung let's go." The other police said awkwardly too and the Taehyungㅡofficer nodded pushing Jeongguk lightly.

"Officer don't leave me." Jeongguk is so afraid that the killer must be around and look at him with his pointed knife. He's becoming paranoid.

"Listen, kid. I-i will try my best to visit you there and- keep you safe." Taehyung said and Jeongguk nodded hugging him again.

Jeongguk doesn't know, but he keeps himself attach with the officer. Maybe because his scent was the same from his Father.

He feels safer.

Taehyung and the officer with the named Jin ride in their police car with Jeongguk who is hugging Taehyung.

They reach the welfare and asked him a lot of question that made him cry harder. The memories of his Parent with that kind of state made him want to puke and dizzy.

"How old are you kid?"

"I'm seventeen- turning eighteen in a few months." The social welfare nodded jotting down all the information.

"You almost have a few months to decide for yourself and your parent may or may not leave you a lot of properties to handle.

The woman said with a comforting face. Jeongguk nodded and bowed down his head.

After a few questions, they put him in a room together with the other homeless kids that sleeping.

It's already night, stormy night to be exact, and he was flicking nervous.

It's dark everywhere and everything keeps him awake.

A thudding sound of a closing door made him jumps and hide under his bed. Hiding inside with tears on his face.

"He is here.he'll go kill me. S-save me." Jeongguk whispered to himself.

Large calloused hand held him tight. He screamed and cover himself using his small hands and push the person.

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me! Don't peel me please-"

"Jeongguk. It's me, Taehyung?!" Jeongguk stops and removes the blanket seeing the brunet with his crumpled uniform and messy hair. "Are you okay? I-I'm just worried about you and asked them if I could visit you."

"Please, Taehyung sir! Get me from here. The killer is here!" Taehyung shushed him to calm and caress his back.

"I can't do that, you're not eighteen." Taehyung started, he himself feel connected with the kid, and he wants the kid for himself.

"Just two more months please." Taehyung sighs but nodded hugging him.

The months passed and Taehyung keeps visiting him and accompany him. In due to Jeongguk doesn't want to talk with the others and Taehyung find it cute? He always made Jeongguk happy and safe and when the months were Jeongguk it been already eighteen.

Taehyung gets him and they lived in his unit.

Taehyung takes care of him so well even though the memories of his killed parent was still there. Taehyung keeping them away by hugging him to sleep.

Jeongguk fell in love with the twenty-six-year-old officer, and he wants to tell it to him.

He prepared of their date inside their place.

He cooked, prepare for something to Taehyung and clean the place.

He bought flowers for their candlelight dinner and put it in a cozy flower vase with a smile attached to his face.

He thinks it's his new beginning.

His new beginning with Taehyung.

"Where is him." Jeongguk pouted looking at the big creepy clock attached to their wall.

"It's almost six- wait. This is not working." Jeongguk muttered walking to fix the wall clock. "Batteries. Hmm. Where." He continued tapping the clock,

"Maybe the battery dislocated?" He said lifting the big clock and remove it to check.

He saw horrifying pictures attached from the back.

His picture together with his parent with slash neck.


"Jeongguk-ah?" Jeongguk suddenly remembers the familiar voice. But its soften, unlike the first sardonic one.

"That's why. That's why. He keeps me.."

The steps come near to him with heavy breaths.

He saw Taehyung shock face turning to a creepy one.

"You found out?" Jeongguk step back once he saw Taehyung getting some sharp knife under his sleeves. "Doll Face come here-"

"N-no." Taehyung face got scary and lick the edge of the knife.

"Lemme peel that faces doll face."

"Jeon Jeongguk body found floating in the Han River with horrifying features. His face peelㅡ" The TV turns off with Taehyung smiling face shown.

He held the skin and stood up placing it in his freezer. "Now, who doll face would I collect next?" He asked with his folder.

"Park Jimin?"


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