Blood, Sweat & Tears

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Blood, Sweat & Tears

"Oppa, I'm hungry." Chaeyoung whispered to her brother who wiping his sweat from his part time job. He came from his school then his part time job to take care of his small family from the harsh world.

His eight year old sister brushing her hair using her lanky fingers, looks like she's not eating well. She almost look like five because of how small she is. "Did you buy food?" The sound of growling stomach came unwanted to Hoseok ears.

He feel so pity for her.

"Are you still working from that convenience store?!" Namjoon laugh at his face, together with his bestfriends Yoongi and Seokjin. "We're coming with you okay? I know it's your... What is it?!!!! Drum roll please!"

"Pay day!" They all shouted, while eating the snack Hoseok bought for himself. Since he didn't ate anything in the morning.

"Namjoon. Can you spare me today? My s-sister is very hungry and I need to feed her. It's been two weeks since we eat-"

"Did we fucking asked you, kid? We need cash for our game, right? Jin?"

"Yup. Bro! Who cares if your ugly sister is hungry. No one care about you both."

"Oppa?" Chaeyoung hugs Hoseok's waist, her tears falling from her swollen eyes. "It's okay if we don't eat again today! I- ate those plant outside Mrs. Kim garden and drink lots of water."

Hoseok face trembles, forcing himself not to cry. "S-sorry."

"Don't cry, Oppa it's not your fault. It's not your fault. I'm sorry for forcing you."

"Sorry I'm a coward. You don't deserve it."

The two hugged under their blanket patches house, inside that small place are warm. Unlike the cold rainy season. They don't bother, they don't worry, they don't care because they have each other.

"I can't give you again anything." Hoseok small voice came out, hiding his face using his two arms to cover if ever Namjoon attack him.

"He's talking back." Jin teases Namjoon, Yoongi giggles throwing chips on Hoseok face. "Namjoon he's not scared to you anymore. What would you do?!"

"Shut up, Jin. You're not helping.. Hey! You did I ever ask your opinion? You're working your ass off to give our need-"

"Work for yourself-" Hoseok stumbles himself as soon as Yoongi punched his jaw. He almost lost his consciousness, but he shakily stood up using his lanky arms. "Wow. He can still get up. Jin, Joonie hold this bitch."

The two laughs seeing Yoongi eyebrow contoured angrily. He keeps punching Hoseok, blood gushing down his nose and mouth.

"You'll kill him." Seokjin sang with unusual tone. "Enough with that. Let's just throw him at the river and take a picture of him! What do you think?!"

"Are you a kid?" Namjoon spatted. "Let's get this asshole naked and let's a pictu-"

"You're both idiot! Leave him there, he's almost dead so let's just go."

The three get their bags and started to walk away but they didn't know that the poor guy laying on the ground, pulling something inside his pocket.

A sharp small knife. He wobbly ran onto them and slice them.




Hoseok didn't know that the small item can cut them into pieces.





Blood everywhere.

Hoseok stood up shakily, cleaning everything. He put the body inside a big black trash plastic.

He took some from his bag and throw the rest in the han river.

"I don't regret everything."

"Thank you, oppa. It's my first time eating this rare meat. Is this beef?"

"Yup." Hoseok answer with his face almost unrecognised because of his black eyes and swollen face.

"It's beef."


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