Intro: Boy Meets Evil

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Intro: Boy Meets Evil

"Do you like cupcake?"

"Jeonggukie, Mommy doesn't like sweet food, sorry darling." Jeongguk's Mother pouted her lips, as she rejected the little cupcake on his hand.

"Nooo. I'm talking with Taetae." Little Jeongguk replied, smiling to his Mother. The lady simply smiled looking at her husband who just shrugged off, considering that, it's what a five year old can do.

She bend her knees, and held her son who showing her his adorable bunny tooth. "Darling, who's this Taetae?" Using her soft voice.

"Mhhhmm, he's my friend." Jeongguk answers quickly. "He's at your back, Mum!" Shivers runs to her spine as soon as she heard that.

"Darling, you're just hungry. What some banana milk?" The kid shake his head, rejecting her. "What would you like?"

"Taetae!! What do you like?! Do you like banan-"

"Stop it!"

"Hon, he's just a kid. Don't mind him." Her husband comforted her, but Jeongguk lips jutted down and it's not something to be proud of.

"Taetae said.. Don't shout at me. He said he'll get mad and kill you, mommy." The lady shakily stood up, backing away from the child. The husband just sighs heavily. He doesn't know who to solace.

After that, Jeongguk's mother feeling started waver. She's not sweet to him anymore, she's not babying him unlike before. They fade away.

"I just don't get her." A fifteen year old Jeongguk said sighing from his room. He laid from his bed with an earphone attached in his ears. "Why can she see you, is it still a secret?"


"Maybe she doesn't love me, Dad is the only one who cared for me. I hate her."


"No, don't kill her. She's still my mother. I'm just a bit lonely. I need a mother you know."


"I only have you, Tae-"

Jeongguk's door suddenly banged open, two people with white gown abruptly pull his arms to go downstairs. "W-what."

"We won't hurt you. We were here to help you, to get better."

"Noooo! Leave me alone! Mum! Help me!" Jeongguk called his Mother who eyed him with disgusted face. "No, no! You don't understand. Taehyung will get mad at this! You need to stop this!"

"Taetae or Taehyung or whatever he's name! He don't exist! He's just your imaginary friend. I understand when you are a kid. But now that you are older?"

"Mum please!" He begged, but his mother ignore her and help the two to bring him outside.

"You'll get better. You'll be normal soon."

"I swear mom! I'm telling the truth!"

"Can you describe your friend to me, Mr. Jeon?"

"I'm not crazy. Why aren't you believing me?" He cried while looking around, the room stuff with white paint and foamy wall. It's scary.

"You are not crazy! Who said that to you?" The doctor consoled, smiling at him creepily. "Once you answer everything, you can go outside and meet your Parents. Isn't it nice?"


"So can you tell me about Taehyung?"

"He's handsome.."

"Uhuhh." The doctor jutting all the details to the white paper in front of Jeongguk. Jeongguk unconsciously scratching his fingers.

"He's my friend since I'm a baby, who always sing me a song.. He protected me all the time... He have this... Mmmm.."

"He have what Mr. Jeon?"

"He have black wings."

"Wings? That great."

"Yea! He's really amazing and the wing is soft. But, but he's horn is too hard and scary at first.. He's fangs are long with his slit mouth.."


"He easily get mad.. He's nails grow longer and sharper when he gets anger.. And hmmm."

"Yes Mr. Jeon continue."

"He's behind you."

".." The doctor freeze for awhile but snorted, he can't believed that he fell for that.

"I'm sorry, Doctor are we done?"

"Yes you can go back to your room."

"Have you heard the news?!!!" Nurses and Doctors, gathered at the Hospital lobby.

"Doctor Lee died after his interview with that new patient!"

"What?! You mean Mr. Jeon? Patient 0901?"

"That's scary!" One of the nurses cover her mouth.

"You know what scarier?"

"What?!" All of them said unison.

"His parent are murdered the day they brought him here. All of their wealth left with him. But, isn't it scary and sad at the same time?"

"Whatever at least he will be rich!

"Silly! Let's just go back to our patient! We are all slacking!" The head shouted startling other patient who walking pass by.


"I'm alone now. Why did you killed my parents?"


"I told you, you don't have to do that. Especially dad. I only have him now what's left in me?" Jeongguk cried, covering himself with his comforter. He feel so suffocated. "I don't wanna be alone, huk." He kept on wiping his tears away.


A harsh cold winds swirls around Jeongguk's room. He somehow feel warm beside him, like engulfing him whole.

He cried there silently inside the big white painted walls room.

"You have me."


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