Author's Note

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     Hi guys, sorry it's been so long since you heard from me, but I'm just REALLY stressed and busy lately and I haven't gotten a spare second to update my stories. I get that I'm probably not the best author when it comes to updating, but most of these stories are for fun when I just get sudden inspiration that wears off after time and I want to share them. 

     Also, I have recently discovered that I am HORRIBLE at writing stories with other people's O.C.'s in them, because it's really hard to keep to the character's personalities and still convey things about the actual story, because there are things I need some characters to say that are important to the plot, and yet it seems like the characters in the story would never say that. I don't want to dissapoint you guys when I'm writing this by not sticking to the characters, but that might leave plot holes. I'm a fairly inexperianced writer, and I haven't taken any writing classes, so I'm not sure how to work around these plot holes. Like I said, all of my stories and fanfics are purely for fun and the joy of writing, because I have inspiration, but once the inspiration dries up I really don't have any motivation, and I feel like every word I type is forced. 

     I really don't want to have to force myself to write, so I might re-write this story without the O.C.'s or delete it altogether. It's probably the story I most dread writing, but, ironically, it's the one you guys love the most. If I re-write it, you probably won't like it as much, because it won't have your O.C.'s in it(and I would probably loose a lot of followers), but I would also probably update more. I would also probably enjoy writing this more if every piece of dialouge I write I won't be worried sick if you guys will like it and decide it fits with your O.C., especially because I don't actually know any of you in real life.

     Again, I'm really sorry, but this story is really no fun to write and I think that even if I continue, my writing would be flat and lifeless and you guys would hate it anyway. I am so, so sorry to let you guys down, but I greatly overestimated my talent when it comes to sticking to personalities that I haven't created when I first started writing this story. You can let me know what you want me to do, and how much you're going to kill me, in the comments.

     Sorry again,



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