Chapter Three (Part Three)

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No way! An update!????? No, you must be hallucinating, I never update! 

Ok guys, I'm really sorry I have been so inactive lately, I just don't have a ton of time.... but here is an update for your sake!

     The math classroom is small and cramped, not to mention cold. I find myself in the worst possible position; wedged between Scorch and Cactus. Scorch is in the Jade Winglet, which we have math with. 

     I find myself inching closer to Cactus's warmth while our teacher introduces himself, hating the freezing chill of the room. Cactus sends a seemingly harmless smile to Scorch, who frowns. Scorch extends a wing over my back, sending an all too satisfied grin in Cactus's direction. 

     Cactus twines his tail with mine, smirking at Scorch. Scorch is full out glaring now, as his head darts out to peck me on the cheek. Suddenly smoke starts leaking from Cactus's nostrils as he scowls.

     Scorch silently gloats by my side. With a large huff, I roll my eyes and squirm out of their embraces, walking over to sit by Silverscale and Droplet. 

     "Wow, aren't you just the boy magnet, huh?" Silverscale whispers to me. I roll my eyes again, scowling and punching her in the arm. 

     When math finally ends an eternity later, the rest of the day passes in a breeze. We never really learn anything in the first week, it's mostly just introductions to the teachers, school, and students. Then some games to help us get used to school.

     We spend a lot of time in the secret cave, playing truth or dare, getting to know each other, discussing how absolutely crazy it is that several of us have the same amulets, etc, etc.....

     It's only when we are all walking back to our winglet caves one night when something really strange happens.

     Scorch and Slush are already gone, heading back to their own winglet caves, so it is just me, Silverscale, Droplet, Icefall, Pancake, Catus, and Astroid heading back to our caves, talking and laughing. 

     Suddenly I feel a piercing pain in my head, and I stumble backwards, before Silverscale, who is walking next to me, nudges me with her wing back into a standing position. 

     "Hey, Eclipse, are you okay?" she asks, concerned. "Yeah. I'm fine." I say as the pain quickly recedes to nothing.

     Suddenly the headache comes back, stronger this time. I crumple to the floor, clutching my head. 

     "Are you sure about that, Eclipse? Because you don't look fine." Silverscale prods. 

     "I-I'm fine. I'ts- I'ts just a headache." I say through gritted teeth. 

     "I don't know, Eclipse. It looks like a really bad headache. Maybe we should get you to the infirmary......" Droplet trails off. 

     "Maybe..." Cactus adds. "Sure" I add with evident effort. I put one wing around Droplet and one around Silverscale as they help me limp to the infirmary.

    The headache abruptly comes on, stronger than ever, pain searing through my skull before spreading to the rest of my body, and it feels like all my scales are slowly peeling their way off of my body. I thrash on the floor, clawing at myself, trying to end the pain. I scream in agony.

     "Quick! Hold her talons down so she doesn't hurt herself more!" Icefall yells. 

     "This doesn't look too good." Pancake observes. "Eclipse, calm down. Is this another mind-reading headache?" Astroid murmurs comfortingly. 

     "It'" I gasp out, panting. Suddenly all the pain vanishes. I lay there, trying to recover, when suddenly I feel my eyes go blank. Only the white of my eyes show, glowing a blue-ish, white-ish hue. 

     "Well that's creepy." Droplet says. 

     I feel words coming on. I choke on them, but they force their way out in a voice that is definitely not mine. 

     "Beware the one with scales of sand.

      Beware the one with the marble band.

      First the dragonets will become ill, 

      Then much dragon blood will spill.

      On the night of the Eclipse, 

      Sand will fall from the sky, 

     And many of ERA's dragonets will die.

      Six amulets of light and warmth,

      Shall join together on the marble stone, 

      So ERA will not see dragon bone."

     "What's that supposed to mean?" Silverscale asks. 

     "I don't know." I reply, "But I doubt it's good."

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