Chapter One (Part Four)

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Hi, time for part four of one! I hope you enjoy, but first, I have noticed that I have three loyal readers who keep reading this story, it might not seem like a lot to you, but it means a lot to me. So thank you! If you do end up submitting an OC, it will be one of the main characters, but it is really up to you. Happy reading!

He has the same amulet as me. Given, his are a different color and gems, but other than that, mine and his were identical. He follows my gaze down to his pendant, and an embarrassed look crosses his face. "I know, it's strange, isn't it? I found it in a cave in a mountain, and I never take it off. It always keeps me the perfect temperature, and I have developed a sort of bond with it." he clarifies. He notices my expression and hurriedly says "I know it sounds funny, but-" "Not funny at all," I interrupt dazedly, and my gaze shifts to my pendant. He looks as well, and my gaze travels up to his face, waiting for his reaction. First a look of confusion crosses his face, then of shock. "How....what.....where did you.." he stutters. "I found it on a beach, and it pretty much does exactly what you said your's does." I quickly jump in. "Oh" he says, obviously still stunned.

I want to talk more about it, to get some answers, but we have arrived. I am slightly embarrassed as I realize that we are late, and all the other dragons have already found their caves. I touch down and start rushing towards the entrance.

The school is built on a towering mountain, and the entrance and landing platform are both just about halfway up the mountain. There is a legend that there is a long, emerald green river running through the center of the mountain, hence the name, Emerald River Mountain.

Once inside, I am met with an smiling, stereotypically cheerful RainWing, and a large banner that exclaims in colorful letters: WELCOME STUDENTS!!!!! As soon as I tear my eyes away from the banner, I notice that there are three tunnels leading out of the room, two on the right, and one on the left. The ones on the right are the student's quarters and classrooms, I learn from reading the neat signs hung over the tunnel entrances, and the one on the left leads to the teacher's quarters. There is a large gong in the back of the room, engraved with flying dragons, and a few places on it are even tarnished with rust. I shouldn't be surprised. This school is very old, and the founders are all at least a century old.

Even though it is old, the school keeps up on everything, and the lessons taught here are nothing but the best, depending on modern research. Their are huge stalactites hanging from the ceiling, sometimes met with even huger stalagmites, reaching up from the ground to try to touch the top of the cave, as they have been doing for hundreds of years.

I look back to the RainWing, and she says "Hi! And welcome to Emerald River Academy! And you two must be Scorch and Eclipse, right?"

"What!? How did you know that???" Scorch asks loudly, confused.

"Well, silly," she says, rolling her eyes as if it is the most obvious thing in the world, "you two were the last to arrive, duh". Yeah, so late I is afraid they wouldn't make it, her mind grumbles. I wince.

"I'm Tapir, by the way. I am one of your teachers! Food is available in the Food Cave, and if you want to rest, you can just go to your caves and make yourselves at home," she adds.

She smiles. "You are going to love your Winglets," she exclaims with a smile. "Ok," Tapir says "here are your welcome scrolls and maps of the school". She throws each of us two scrolls, and while I catch them with ease, Scorch fumbles on the second one, seemingly embarrassed as he bends to pick it up.

"Alright, ladies first, so, Eclipse, first tunnel on the right, second cave on the right. You're in the Emerald Winglet. And, Scorch...." Tapir's voice fades away as I walk down the second tunnel on the left. A long, twisting passageway greets me, hung with glowing orbs strung from the ceiling, and it is angled downward.

The orbs glow so brightly, it feels like I am swimming under the ocean, not going underground. I have heard that their is a different theme for the orbs every day, one day they look like the rainforest canopy, the next like the sea, the next like smooth, calming mud puddles, and sometimes even like a cold, icy passage or the night sky. Every once in awhile, they would even hang up carmine and red orbs for the SkyWings, or light gold and yellow for the SandWings.

I guess today it's my element, because I have always felt more closely connected with the Sea than the Night. I still feel a connection with the Night, but not as much as the rolling waves, the rays of light cast through the ocean on sunny days, or the green-blue waters of the tide.

I reach some caves, and start counting, until I realize there are gems above all the caves, each a different type of gem and have the names of different Winglets on them. I spot the jade Winglet, carved out of jade, the quartz Winglet, out of quartz, and even the gold Winglet, carved out of pure gold.

I find the Emerald Winglet's cave, and stop outside. I take a deep breath. This is it. This is where my life will truly begin.

No more sitting in a boring little hut in the Kingdom of Night, listening to my mom rant on and on about how much she misses the Sea, and how horrible the Night Kingdom is.

No more listening to my dad ramble about how there is not enough food, and how we need a better Queen than Queen Darkmoon.

No more hunting on my own with tears in my eyes, because mom and dad were fighting, again, and had forgotten to give their two-year-old dragonet food.

No more forcing myself to listen to the other Night Dragon's thoughts on how horrible my parents are, how my dad is such a traitor to have married a Sea Dragon, of all dragons, and even worse, to have given birth to a hybrid. That is bad enough, let alone having to hear out loud how much they despise the hybrid.

My life changed after I went to visit my aunt, Queen Seaweed, and on my way back found my amulet. I never felt so alone and depressed after that, but now is when I really start to live.

I shake myself out of my thoughts. Everyone else must already be in the Food Cave or in their caves, because almost no one is in the hallways.

I take another deep breath. My ears twitch. From inside my cave, I can hear something clatter to the floor, and some murmured words of frustration. That must be my cavemate. Yay.

I slowly step into the entrance to the cave. The cave is very big, twenty dragons can fit in it with their wings spread and still have room to spare, and as far as I know, I am only sharing this cave with two other dragons, my cavemates.

It is a round room, walls smooth and shiny. There are several silk pillows laying around the room, and a little table in the middle. There are I can see two smaller tunnels leading out of the cave, and I realize the room I am standing in must be the emerald Winglet's meeting cave, and those must be the girl's and boy's dorms. I go into the one that is labeled girl's dorm by an emerald attached to the top of the door. There is a large window in the back of the room, just big enough to fly through, and covered in clear crystal to shield us from the elements. I would have thought it is sealed shut, until I realize that it has hinges so it can be opened.

There are three beds up against the walls, each looking like it had been designed for a different dragon. One is a bed of soft, glistening snow, which probably animus-touched to keep it from melting, one is a small pool, but as I look closer, I see that there is some soft sand at the bottom, covered by a bed of soft seaweed. The last one is just a simple hammock strung between two stalactites.

Scroll racks line the walls, six of them, two near the seaweed bed, one empty(probably for future school-work and scrolls that I can write myself) and one full, plus two each near both the snow bed and the hammock, same concept. I resolve that I will take the seaweed bed.

A dragon looks up. Mind-reader flashes through her mind before I instinctively pull up a shield to hide me from her thoughts. "Hi!" she says enthusiastically. She is a NightWing/IceWing hybrid, possessing the body form of an IceWing, but midnight black scales like those of a NightWing. And dangling from her neck on a silver chain, is a yellow, pulsing, pendant.

Yay! I finally finished the first chapter! The second chapter will be from Silverscale(my friend's OC)'s P.O.V.(Point of view). Bye!

~ Eclipse

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