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Hi! Thanks for reading my story! I should update at least once a week, but first I need some characters. So if you want to submit some OCs,  below is the info I need on the OC. If you are a hybrid, just say which tribe you want to represent. The first three will get to be main characters, and the rest will be side characters. FYI, this is my first story on Wattpad, so if you have any suggestions just leave them in the comments. Also, dragons in this story can live to be about 200 yrs. old, but they mature faster than scavengers(humans), so a five-year-old would have the maturity of a fifteen-year-old. Here is the info I need(my character is used as an example):

Character name: Eclipse

Age: 5

Gender: Female

Tribe: Seawing/Nightwing hybrid, will represent the Nightwing of the group

Description: Basic Nightwing body form, dark blue wing membranes, dark emerald green scales, star pattern on under-side of wings, webs between claws, gills, curved horns like those of a Seawing, teardrop scales, glow-in-the-dark scales.

Personality: Smart, Humorous, Book-worm/Know-it-all, Sarcastic, can be bossy at times, well-rounded, shy to dragons that she has just met, polite, slightly introverted and unsure of herself.

Abilities: Can read minds, foretell the future(even though she doesn't know it), breathe fire, breathe underwater, swim very well, fluent in aquatic, her necklace gives her animus powers(she doesn't know that either, as far as she knows, she is only a mind-reader).

So there you go! Don't be offended if I don't use your character, I will use the ones that fit the story best. I will start the story as soon as I have dragons for at least two Winglets. You can still add your OC after that, until all the spots are filled. I will try to use each character as much as possible, but I will use the ones in the main Winglet the most. Below is a horrible map of the school, but it will give you the main idea. Green=windows, Dotted line=entrance to new cave/open to the outside, Thick line=secret/not known about, Thin line=wall to a cave/chamber, JC=Jade Winglet meeting cave, QC=Quartz Winglet meeting cave, GC=Gold Winglet meeting cave, EC=Emerald Winglet meeting cave, SC=Silver Winglet meeting cave, BC=Bronze Winglet meeting cave(the 'C' stands for cave), B=boy dorms, G=girl dorms. Enjoy!

I hope you like the rest of the story!


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