Chapter One (Part one)

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Okay, so while I am waiting for more OCs, I will start the first chapter. The Icewing and Nightwing spots for the Emerald Winglet have been taken, by my friend and I. Also, the Skywing spot for the Quartz Winglet and the Mudwing spot for the Jade Winglet have been taken by my other OC and my friend's OC. If you want to have two OCs, you can design a different one and say what kind relationship it has with your character(ex: Friend, Foe, Boyfriend/Girlfriend). I hope you like it, sorry if it's bad but no hate comments. This chapter will contain a little romance but nothing strong or disgusting. There will be several parts to this chapter since it is so freakishly long.

Eclipse's P.O.V.

The wind buffets my wings, forcefully throwing me off course. The rain cooperates with the wind, slashing down in thick torrents, determined to break each and every one of my diamond-hard bones by repeatedly (and rather vigorously, I might add) slamming my body into the mountains I am flying near.

Why don't you fly the scenic route that runs through the mountains to get to the school? Mom had said. It'll be fun, she had said. Yeah, I totally agree, I think, the view is totally worth the torture. Oh, wait, the rain is blocking my view! (Note the sarcasm). I have foolishly forgotten that the great and powerful forces of nature hate me.

I reach up to my pendant, hanging from a chain around my neck to assure me it is still there. The one unpleasant sensation I am not feeling right now is cold, thanks to my necklace. It pulses with a gentle light, and emits warmth to all who wear it. Or at least I think it does. No one has worn it but myself. It hangs on a long chain of little pearl-ish things made from some sort of dark blue stone that has been smoothed and rounded to a miniscule size. At the end is a deep green emerald about the size of a scavenger's head, and within the emerald is a smaller green stone, and within that stone is one that is even smaller, a green so light it is almost white. I found it on a beach, hidden away from everyone else, and I never take it off. Their is undeniably a source of power about it. I glance down, only intending a quick look, but I end up staring at it, mesmerized, in a trance. I could get lost in it's soft glow, and I want to stay there forever. But all it takes is one good slam into the mountain for me to snap back into reality.

My wings beat hard, trying to stay aloft and balanced. My poor gills can't understand what to do, one minute I am submerged in rainwater, and the next the water is sliding off of my smooth scales, leaving my gills dry.

Ow... that hurt, I think as I slam into a particularly sharp piece of rock. I want to sigh, but I know water will only get in my mouth if I do. I need to find shelter....I can't keep flying in this, I think, even though my own thoughts nearly drown out in the roaring rain. My eyes scan the face the cliff for a cave, an outcropping, anything but no refuge presents itself. I finally give up and start diving down into the forest below.

The wind and rain angrily throw my tail back and forth, seemingly gloating at me for backing down from their challenge. "Yeah, you win this time," I mutter, instantly regretting it as what feels like a lake's worth of water comes flying into my mouth, my words drowned out by the wind and rain. I thankfully dive into the tree cover, though the large branches and leaves swaying in the wind provide little coverage.

I lumber forward and collapse onto the soft(however wet) leaves littering the ground. I can hear the explosion of thunder above me, and am still surprised that I didn't get hit by lightning. Surprised, but grateful. Maybe the elements don't hate me so much after all is my last thought before the comforting talons of sleep take me.


That was part one! Hope you guys enjoyed! Even though, like, nobody is reading this so I don't know who I am talking to. Anyway, Part two coming soon!


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