Theme park day part 5(Knives)

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Qibli's POV:

Moon and I freed our friends from their cages.We ran to the biggest cave and peeked behind the rock walls.There was a mysterious person wearing a black cape.He was sharpening his knife while humming a spooky tune.He seemed to not know that his gang and the police were battling outside.

We led one of the groups of police to that cave and raised our weapons,"YOU!SURRENDER!"The mysterious person turned around and said,"Oh.It's you.So you finally found us.Well I am not afraid of a little battle!"He flung three of his knives at us.Luckily,we dodged them.He pulled out five more knives from his cupboards and threw them at Glory and Sunny.Deathbringer grabbed a  long metal pole and swung it.He thwacked the knives away.Fatespeaker picked up a knife and flung it towards the person in the cape.It missed him so he yanked out two more knives out of his pockets.He threw them at Moon and I.I quickly zipped away from it but Moon was shot by one of them.Her arm had a big bloody slash on it.

To be continued...

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