Theme park day part 6(Hospital)

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Qibli's POV:

Moon fell to the floor and fainted.I screamed,"MOON!"The mystery person had no more knives.The police caught him and his evil gang.They took them to their police cars and drove away to the police station.The police group leader was still here and he said,"Moon is injured and fainted.We have to bring her to the hospital!"I carried Moon to our jet and flew it to the hospital.

At the hospital...

Moon is in her hospital bed.We all sat next to her.She still didn't wake up!The doctor said that he gave her some medicine already so she will wake up later.I panicked until we got a phone call from the police.He said,"The person with the cape is called Darkstalker.He kidnapped you because you are very valuable."I asked,"Why are we valuable?"He answered,"2 princesses and their friends. Isn't that precious enough?"I said,"Oh right!I didn't think about that.Um,is Darkstalker and his gang in jail?"The police replied,"Yes.In fact,forever.Good bye!"I turned to Moon and sighed.Clay was eating a few chicken nuggets and said,"When is Moon gonna wake up?"Turtle shrugged.Sunny suggested,"Hey!I have a great idea!You know those fairy tales?"We nodded.She continued,"The princess was under a spell which made her sleep for a long time.The prince woke her up by giving her a kiss."I was puzzled,"What does that have to do with Moon?"Sunny facepalmed,"You go kiss Moon!"I said,"But I'm not a prince."She answered,"Never mind!Go on!We all know you have a crush on her!"

To be continued...

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