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A/N: So sorry for not updating yesterday! Writers block sucks.

Starflight was talking with Clay. It was fairly late at night, and everyone else was asleep.

"Starflight, do you think that we can trust Meerkat?" Clay asked.

"Why do you ask?" Starflight replied.

"I don't know." Clay said. He sighed. "I guess it's just that I don't know if he's lying, and he's hurt Sunny. I don't know if I can forgive him for hurting her. And what if Meerkat is still in league with Darkstalker and was lying to everyone?"

"You do have some good points." Starflight said. "But for now, I think we can trust him. Sunny trusts him. Kind of, at least. We should be wary and on guard, but for now, I think we can trust him."

Clay nodded. "Thanks, Starflight. I'm just really worried about Sunny right now. And Glory, and Tsunami, and you."

"Why me?" Starflight asked. He wasn't really personally affected by the whole incident. He and Deathbringer were/are friends, but he and Glory were the closest, and Starflight didn't know Meerkat very well. The experience with Darkstalker had been terrifying, but it didn't affect him like it did Glory and Sunny.

"Because I care about you." Clay replied. "You went through it with the rest of us, and even though you weren't exactly close to Deathbrigner and Meerkat, no offense—"

"None taken."

"We all had a hard time, and everyone needs someone to check in on them every now and then." Clay continued. "And you don't really have anyone to talk to. This whole experience took a toll on us. We're never going to be the same."

"What about you?" Starflight asked. "Who looks out for you?"

Clay smiled. "I have Peril. She takes care of me a lot, and I have my family. We're close. And I know that you don't have that, and neither do the rest of you. Tsunami is trying to recreate a bond with her mom, but the rest of you—you guys don't have someone to go to other than our significant others. But it's not the same as a person who just genuinely cares about you. Sometimes you need someone that you love as a brother or sister."

Starflight smiled. He definitely understood that. Fatespeaker was great at making him happy, but sometimes he needed someone he was close to—someone in his adopted family to talk to. "Thanks, Clay."

"Hey, it's no problem." Clay replied. He pulled Starflight in a side hug. "You're like a brother to me. It's what I do."

Starflight grinned. It felt nice to be taken care of.

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