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A/N: I think I spelled Deathbringer wrong a lot, so please tell me where I messed up. I'm super tired right now and it's only 7. So. Sorry. Please excuse my terrible spelling.

Sunny woke up the next morning and saw that Glory and Deathbringer were already awake.

"Hey, Sunny," Glory said.

Sunny yawned. "Hey, Glory."

"You hungry?" Deathbringer asked. "We still have some pizza."

"Not right now." Sunny replied.

"Okay." Deathbringer said.

"Is my mom awake?" Sunny asked.

"I think so." Glory said. "But I think she left to go to school already."

"What time is it?" Sunny asked.

"About seven o'clock." Deathbringer said. "So school starts in an hour."

"For everybody else." Glory said. "Not us today."

"I know, right?" Glory said. "It's great."

Sunny turned on her phone and saw a text from Meerkat.

Hey, I'm not going to school today. Can I come over? He texted her.

Yeah. Sunny replied. See u soon

"Meerkat's going to be over soon." Sunny said. "He's skipping school today with the rest of us."

Glory nodded. She looked at Deathbringer. "You two have a lot to talk about."

Deathbringer sighed. "I know." He rubbed his temples. "I've got a headache. Do you have any medicine?"

Sunny nodded. "Yeah, it's in a bathroom cabinet. I'll go get it."

Sunny went to the bathroom and got the medicine, and Deathbringer took it.

"Are you okay?" Glory asked.

"Yeah, I've just been stressed lately, and the explosion messed with my head. I might have a concussion." Deathbringer said.

Glory arched an eyebrow. "Do you need to go to the hospital or something?"

"No, I'll be fine." Deathbringer said. "Don't worry about me."

"You know that's literally impossible." Glory said.

"Yeah, I know." Deathbringer replied. "But it makes me feel better."

Glory laughed. "Okay."

Sunny smiled. "Are you sure you're okay, Deathbringer?"

"Yeah." Deathbringer said. "I'll tell you if it gets worse."

Sunny nodded. "Okay. But don't be afraid to talk about it. I don't want you to get hurt worse."

"Really, it's not bothering me." Deathbringer insisted. "I'll be fine. I'll just need a few days for it to fully heal."

"Alright." Sunny said. She didn't want Deathbringer to worry Glory more than he already had.

Clay stirred a few feet away, and then sat up, rubbing his eyes.

"Hey, guys." He said. "What's up?"

"Not much." Sunny said. "You hungry?"

"Yeah." Clays said. "We still got some pizza?"

Sunny laughed. "You bet. But you might have to fight Deathbrigner for it."

Deathbringer crouched down and curled his hands shut, ready to fight Clay. "I'm ready." He said.

"Don't take my pizza." Clay threatened.

"It's on." Deathbringer said.

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