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A/N: I̶ ̶r̶e̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ ̶n̶e̶e̶d̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶s̶t̶o̶p̶ ̶w̶a̶t̶c̶h̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶Y̶o̶u̶t̶u̶b̶e̶ ̶t̶b̶h̶   Anyway, here's the chapter, though a few days like. I hope you all like it even though it's kinda sad. Also, since I'm almost at 200 followers, I'll be posting something for it soon, so I'd look out for it. I'm not 100% sure what I'll do yet, but I'm planning on making a Discord server (does that sound good?) and doing art requests, random FAQ, or just anything you guys want. Thanks!

"Mom!" Sunny shouted when she saw her mother walk through the door, looking exhausted but happy.

"Hey, beetle," Thorn said lovingly, wrapping Sunny in a hug. "How's it been here?"

"Pretty good," Sunny replied, stepping back. She was being honest, too. There wasn't the heavy blanket around everyone's shoulders, the air felt lighter, and they weren't all carrying a sadness, one they thought was permanent.

"Good to know," Thorn said happily. "Now, where's the idiot who tried to get himself killed?" she demanded.

"Right here," A nervous voice said behind them. Sunny turned around and saw Deathbringer giving Thorn a small wave.

"Deathbringer," Thorn said with a shake of her head. "You're an idiot, I'll give you that. But I thought you at least had a little common sense!"

"Yeah, me too," Glory muttered from Deathbringer's side. Deathbringer just punched her playfully.

"Anyway," Thorn said with an eye roll. "I'm gonna order some pizza and you all can stay here tonight. I'll drive you all to school tomorrow."

"If we even go to school tomorrow," Deathbringer sniggered.

"You know," Sunny realized. "I think this is a normal thing. Whenever something crazy happens, we crash here and order pizza."

"Pizza is my comfort food," Clay said with a grin, and Sunny couldn't help but grin back. "And so are tacos, bagels, steak--"

"We get it, Clay," Tsunami said, lightly shoving him. "You like food. Who could've guessed?"

Sunny laughed. "Well, since we're all together again, let's do what we always do when we're together."

"Which is?" Starflight asked.

Sunny's smile widened. "Prank calls. Like we would in middle school."

"You mean when we were angsty and thought we were cool?" Riptide asked with a small smile.

"Looks like it hasn't changed much, then," Tsunami replied. "Except for the cool part. I'm obviously cool. Not sure about the rest of you."

Sunny laughed, and she heard her friends join in. But she couldn't help but wish things were like they were. When things were easy. When their biggest worry was what they were wearing or how their hair looked. What their grades would be for the semester.

Sunny ached for those days. Even though they were happier than they had been when they all thought Deathbringer was dead, there was still a burden. Scarlet could be alive, watching their every move. They had all ben scarred by Darkstalker's actions, and even though they were all in one piece, they had all been hurt and traumatized. And she knew it would be a wound that would tak forever to heal. It would take time, and it would scar, taking so long to fade, but they were alive.

To Sunny, that was one of the most important things. They would get through this. Even though they were wounded, wounds would heal. It might take a longer, but if they were with each other, getting the treatment they need, it would heal faster.

Sunny just hoped that the wound would heal before they were hurt again.

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