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A\N: Hey guys! Sorry for not updating, but I've been super busy. I just posted an art book, so if love it if you guys could go check it out. Thanks for being so patient!

Clay loved pizza. He liked food in general, but pizza was one of his favorites. Plus, now that he felt like a weight had been finally lifted off his shoulders again, he could do what he loved without feeling like he wanted to sleep more than eat.

His friends were making more jokes now, and there was a more lighthearted atmosphere around them, which Clay loved.

So there they were, snacking on pizza, occasionally taking a sip of soda or water, just talking and enjoying some sense of normalcy. 

Clay felt happy. He didn’t remember the last time he had actually felt truly happy, but he did then. Surrounded by his friends, the ones he loved, laughing and enjoying themselves, he felt happy. 

It was such a simple word. Happy. People used it so carelessly and Clay wished they didn’t. Happiness was such a rare thing. To feel truly happy to Clay was feeling joy bounce through your body, with a positive state that could overcome any barrier, one that could destroy mountains of gloom and would also have the lightest of touches. To feel truly happy was something Clay had always longed for.

Sure, he was fine with the way his life had been. He didn’t have a terrible life. Many had it much worse. But was his life the best ever? No. So he relished the moments he had of snippets of happiness, small moments with his siblings, free time with Peril, time with his friends without worry or anything threatening them. He had felt glee at times, he was content, or he felt lucky, but he only felt true, utter, and whole happiness for tiny portions at a time. 

He loved those moments, though. When times would be hard (and sadly, there were a lot more than he cared to admit) he would relish those memories, like a delicious piece of food rested on his tongue and he savored the flavor, making it last as long as he could until it finally dissolved. 

He loved those happy moments more than anything, even the most delicious piece of pizza.

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