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A/N: Hey everyone! Sorry for not updating in so long, it's been a long few months. I'm hoping to update more, but with so many tests coming up and spring sports starting, I'm not so sure. But I hope to update faster or at least go a month max without updating instead of 2 months. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this chapter. Your support means everything and I love you all!

The pizza had come, they had all eaten, and Tsunami was feeling at peace. She was cuddling next to Riptide, all of her friends alive near her, and she felt safe.
But she knew she wouldn't be safe for much longer. If Scarlet truly was alive, she would definitely come after them, Glory at more risk than the rest of them. Tsunami would protect her friends at all costs.
Which, she also realized, is exactly what Deathbringer and Meerkat had done. Deathringer had sacrificed himself so that they all would love, and Meerkat had risked everything by betraying Darkstalker and helping them escape.
She knew any of them would do the same. And that's why Tsunami wasn't as mad about the incident. The issue had been resolved. They  moved past it and we're ready to move on and face the next challenges.
Tsunami couldn't help but smile. When did she begin to sound like a philosopher? She had always acted then, talk later.
But she was proud of where she was now, and where she had come from. She was at peace, and knew how to deal with such situations.
But she knew she couldn't have done it without her friends. They were a family, and nothing could change that.
"What are you thinking about, Tsu?" Riptide asked her, a quizzical look on his face.
"Tsunami's thinking?" Glory asked sarcastically. "Wow."
Tsunami blushed. "Thanks, I appreciate it. Guess I just was thinking about what's going to happen next."
"Oh, don't think about that too much," Sunny reassured her. "Be in the present."
"Yesterday was history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift," Clay added. "That's why they call it the present."
"When did you grow so wise, Clay?" Starlight asked, confused.
Clay laughed. "I think Deathringer can answer that."
Tsunami looked over to Deathbringer, whose face was right red, tears in his eyes from laughter. "Guys, it's from Kung Fu Panda."
Tsunami couldn't help but laugh. "Of course it is."
Starlight was even chuckling. "Trust Clay to remember a Kung Fu Panda quote."
"Says the person who reads a dictionary for fun," Glory retorted.
"Come on," Sunny interjected. "Let's just have fun, alright? Enjoy the moment?"
"Live in the present?" Riptide asked with a smirk.
Tsunami rolled her eyes. "Oh, shut it, squid brain."

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